Ticks already active at seven degrees are already on the way again

Some people think that ticks are dangerous only in spring and summer. The little bloodsuckers are already active at temperatures from seven degrees. They can transmit infectious diseases like TBE and Lyme disease. Some tips can help to protect yourself from the animals.
Ticks transmit dangerous diseases
Ticks are not only lurking in the forest, they also feel comfortable in gardens. Even in the winter months, the bloodsuckers are active, as a study of the University of Hohenheim showed. The small bloodsuckers can transmit dangerous infectious diseases such as tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) or Lyme disease. Therefore, it is very important to protect yourself. In a message from the news agency dpa experts have important information on the subject.

Active even at low temperatures
Although many believe that there are ticks only in the spring and summer, so when it's really warm outside, but that's not true. "Ticks are active when the temperature is a few days at about seven degrees," said Susanne Glasmacher of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).
This may already be the case in February, or when the winter is generally just very warm. However, the risk of being bitten by a tick is lower at this time, because you're not usually out in the open with short stuff.
Nevertheless, one should search for a stay in nature. As Glasmacher explained, the tick could finally crawl under trouser legs.
TBE can be fatal in extreme cases
Of the various tick-borne diseases, TBE is considered one of the most dangerous. Especially in older people, the disease can be difficult. About one third of the infected people have symptoms of illness.
First, there are flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, vomiting and dizziness.
"About 70 percent of TBE sufferers develop brain, meningitis or spinal inflammation," Dr. Olaf Leschnik, chief physician of the clinic for neurology in the hospital Rodewisch (Vogtlandkreis) in a message. In extreme cases, the disease is fatal.
"TBE is not causally treatable. We doctors can only alleviate the symptoms, we are powerless against the virus. " Leschnik.
In addition to TBE, ticks can also transmit Lyme disease. This disease caused by bacteria occurs in all parts of Germany, as Britta Reckendrees of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) explained according dpa.
If the disease remains unrecognized and untreated, it can lead to chronic damage to, among other things, the heart, nerves and joints.
Vaccination for people from risk groups
Against TBE, a vaccine is available. The Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) and other health professionals recommend vaccination coverage to people who often spend time outdoors in TBE risk areas.
Also for people working in the nature like forestry workers or farmers as well as for tourists, who travel in TBE risk areas abroad, a vaccination makes sense.
The RKI offers on its website an overview of TBE risk areas in Germany. These are mainly in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg - but also in places in Thuringia, Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate or the Saarland.
Information about a TBE risk abroad can be found in the Foreign Office travel safety information.
Protect as well as possible from ticks
"Many believe that ticks fall from the trees," said Reckendrees of the BZgA. But that's not true. Ticks sit mainly in the grass, bushes or undergrowth.
In order to protect yourself from ticks, it makes sense to put your pants in the socks when you are in the undergrowth and wear long-sleeved clothing. Special insect sprays can keep the little animals away.
But it is always important to search your body thoroughly after your stay in nature. If you notice ticks on the body, you should remove them quickly with tape. Or with tweezers.
If the animal has already sucked in, it is important when removing not to squeeze the blood bag, as this may result in infectious saliva or intestinal contents getting into the bloodstream of the affected person.
According to RKI glassmaker, you do not have to go to the doctor after every tick bite. The risk of contracting Lyme disease or FSME is low, according to the expert.
Anyone who notices after the bite of a tick, however, that a skin redness occurs at the injection site, should immediately go to the doctor. Because this is an indication of Lyme disease. Then a treatment with antibiotics is required. (Ad)