22 health insurance companies are facing bankruptcy?

22 health insurance companies are facing bankruptcy? / Health News

After the out of the City BKK: Are 22 more health insurance before the bankruptcy?


After the impending bankruptcy and subsequent closure of the City BKK sees the Federal Association of Statutory Health Insurance (GKV), according to an internal working paper 22 other health insurance threatened by financial bankruptcy. This is reported by Wirtschaftswoche in its current issues, referring to internal circles.

Threatens a veritable bankruptcy wave of health insurance?
According to an analysis of the GKV Spitzenverbandes 22 other funds are threatened by bankruptcy. A total of 28 million insured persons will be affected. That is about 40 percent of all statutory health insurance. If it actually turned into a wave of bankruptcies, this would have far-reaching consequences for the entire statutory cash register system. The Kassenverband are, according to the magazine, indications that are on „a potential threat to a total of 23 health insurances“ point out. The Wirtschaftswoche appeals to an internal analysis of the association, which was made before the closure of the City BKK. The report points to a dramatic situation and has been proven right at a box office. Because at the company health insurance City BKK the closure by the Federal Insurance Office was decided after the report. Accordingly, now 22 more and currently unknown health insurance are threatened by a financial disaster. Although the GKV Verband did not name the health insurance funds, about 28 out of 72 million health insurance companies were affected by imminent closures.

Which health insurance companies could be affected??
Not confirmed, but again and again in public due to different problems or additional contributions are the following health insurance: The German employees health insurance DAK, BKK Health, United IKK, BKK for health professionals and the Joint Health Insurance Cologne (GBK) and others. Although these health insurance funds were not mentioned by the umbrella association, there are always reports about, for example, the introduction of an additional contribution, efforts to merge or financial difficulties. Please also read the linked articles below.

First cash register is closed
For the first of July, the City BKK will be the first health insurance company since the start of the health fund. The closure of the cashier had ordered the Federal Insurance Office. The reasoning stated that City BKK would no longer be able to operate according to economic criteria and guarantee economic efficiency. If insolvency and comprehensive measures to safeguard stability no longer suffice, the highest treasury supervisory authority is obliged to close a health insurance scheme. The insured must then look for another health insurance. But just that search was extremely difficult for a large number of those affected.

Sickness funds threaten punishment for refusal of membership applications
About 40,000 of the approximately 140,000 City BKK insured have just found a new health insurance. All others are still searching. Since the majority of insured persons come from large cities such as Hamburg and Berlin and is usually older and chronically ill, numerous health insurance companies are trying to dispel membership applications with flimsy arguments. Now, the denying funds threatened for each demonstrably rejected member a fine of 50,000 euros. The federal health minister Daniel Bahr (FDP) wants to adopt such a procedure in the coming week as a bill and submit it to the implementation of the black-yellow coalition. (Sb)

Also read:
BKK für Heilberufe: merger or insolvency?
City BKK: What now insured must pay attention
Health insurance GBK also broke?
DAK: First health insurance calls for additional contribution
Two health insurance companies threatened by bankruptcy
Merger between DAK and BKK Health failed
Crisis mood at the DAK: Staff reduction threatens
Cash mergers endanger the health system

Image: Dieter Schütz