Alcohol increases the risk of cancer

Alcohol increases the risk of cancer / Health News

The consumption of excessive alcohol can not only cause liver disease and make you physically dependent, but also promote numerous cancers. A toxic metabolic product in the mouth is responsible for altering human DNA. The toxic substance is formed during alcohol consumption.

The consumption of alcohol can not only damage the liver and cause cirrhosis, but also strongly promote cancer. That said Dr. Helmut K. Seitz, internist and medical director of the Salem Hospital at the University of Heidelberg. Cancer is the second most common result of alcoholism after liver cirrhosis. The reason for this is a toxicological metabolite of alcohol, which permanently changes human DNA. The substance is produced by bacteria in the mouth area and favors cancers such as esophageal cancer, tumors in the throat and throat cancer. If the patients additionally smoke, the risk of cancer is increased again. Cancer can be caused not only in the mouth and throat by excessive alcohol consumption, but also in the area of ​​the colon, breast and liver (liver cancer). Especially women are affected by the alcohol consequences of cancer, explained Dr. med. Seitz. Even the daily consumption of around 18 grams of pure alcohol causes the risk of breast cancer to increase significantly. Especially after a high consumption of alcohol a thorough dental hygiene is recommended.

In recent years, the number of cancers due to alcohol habit has increased significantly. Studies assume that about 9 million people in Germany are either alcohol dependent or at least maintain a critical approach to consumer behavior. If alcohol is consumed in moderation and as an exception, it is largely harmless from a health perspective. But especially young people are potentially at risk, because they often hardly think about their health. An early education should also be an order of the parents. (sb, 20.09.2010)

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Image: Sigrid Rossmann /