Attention recall salmonella found in tea sausage

Attention recall salmonella found in tea sausage / Health News

Beware of Stockmeyer delicatessen tea sausage with batch number L87 HXS

For the purposes of preventative consumer protection, Westfaelische Fleischwarenfabrik Stockmeyer GmbH announced on 18th January 2018 a recall for the product "Stockmeyer Delikatess Teewurst", 125 g (tea sausage in the intestine) with batch number L87 HXS and the best before date February 08, 2018. In the sausage Salmonella was detected during official investigations. The product was sold in various markets in the federal states of Bavaria, Hesse, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia.

Other products of the manufacturer, including other tea sausage products, are not affected by the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL). "The consumption of the products from the specified product batch is strongly discouraged," writes the BVL in a current consumer protection warning. A retrieval has already been initiated for the affected products remaining in the supermarket. The company regrets possible inconvenience associated with this measure. Buyers of the affected product can return it in the trade for a refund of the purchase price.

"Stockmeyer Delikatess Teewurst", 125 g (tea sausage in the intestine) with lot number L87 HXS and the best before date February 8, 2018 may be contaminated with Salmonella. (Picture:

How to recognize a Salmonella disease?

Salmonella can cause unpleasant gastrointestinal infections called salmonellosis. A disease manifests within a few days after infection with diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting and mild fever. Likewise pain in bowel movements as well as mucus or blood in the stool are possible. Often, the symptoms improve after a few hours or days by itself. However, caution applies to infants, young children, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems, because the fluid loss due to diarrhea and vomiting can be dangerous. The BVL advises persons who develop severe or persistent symptoms after eating the tea sausage, seek medical help and point out a possible Salmonella infection.

What are salmonella??

Salmonella are rod-shaped bacteria that are found worldwide in animals, humans and habitats outside living beings. Salmonella diseases can be transmitted by both humans and animals. Often there is an infection via food. Especially eggs and poultry meat are more frequently burdened by Salmonella. Rarely, pork is also affected. (Vb)