From September, new regulations for child care examinations

Very soon, new rules apply to the visit to the pediatrician. As of September, checkups will play an even bigger role. The advice on vaccine protection will become a mandatory part of the so-called U-investigations.
Important checkups
Health experts are constantly pointing out why U examinations are so important. For example, the Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) writes on its website "": "Whether the development of a child actually runs normally, can only judge the experienced pediatrician." Ab September will now apply to the visit to the pediatrician new rules.

Impfschutz-Beratung a binding part of the U-investigations
As reported by the newspapers of the Funke Mediengruppe in their Saturday editions, with the entry into force of the new program for early detection examinations, the yellow examination booklet was also revised. According to a message from the news agency AFP, Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe (CDU) said that advice on vaccine protection would be a mandatory component of the so-called U-investigations in the future.
"We want to help ensure that important vaccinations are done on time and in full," the minister said. In Germany, there have repeatedly been major measles outbreaks in recent years, as vaccination rates are still too low.
Experts do not go far enough reform
The BVJK welcomed the new regulation as an "important step" in improving children's health. Especially in the studies on the development of language, fine and gross motor skills and visual performance, there are improvements. The association expects most children and youth physicians to launch the new yellow booklet as of 1 September.
However, the paediatricians do not go far enough with the reform. "We are disappointed that the health insurances were unwilling to incorporate psycho-social development and the early detection of behavioral problems into the book," said BVKJ President Thomas Fischbach.
Three additional health checks recommended
In total, there are eleven preventive examinations for children from birth to the age of 18. The first examination (U1) takes place immediately after birth, the second (U2) between the third and the tenth day of life. During the first year of life, there are four more investigations. After that follows until the sixth year of life every year another. Then, however, is not studied for a long time: Only between the 12th and 14th year is the next planned (J1).
The U1 to U9 are documented separately in the yellow preventive booklet and the J1. These U-tests are free. The BVKJ also recommends three additional health checks - U10, U11 and J2.
Close big gap
The U1 is therefore the first additional check-up, which is to take place at the age of seven to eight years and which should close the large gap between U9 (with about five years - before the school entrance) and the U11.
"The focus of this new check-up is the detection and therapy initiation of developmental disorders (such as reading spelling and arithmetic disorders), disorders of motor development and behavioral disorders (eg ADHD), which often become apparent after school entry," it says on the website BVKJ. These do not refund all health insurance. (Ad)