Strengthen defenses in cold time effectively strengthen immune system tips

Strengthen the immune system: tips and tricks for better defenses
In the cold autumn and winter months, there is a high risk of catching a cold. Sagittarius is best achieved with a strong immune system. Some tips can help to improve the body's defenses.
Strengthen defenses in the cold season
Especially in the cold season, it is particularly important to strengthen the immune system to protect against infections. There are several ways to improve the body's defenses. First and foremost is a healthy diet. But also exercise in the fresh air and relaxation techniques can help to protect against colds and Co..

Abandonment of the unhealthy
Anyone who wants to rely on his defenses, should, of course, abstain from unhealthy as smoking or heavy drinking.
Also helpful may be the so-called BERN concept that the specialist in general medicine, neuroscientists and health researchers Prof. Tobias Esch of the University of Witten / Herdecke (UW / H) has developed.
The guide of the physician is based on decades of research. The term BERN stands for Behavior (Behavior, Attitude), Exercise, Relaxation (Meditation) and Nutrition (Nutrition).
Exercise in the fresh air
Relaxation techniques for stress relief contribute to a more positive attitude and ensure that body and mind come to rest.
In addition to yoga, autogenic training and progressive muscle relaxation can be mentioned here.
Sauna sessions also serve to improve the body's defenses. And exercise also strengthens the immune system. So you should always go out to the fresh air, where you can even in cloudy weather vitamin D refueling.
The important for the immune system "sun vitamin" is formed in the skin under the influence of UV-B radiation.
Healthy diet strengthens the immune system
But most important is a healthy diet. Health experts explain with which foods the immune system can be strengthened.
Essential is here vegetable food. Nutritionists recommend to consume five to ten servings of fruits and vegetables per day.
The most important vitamins are the vitamins A, C and E, which protect against free radicals. The former can be found, for example, in carrots, tomatoes and spinach.
Ideal vitamin C donors include peppers.
Kale, Brussels sprouts and fresh lamb's lettuce are also good for vitamin C intake in winter.
And you can get vitamin E, for example, with sunflower and olive oil, almonds and walnuts.
Broccoli and chicory
Also recommended is broccoli. The green vegetables are very rich in vitamins and strengthen our immune system.
Even salads from the chicory group are ideal in the cold season. In addition to vitamin C, chicory also contains minerals and inulin, a soluble fiber that plays a role in the prevention of intestinal diseases.
In addition, chicory is a carotene supplier. According to experts, beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E are so-called antioxidant vitamins that protect the body from free radicals and thus strengthen the immune system.
Vegetable instead of animal food
The diet should also include plenty of whole grains, rice, potatoes and healthy legumes. Because these contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals, but at the same time hardly fat and cholesterol.
The fibers also ensure that the intestinal mucosa can perform its task better as a protective shield against harmful pathogens.
In general, vegetable fats and oils should be preferred because they contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids compared to animal fats.
By contrast, animal products such as meat, sausages and eggs should only be used sparingly.
Sugar should be avoided as much as possible and salt should be used sparingly.
Last but not least, it is important to always pay attention to a sufficient amount of drinking. The most suitable are water or mineral water, fruit teas and diluted fruit and vegetable juices. (Ad)