Strengthening natural defenses Fresh lamb's lettuce contains a great deal of healthy vitamin C.

In winter it is particularly important to strengthen the immune system to protect against infections. Local vegetables can also help. If you like salad, you should fall back on lamb's lettuce. He is particularly rich in vitamins.
Strengthen the immune system with lamb's lettuce
Especially in the cold season, many health experts recommend using food to strengthen the body's defenses to protect against colds. Corn salad is particularly good for vitamin C intake in winter. As the Federal Association of Producer Organizations Fruits and Vegetables (BVEO) explains, the small green leaves contain twice as much vitamin C as lettuce.

"The healthiest of all kinds of salad"
In addition, the healthy lamb's lettuce is rich in provitamin A..
According to BVEO, he is "the healthiest of all kinds of salad and thus the perfect vegetable to get through the winter healthy and fit".
"In addition, thanks to its high iron and folic acid content, it supplies especially pregnant women with vital nutrients," write the experts.
Recipe for parsley root marinade
The BVEO also has a recipe for all who are tired of the usual vinegar and oil dressing. The message describes how to season the salad with parsley root marinade.
For this, chopped parsley root is cooked with shallots, butter and white wine, mixed with milk and then pureed. This seasoning paste is then refined with mustard, white balsamic vinegar, honey and sea salt. Finally, the salad is marinated with the dressing. (Ad)