Attention health hazards Aluminum transfers from food to food

Attention health hazards Aluminum transfers from food to food / Health News
Scientific proof: Menu dishes deliver aluminum to food
Experts repeatedly point out that you should not use aluminum foil for acidic and salty foods. Because this allows components of the metal to be delivered to the food. Even ready meals made of aluminum trays can have high aluminum contents.

High aluminum content in ready-to-serve meals from meal trays
The hint, not to grill sour and salty in aluminum is one of the most common tips for starting the barbecue season. Because the aluminum can pass into certain foods, as studies have shown. Also, ready meals made from aluminum trays can have high aluminum contents, reports the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR).

Food made from uncoated aluminum dinner trays can contain high levels of aluminum. This has resulted in an investigation by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR). Especially when keeping warm, the light metal is transferred to acidic foods. (Image: tunedin /

Metal passes to food while keeping warm
According to a study by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), meals made of uncoated aluminum meal trays can contain high levels of aluminum.

In particular, when keeping uncoated meal trays warm, the light metal is transferred to acidic foods. Often food is poured into such bowls hot, cooled quickly, stored cool and then reheated and kept warm until consumed.

The use of such products is commonplace for catering in community catering such as day-care centers, schools, canteens or out-of-home meals.

"In view of the already existing burden on aluminum in the population, a minimization of every avoidable, additional entry should be strived for," said BfR President Professor Dr. med. Dr. Andreas Hensel in a message.

"This is especially true for sensitive consumer groups such as toddlers or seniors who may consume daily foods that are kept warm in aluminum trays," said the expert.

Aluminum intake when using cosmetics
Aluminum compounds are a natural component of drinking water and many untreated foods, such as fruits and vegetables.

Consumers may also ingest aluminum in improper use of aluminum-based cookware or aluminum foil, as well as cosmetic products such as deodorant with aluminum.

The BfR researchers have now investigated the transition from aluminum compounds from four uncoated aluminum meal trays to sauerkraut juice, applesauce and passed tomatoes. For all samples, the release limit of the Council of Europe was "significantly exceeded".

Despite the limited number of samples examined, the BfR assumes that the release of aluminum ions from the uncoated food trays is material-specific and that the results can therefore be generalized.

Poison for the nervous system
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recommends that you do not take in more than one milligram (mg) of aluminum per kilogram of body weight.

However, according to the BfR, many people only consume so much aluminum in their meals that the weekly tolerated quantity has already been exhausted.

An increased uptake of aluminum has long been associated with the development of diseases such as breast cancer and Alzheimer's disease, although the data is not yet clear.

According to experts, Alu is poison for the nervous system, fertility and unborn life. It also affects bone development.

Sour and salty foods
However, aluminum intake from food commodities contributes only to a small extent to the aluminum load of the population - with the exception of sour and salt-containing foods that come into contact with aluminum.

EFSA also points out that the use of uncoated aluminum meal trays can lead to increased aluminum concentrations in prepared meals.

According to the BfR measurement results, an adult would consume about 0.5 mg of aluminum per kilogram of body weight per day when consuming 200 g of acidic food from uncoated aluminum trays daily in one week.

Reduce additional aluminum intake
From the BfR's perspective, this would "significantly increase" the probability of exceeding the value. However, that does not necessarily mean that a health impairment occurs.

Nevertheless, the BfR recommends minimizing any additional aluminum intake. This is particularly the case for sensitive consumer groups such as children or senior citizens, who may consume warm meals from uncoated aluminum meal trays every day as part of communal or out-of-home catering.

Healthy people excrete the majority of the absorbed aluminum with the urine. However, the non-precipitated light metal can accumulate in the course of life, inter alia, in the lungs and skeletal system. (Ad)