Allergy sufferers should take medication diaries before donating blood

In Germany, around 15,000 blood donations are needed daily. Although this can save lives, only about three percent of Germans are willing to donate blood. Allergy sufferers and asthmatics can also donate blood. But you have to pay attention to a few things because of the medication.
Lack of blood donors
Time and again organizations like the German Red Cross (DRK) are urging donations. In particular, a shortage of young blood donors is to be lamented in some regions. According to the German Red Cross, 33 percent of Germans could donate blood, but only three percent do it. Basically, every healthy person over the age of 18 years can donate blood. However, people who suffer from allergies or asthma must pay attention to a few things.

About ingested medication book lead
Allergy sufferers or asthmatics who want to donate blood should definitely keep an account of their medications. Because in some cases the donation is not possible, as the German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB) reports in its journal "Allergie konkret" (issue 3/2016).
For example, you should not take cortisone-containing tablets or have injections in the four weeks prior to the blood donation. However, the use of asthma sprays with cortisone is usually no obstacle.
The blood donation is prohibited even in acute allergic complaints. On the one hand because of the health of the donor, on the other hand, because the blood in the case of a transfusion could be worse tolerated. It is basically at the discretion of the doctor, whether a donation is possible or not.
Temporary and permanent exclusion criteria
People with a light cold or fever have to wait a few weeks to donate. Certain groups of persons are permanently excluded as blood donors according to the guidelines of the German Medical Association. Among them are people with frequently changing sexual partners, male and female prostitutes, homosexuals, prison inmates and alcohol, drug and drug addicts. Other permanent exclusion criteria are diseases such as hepatitis, HIV or syphilis. (Ad)