75 percent prefer alternative medicine

75 percent prefer alternative medicine / Health News

Over three quarters of patients prefer alternative medicine


What is the German population's opinion on conventional pharmaceuticals? And what are the reasons for poor patient compliance, the so-called non-compliance? The current Health Monitor 2011 of the Bertelsmann Foundation addresses these questions. The topic is at least economically relevant for the health care system: the direct costs of non-compliance were estimated at 7-10 billion euros per year for Germany in a study at the end of the 1990s - these are costs for hospital stays, long-term care or emergency admissions. Real economic damage is likely to be significantly higher, while indirect costs such as productivity losses and absenteeism have been disregarded.

The representative survey has a high standard: the goal is to gather information about the changes in the German health care system and, based on this, to develop concrete reform proposals, the Foundation said. On the basis of around 1,800 surveys of people between the ages of 18 and 79, the health monitor presents key findings: A markedly negative attitude of patients to drugs, which culminates in the statement: „Ultimately, they are poison.“ More than half of the respondents agree. Conventional medicines are primarily perceived as a necessary evil. 82 percent say: „I do not like medication. If I could get away without them, I would leave them out.“ More than 60 percent complain that physicians rely too often on drugs and prescribe them too often. In contrast, more than three-quarters of those surveyed profess their preference for „smoother“ alternative medicine.

„The risk of non-compliance is 1.6 times greater with inadequate medical information on side effects, 1.9 times greater with a generalized negative drug setting, and 3 times greater with an unfavorable rating of the most recently prescribed
drug“, the Bertelsmann Foundation. The medical information on prescribed medicines are a very central factor for the adherence to therapy. Every fifth patient has according to the health monitor „very strong“ or „rather strong“ Fears and behavioral uncertainties
due to the possible side effects of his medication. According to the health monitor general discomfort of large parts of the population with respect to medicines will undoubtedly also find a rational explanation: „Negative, physically and psychologically unpleasant experiences of side effects in a drug are generalized and cause reservations and fears about other drugs.“

„Basically, the patient's discomfort is medically justified“, says Cornelia Bajic, first chairman of the German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors, because every doctor knows: „If a doctor prescribes several prescription medicines for his patient, he already leaves the ground of evidence-based medicine - in this case, there are generally no reliable data on changes and side effects“, Bajic continues. For insufficient information of the patient by the doctor, the Bertelsmann Foundation writes that a doctor „of course not“ could spend the time to provide sufficient information about a drug and its side effects. The patient's lack of knowledge about medicines then leads to hidden fears via hidden, unrecognized risks. „The general reservations about medicinal products („ultimately poison“) can at least partially be interpreted in this context as sediments of half-knowledge and ignorance“, so the foundation.

To promote compliance, the Health Monitor recommends informational discussions, written information, personal phone calls, reminder calls, pill boxes, tablets, and special counseling services for patients who already have relevant negative experiences
Have made medications. „These funds are not enough“, explains Bajic. It is not enough to increase compliance to ensure that patients take their drugs well behaved. „The patient wants an integrative medicine that uses different treatment methods
his individual illness situation reacts“, so Bajic. This includes sufficient time and education for the patient, which creates a high level of adherence through trust. „Not least against the backdrop of the enormous potential for savings, politicians are called upon to create meaningful framework conditions for integrative medicine in Germany for which the DZVhÄ has been committed for years.“ (DZVhÄ)