
aging /

The term aging can refer to the individual on the one hand and then describes the biological aging of an organism. On the other hand, there is also talk of an aging population, which describes the increase in the average age of the population as a result of demographic change. Two factors play a key role in the aging of the population: rising average life expectancy and declining birth rates. One of the consequences of this demographic development is a significant increase in the burden on the healthcare system.

Research: Can Rejuvenate Blood from Young People Elderly?

Old mice rejuvenated after infusion of young blood Three scientific studies have come to the conclusion that old mice are younger by injecting the blood ...
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "DE" data-theme = "color "data-orientation =" horizontal "> Science: Human aging is determined by the intestinal flora?

Intestinal bacteria with significant impact on life expectancy The intestinal flora has a far-reaching impact on our body and health. Clearly ...
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As we grow older, so does our body. The older we get, the more our body changes. The most obvious feature is gray hair ...
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Shorter Telomeres: Are Impatient People Getting Faster? Almost every person dreams of a life as long and carefree as possible. A healthy life
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