Single parenting hardly affects children

Single parenting hardly affects children / Health News

Children with only one parent do not suffer from the fact of single parenting, but superficially under poverty


For children, it makes no difference whether they grow up with one or two parents, according to a recent study by the educationalist Professor. Holger Ziegler from the University of Bielefeld and colleagues. The experts questioned more than a thousand children between the ages of six and 13, based on their personal feelings, with the surprising result that children of single parents are no less unhappy than children with two parents.

While one-parent parenting seems to have little impact on children's perceptions, guardians' financial condition and dependability are critical, educational scientists report. The well-being of children is not affected by single parents, whereas poverty and neglect can significantly reduce the well-being of adolescents, explained Holger Ziegler and colleagues. „When it comes to both areas (caring and financial situation) is bad, it will be dramatic for the child“, stressed Ziegler.

Children of single parents as happy as with two parents
Around three million guardians educate their children in Germany without the support of a second parent. The well-being of the children is, however, contrary to previous assumptions apparently hardly affected, so the result of a comprehensive study by the educationalist Prof. Dr. med. Holger Ziegler and colleagues. The experts of the University of Bielefeld came to the survey of more than 1,000 children to the result that no impairment of well-being by parenting with only one parent. In order to ensure comparability, children from well-to-do and poor families were considered equally. The scientists of the University of Bielefeld were able to state that the income situation - in contrast to the number of parents - had an influence on the children's feelings. In addition, Holger Ziegler and colleagues identified parental care as a key determinant of children's well-being. Although interviewing children is always a scientific challenge, as they can not be presented with complex questionnaires, but with simple questions like „Often times stupid things happen?“ The situation of children can be recorded relatively realistically and then compared with the results of other studies, explained the educationalist Prof. Dr. med. Holger Ziegler.

Children from poor families are stigmatized
While the number of guardians seems to have no impact on the well-being of the children, according to the experts, the material situation of the family has a significant effect on the children's feelings. „Poverty affects all areas of good growing, no matter how well the parents do everything else“, emphasized the educational scientist Prof. dr. Ziegler. Here, not necessarily the money itself in the foreground, but also, for example, financially related factors such as a private room for the child to support a free personality development, explained the experts of the University of Bielefeld. Overall, their surveys have shown that children from underprivileged families in principle are less confident and often have worse grades, so the statement by Ziegler and colleagues. Also, the children from poorer families would rather misjudge their positive achievements. At school grades, which were rated as positive by the children from poorer families, their grades were on average worse than those from wealthier families. Also, the materially disadvantaged children felt more often offended and demotivated, report the educationalists. For the children in financially well-off families, the situation is rather the opposite. They would trust themselves a lot and with a positive school performance, the grades were actually above average.

Financial situation of the family influences the well-being
According to the Bielefeld scientists, the material aspect has a considerable influence on the emotional state of the children. For example, six-year-olds from poor families would think that money is not enough to buy essentials. This favors the more frequent emotional affliction and an increased sense of anger, shame or grief of the children from materially weaker families. In addition, children from families with financial difficulties are often annoyed or bullied by their classmates, not least because their parents can not buy expensive clothing and toys for them. Children from financially weak families would generally be stigmatized by teachers and peers in general, said the educationalist Prof. Dr. med. Ziegler.

Parental care essential to the well-being of children
In addition to the financial circumstances, according to the scientists, the parental care for the well-being of children plays a crucial role. How much time do parents spend with their children? Is there a good relationship of trust and are the guardians sensitive to the feelings of the adolescents ?, according to the experts, these are important factors influencing the emotional state of the children. The adolescents have a high need for attention in everyday life that must be met, explained the educationalists. Since the children of single parents are, according to the results of the survey, at least as much attention and affection, as their peers with two parents, they arise in terms of personal well-being at this point no disadvantage. The children of the single parents tended to judge the experienced caregiving even better than the children with two parents, the result of the current study. Although, according to the survey, the lone parents are perceived as stricter by the children and more often arguing. The scientists around Prof. Dr. Holger Ziegler also noted in their investigation that the lone parent appears to be building a better network than families with two guardians. The lone parents are trying harder to include other people who provide occasionally for the children, the experts said. The children's wellbeing has no influence on whether the parents have their children „authoritarian“ or after that „laisser-faire“-Educate the principle.

Neglected children from poor families need support
The results of the current study suggest that it is not so much the children of single parents who need support, but rather those from poorer material families and neglected children. Ziegler and colleagues. Measures such as the education package, which is currently being discussed extensively, are not really helpful for those affected, according to the educational scientist. Instead, it needs an infrastructure that offers all children a positive stimulating environment and communities that can finance the corresponding expenditure. In addition, the results of the current study, no reason for the all-clear, because although the children of single parents feel no impairment, but the educators themselves suffer from the significant burden, Ziegler stressed. Educators called for increased attention for lone adults, „because it has a strong impact on the parents when they are raising their children alone.“ However, with regard to the well-being of the children, the financial situation and parental care are decisive and „When it comes to both areas bad, it will be dramatic for the child“, summed up the experts. (Fp)

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Picture: Helene Souza