Age-related hearing loss So our senses are preserved in old age

Age-related hearing loss So our senses are preserved in old age / Health News

Many people lose hearing as they get older

Older people suffer disproportionately often from a mostly bilateral hearing impairment. Doctors speak here of a so-called presbycusis. Already every third person at the age of 65 years is affected. A recent study shows that untreated hearing disorders are not only annoying and uncomfortable, they can also cause people to fall down, become lonely or lose their mental faculties.

Dr. med. Christiane Völter from the Ruhr-Universität Bochum presents the pilot study on care options for the hearing impaired at the annual meeting of the German Society of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (DGHNO KHC) in Lübeck on May 8, 2018. One focus is the so-called cochlear implant, which aims not only to improve the quality of life of the elderly, but also to improve cognitive performance.

Every third person aged 65 and over is affected by hearing impairment in Germany. The so-called cochlear impantate can counteract this impairment. (Image: Henrik Dolle /

Creeping loss

In most cases, first the high tones weaken. "The seniors notice that they are no longer aware of the birdsong," reports Dr. med. Völter in a press release in the run-up to the annual meeting. Later, those affected find it increasingly difficult to follow other people in conversation. Frequently, sufferers do not want to admit the hearing loss. But if left untreated, the lack of hearing can have drastic consequences.

Possible consequences of hearing impairment

Hearing loss is a common symptom of illness. Völter reports that many seniors react to the hearing impairment with social withdrawal. The reduced hearing contributes to the loss of mental ability. An often underestimated factor, according to Völter, is that hearing loss can put a strain on the psyche and contribute to the development of depression.

Hearing loss and dementia

"Long-term studies have shown that people with hearing disorders more often develop dementia," says Völter. For moderate hearing problems, the risk increases twice, for a high grade even five times.

Many sufferers do not use hearing aids

"Hearing aids can help to reintegrate older people into society," explains the expert. Today's digital devices are so technically mature that they are also used regularly after a slow settling in by those affected. Apparently, too few people make use of it. The Federal Government estimates that less than 50 percent of hearing impaired people are provided with hearing aids.

The cochlear impantate

According to Völter, the conventional devices are not sensible and sufficient for all people with hearing loss. For advanced hearing problems, a cochlear implant may be required, for example, if the ear therearth is nearing total deafness. The implants record the sound of the environment via a microphone and transmit the signals directly to the auditory nerve. Originally, these devices were designed for deaf children.

Implants improve quality of life and mental abilities

"In the meantime, cochlear implants are increasingly being used in older people," Dr. Völter. Previous experience has shown that surgical implantation in the elderly is safe. Taking into account pre-existing diseases, the complication rate in the elderly is comparable to that of younger people. "In most patients, not only does the quality of life improve, but mental abilities also seem to benefit from such rehabilitation," summarizes the expert.

Course of the study

The positive effects of the implant Völter examined in a pilot study with a series of tests. Each time before and after the subjects had received a cochlear implant, they should perform ten exercises on the computer that examine different cognitive areas. "Already after six months, there was an improved performance in the area of ​​attention, delayed memory, impulse control and working memory", summarizes Völkert their study work together.

Acts the implant against dementia?

The biggest improvements were found in the tests on executive functions. These features measure the ability to deliver complex services needed in everyday life. "Whether a hearing rehabilitation can delay the development of dementia, must remain open at the present time," says Völter. However, the cochlear implant could help to make aging easier. (Vb)