Attention Recall for salmonella in the Veggie-Mix of XOX

Attention Recall for salmonella in the Veggie-Mix of XOX / Health News
Vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, but unfortunately contaminated
Caution: This supposedly healthy snack could be fatal. The vegan and gluten-free snack "Veggie-Mix" by XOX made of dried carrots, beetroot, parsnips and tomatoes is suspected of being contaminated with Salmonella. The consumer protection portal of the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety advises against consumption. According to the manufacturer, "unmistakable natural taste", salmonella also appears to have fallen, as these were detected as part of a product inspection.

These are articles of the variety "Edgar Veggie-Mix 80 grams" with the best before date 05. June 2018 and the European Article Number (EAN) 4031446880617. The company "XOX Gebäck GmbH" calls for reasons of preventive consumer protection and in consultation with the Food Authorities voluntarily return the product. Remaining items on sale have been removed. Anyone who has already purchased one of these items can return it for reimbursement of the purchase price in the corresponding market. According to the manufacturer, further batches and articles are not affected.

The "Edible Veggie Mix 80 grams" with the best before date 05 June 2018 may contain Salmonella. The consumption is not recommended. (Image: food

What are salmonella??

Salmonella are rod-shaped active-movement bacteria that are found throughout the world in mutually and equally warm animals as well as in humans and suitable habitats outside of living things. Salmonella belongs to the Enterobacteriaceae family and is closely related to the genus Escherichia, whose member Escherichia coli belongs to the normal intestinal flora, but can also be a pathogen

How does Salmonella infection manifest??

The symptoms of Salmonella infection manifest in most cases a few days after consumption. It can cause abdominal pain, sudden diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, as well as general malaise, mild fever and headache. People who experience these symptoms after eating the snack should consult a doctor and advise them that it may be a salmonella infection.

Salmonella are dangerous?

As a rule, the symptoms resolve after a few days. In people with pre-existing conditions, weak immune systems, infants, toddlers and the elderly, however, it can lead to more severe disease processes, such as with blood poisoning.

How do Salmonella transmit??

In most cases, the bacteria are taken up by contaminated food, allowing them to quickly spread to uncooled food. Eggs and products made from eggs, raw cake dough, ice cream, raw fish, minced meat and raw sausage varieties such as salami are particularly common. But also plant foods can be contaminated. A classic is, for example, the transfer over an unwashed cutting board on which first raw chicken and then salad was cut. During the cooking process of the chicken, all salmonella die off, but they remain on the raw salad.

Salmonella are contagious?

Salmonella can spread from person to person and, in rare cases, from animal to human. In particular, insufficient hygiene is responsible for infection by a so-called smear infection. In traces of stool remainders of the infected, the pathogens can survive and thus, for example, over the hands, on another host go over. (Vb)