Canceling the decoction of drinking water in Erfurt
Abkochgebot of tap water in Erfurt and Sömmerda canceled
Drinking water from the tap in the region of Erfurt and Sömmerda is no longer necessary since Monday evening. The health department has canceled the Abkochgebot after a meeting with Stadtwerke Erfurt. In water samples no intestinal germs could be detected since Tuesday last week, as the city administration announced.
As the official of the city administration of Erfurt, Dr. med. Helga Peter announced that the existing bid will be lifted today at 18:00. Before drinking, the drinking water no longer needs to be boiled. As the health authority Erfurt continued to announce, the cause for the contamination is still unclear, however samples had not proven since Tuesday last week no more Colibakterien. "The cancellation of the order was subject to the condition that two negative findings could be presented 24 hours apart, which was fulfilled today," said the medical officer.
The decision was made shortly before 5 pm at a meeting of the management of ThüWa and representatives of the health authorities of the affected cities and districts: Erfurt, Gotha, Sömmerda, Weimarer Land and Ilmkreis. In a press release of Stadtwerke Erfurt it says: The increased disinfection of 0.2 mg / l chlorine in the context of the Drinking Water Ordinance will be maintained as a safety measure on the recommendation of the health authorities initially. Samples will continue to be taken daily in the network of ThüWa Thüringenwasser GmbH. The health authority Erfurt sampled every two days.
„As a water provider for 230,000 people in Erfurt and the surrounding area, ThüWa Thüringen-Wasser GmbH has established a tight-knit control system. Water samples are taken daily in the network, about 2,000 annually.“ Through this early warning system, the impairment was detected early. ThüWa reacted immediately after it was discovered in its network and took the necessary measures. ThüWa CEO Andreas Reinhardt sends his thanks to all concerned citizens: "In the tense situation, the customers have reacted with great caution and adjusted to the requirements accordingly.For this, we would like to once again particularly thank and understand ask the restrictions that resulted from the impairment of the drinking water supply. " Andreas Reinhardt continued: "We also want to be actively involved in the clarification of the causes in the pre-stored network area in the interest of our customers." (Sb)
Also read:
Health authorities check today Abkochgebot
Cause of coli bacteria in drinking water unclear
Abkochgebot extended because of coli bacteria
Intestinal bacteria in tap water in Erfurt
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Intestinal bacteria in drinking water: 230.00016351a2cc0b08c03br>
Picture: Paul Golla