Retirement provision Nursing allowance insurance test

Retirement provision Nursing allowance insurance test / Health News

Close the gap in case of nursing care with care allowance insurance


The number of people in need of care in Germany is increasing. According to estimates by the Federal Statistical Office, in three years around three million people in this country will need help. The statutory care insurance alone is not enough for many. Private care insurance should close these gaps. Not all can do that equally well.

Statutory long-term care insurance is not enough for many
The need for care in Germany is high. 2.6 million people are in need of care in this country, 64 percent of them are women. 70 percent of all people in need of care are cared for at home. These figures were announced by the Ministry of Health last summer. According to estimates of the Federal Statistical Office, around three million Germans will need help in five years' time. This care costs money. The statutory long-term care insurance covers part of the costs. „But especially for the people who can not rely on private care by relatives, remains a major care gap“, explained the editor in chief of the magazine „Finanztest“, Heinz Landwehr, according to a message from the news agency dpa.

Up to 2,000 euros must be paid
Between 540 and 2,000 euros - depending on the level of care - must be paid out of pocket. „This bill may of course be different in each case“, explained Landwehr. „But it gives a realistic orientation on what people have to expect, who want to provide for their care costs.“ Consumers can close this gap with a care insurance. For the current one „Finanztest“-Issue (Issue 5/2015) took the Warentester 88 tariffs from 29 providers under the microscope. Of these, 31 were without state funding, 29 tariffs were so-called subsidized care Bahr tariffs, and 28 tariffs were combined offers.

Nursing Bahr rates can not close the gap
One important finding from the test is that the pure Care Bahr rates will by no means be sufficient across all levels of care to fill the gap. It is said that they are more suitable for people with pre-existing conditions who would otherwise probably not be able to take out supplementary care insurance. They were therefore left out of the evaluation. Already 2013 was „Finanztest“ come to the conclusion that the so-called „Care-Bahr“ is insufficient in most cases to meet the needs in case of long-term care. Of the remaining rates were five offers „very well“, 78 with „Well“ and the rest with „satisfying“ rated. The amount of the monthly contributions of the assessed tariffs depends among other things on the entry age. For example, a 45-year-old customer pays around 56 euros per month for one „very good“ Contract. Depending on the tariff and the level of care, the benefits range from 540 euros to around 3,030 euros. It will be more expensive for a 55-year-old. He has to go for one „very good“ Contract already pay about 87 euros per month. In case of care, he gets between 495 euros and 1,650 euros.

Nursing care insurance is not the most important policy
In addition, whether it makes sense to complete a care allowance insurance as early as possible, explained project manager Sabine Baierl-Johna: „Younger interested parties could get a good insurance though to a much cheaper contribution.“ But then the probable contract period may last for many years. „It is often not possible at an early age to predict whether the contributions can be paid on a permanent basis.“ However, this is exactly what the experts think is important, because if the contract is terminated, customers lose the money they have paid for and are in need of care without protection. In addition, a care daily allowance insurance makes sense, but they are the most important policy in the opinion of the experts. „A private liability insurance and, depending on the circumstances, a risk life insurance for the protection of the family have priority“, said Landwehr. In addition, in doubt, it is more important to make provision for old age. (Ad)

> Image: Lupo