Lose Weight These 5 simple foods block the constant hunger

Lose Weight These 5 simple foods block the constant hunger / Health News

Slimming: The 5 best foods against constant hunger

Germany is getting fatter! According to the German Society for Nutrition (DGE), 59% of men and 37% of women are overweight. The willingness to lose weight is not lacking: Almost every second German would like to weigh less. The most common problem in trying to lose weight? Ravenous hunger attacks and continued hunger!


  • Slimming: The 5 best foods against constant hunger
  • 1. eggs
  • 2. Avocado
  • 3. Linseed
  • 4. ginger
  • 5. Chili peppers
  • Danger!

With the unrestrained urge for sweet, salty or greasy, the body usually wants to point out very strongly to a lack of nutrients. Trying to endure such an attack is a bad idea: it rarely works and beats well-being. We become irritable and tired. Often the hunger is just back after a meal. That does not have to be! Because even though we are more hungry on some days than others, certain foods simply fill you up longer. We introduce you to the 5 most effective satiety products that can help you lose weight!

Goodbye to cravings! Healthy weight loss with our 5 saddlers. (Image: Vladislav Nosik / fotolia.com)

1. eggs

The egg is not without reason the absolute number one healthy sattmaker! The properties of a hen's egg are ideal for slimming: It is nutrient-rich, low in calories and has the highest biological value of all foods, ie the greatest efficiency in the conversion of dietary protein into the body's own protein.

This also results in the good performance in the saturation index. 240 egg kilocalories last for one and a half times as long as the same amount of white bread. Since an egg has only 78 calories, you can barely eat too many eggs. If you're worried about your cholesterol level, do not worry! Contrary to many years of warning, eggs do not cause elevated cholesterol. On the contrary, a balanced and healthy diet even lowers the level. And eggs are absolutely essential!

2. Avocado

If you look at the nutrient values ​​of the avocado, you might be surprised that the fruit, which incidentally belongs to the berries, is listed here. Because it contains lots of fat and is very high in calories. However, these are predominantly unsaturated fatty acids, which lower the LDL cholesterol level and thereby facilitate the removal of annoying fat pads. Insulin levels are positively influenced. In addition, the avocado is full of vitamins and minerals.
The high energy content has a positive effect on the saturation effect. Studies show that people are more satisfied with a meal with avocado than with a meal without avocado. Of course, you do not stop eating many avocados. Rather, it is important to replace unhealthy food with avocado.

3. Linseed

Flax seeds are healthy fiber bombs and thus support healthy digestion. Unlike other foods, they stay in the colon for a very long time, so they absorb and swell water. As a result, people who were given a flaxseed shake ate 30 percent less than those who drank their shake. Saturation starts faster and lasts longer.

As with all foods, you should be careful not to regard the small grains as a miracle cure that you only need to eat regularly to lose weight. However, flaxseed in a healthy diet can make losing weight much easier.

4. ginger

Ginger contains the hormone leptin. This triggers the slightly pungent taste and increases the saturation. The tuber has almost no calories. But plenty of vitamin C, which stimulates the circulation, strengthens the immune system and promotes blood circulation.

Tip: Between meals, drink water with a few slices of ginger and a little lemon! If the slices are covered with boiling water, the taste and the satiating effect intensify even more. The drink also has an invigorating effect and is a real eye-catcher!

5. Chili peppers

Capsaicin, which is found in spicy peas, has been proven to reduce the craving for sweet and fatty foods. The sharpness also stimulates the metabolism, increases the calorie consumption and stabilizes the blood sugar level. Those who tolerate spicy dishes, do their body with the consumption of chili peppers a real pleasure!


If, despite a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of satiety, your cravings stop or discontinue, please see a doctor. It could be a metabolic or eating disorder. (Fs)