Age spots require a medical examination

Age spots require a medical examination / Health News

Age spots should be examined urgently by a doctor


Every person's skin naturally changes over the course of life. In addition to the loss of resilience or increased wrinkling so-called age spots are typical age-related skin change. Usually, the age spots are harmless discolorations of the skin, but they should be examined by a doctor in any case, since they can also point to skin cancer in the worst case, reports the professional association of German dermatologists in Berlin.

Skin pigmentation, referred to as age spots, is caused by ultraviolet radiation, although increased exposure to UV radiation can cause age spots even in younger people. If the age spots already occur at the age of less than 40 years, the experts recommend to protect the skin particularly intensively with cream with a high sun protection factor. This also applies in winter, for example skiing. By a suitable sunscreen, the occurrence of further skin damage should be prevented. In addition, a medical examination of the age spots is urgently required, even if the stains occurring mainly on the back of the hand, forearms, face and décolleté are usually harmless. Because the age spots are an expression of chronic damage to the skin by the UV rays and may also be a sign of skin cancer.

Anyone who is bothered by the age spots for cosmetic reasons can have them removed with various medical procedures such as laser therapy or treatment with fruit, vitamin A acid or Rucinol preparations. If an intensive UV protection is subsequently performed, the formation of new age spots can be significantly reduced. From a health point of view, however, elimination of age spots is usually unnecessary. (Fp)

Picture: Christiane Nill