From 2016 More provision by health insurance companies

From 2016 More provision by health insurance companies / Health News
What changes the new prevention law for German health insurance companies?
From the first of January, the new Prevention Act will enter into force in Germany. This affects above all the benefits of health insurance and forces them to make some changes. The Prevention Act aims to improve health promotion and prevention in Germany.

The health insurances will have to comply with some new legislation from next year on, with the law on strengthening health promotion and prevention being just one of them. What are the exact implications for the consumer and what should the health insurance companies now provide for additional benefits?

The prevention law aims to significantly improve pension benefits. (Image: K.-U. Häßler /

Objectives of the new prevention law
From the first of January, health insurances in Germany must comply with the new prevention law. The law is intended to provide the basis for greater cooperation between social security funds, countries and local authorities in the areas of prevention and health promotion. For this reason, the health insurance funds have to provide increased expenses and extended offers for their insured persons. The new law aims to improve the promotion of health and prevention in schools, day-care centers and businesses. In addition, it is important that all health insurance funds continue to develop services for the early detection of diseases, said the experts from the AOK in a press release on the current legislative changes.

Some health insurance companies already have many of the required services in their program today. The AOK, for example, already offers the focus of prevention in lifestyles such as kindergartens and schools. The health insurance fund also supports additional screening tests and vaccinations and offers several health courses and prevention offers for all its insured persons. The AOK also promotes programs on healthy nutrition and more exercise in day-care centers and schools, and the workplace health promotion should be improved, said the health experts of the health insurance. (As)