Attention Health risk Bee and wasp stings can be fatal

Attention Health risk Bee and wasp stings can be fatal / Health News
Allergic reactions: Do not underestimate the hazards of wasp and bee stings
It does not matter if you are eating cake in the garden, in the ice cream parlor or in the beer garden: In summer it is easy to get bitten by a bee or wasp. Especially for people with an insect sting allergy, bites can be dangerous. The danger should not be underestimated, warns Bavaria's Health Minister Melanie Huml.

Also dangerous for non-allergic people
In the summer months, it may happen that a wasp and bees come too close and stab. The bites of insects are annoying and painful. With an allergy, they can even lead to death in the worst case. But even for non-allergic people, the stitches can be dangerous, such as if they occur in the mouth or neck area. The dangers should not be underestimated, warn experts.

In summer it can happen that one is stung by a bee or wasp. Especially allergy sufferers should not underestimate the dangers of such stings. (Image: Ingo Bartussek /

Stings can even lead to death
Bavaria's Health Minister Melanie Huml advises caution in wasp and bee stings. Huml.

"A wasp or bee sting is not only painful, it can also lead to severe allergic reactions and even death. Therefore, the dangers of wasp and bee stings should not be underestimated, "said the politician in a statement.

According to experts, about 3.5 percent of the German population is allergic to insect venom.

According to the health survey of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), more than 17 percent showed an immune reaction to wasp venom in medical tests, and just over eleven percent for bee venom.

"Knowing whether you suffer from an insect sting allergy is crucial for a rapid therapy in an emergency," says Huml.

Allergy sufferers may experience cardiovascular arrest
"Bees and wasps are one of the most common causes of insect venom allergies in Central Europe," said the minister, who is a licensed medical doctor.

"Allergy sufferers get a sudden onset of rash on the whole body, sweating, dizziness or shortness of breath, they often lose consciousness and it can lead to a cardiovascular arrest," said the politician.

And further: "In the worst case, anaphylactic shock occurs, an allergic extreme reaction of the organism. Here, the patient must be injected with adrenaline immediately. "

Many do not know about their wasp or bee venom allergy
Huml added, "Many people are unaware that they are allergic to wasp or bee venom. If an allergic reaction is suspected, seek medical attention immediately. "

She explained, "Skin tests and the detection of specific antibodies in the blood can help determine if you are actually suffering from a wasp or bee venom allergy. Information is given by general practitioners and specialists. "

In any case, wasp and bee venom allergies should carry an emergency kit with them to help prevent an allergic shock in an antihistamine and adrenaline sting.

For people with a proven wasp or bee venom allergy, specific immunotherapy (hyposensitization) may be considered as a therapy.

The respective insect venom is injected under careful medical supervision in each case increasing concentrations over a longer period under the skin. The aim is to avoid violent and potentially life-threatening reactions after a new sting.

Particularly with insect venom allergy, success rates of up to 95 percent can be achieved with hyposensitization.

Protect from wasps
Smoke and fire are ways to protect yourself from wasps. So it has proven, according to experts, to put ignited coffee powder on the table.

Other home remedies for wasps can help. If enough space is available, for example, you can place sweet fruit or lemonade a few meters away to keep the animals away.

Cool stitches with cold compresses
But what to do if the wasp stabbed? If the sting is still visible, it should be carefully pulled out with the tweezers.

Then cool the area around the stitch with cold compresses so that the swelling fades faster. As a home remedy for wasp stings are also onions or lemon slices, which are placed on the affected areas.

For allergy sufferers such funds are often not enough. (Ad)