Face masks - manufacture, application and effect

Face masks - manufacture, application and effect /

Face masks made by yourself

Face masks are easy to make yourself. You should prepare the masks fresh and leave a maximum of one day in the fridge. The colder it is outside, the richer the mask can be, in the summer, however, it depends mainly on moisture.


  • Face masks made by yourself
  • Which mask for which skin?
  • The ingredients
  • preparation
  • How long should a mask work??
  • Honey for wrinkles
  • Pumpkin against blemished skin
  • Guacamole against dry skin
  • Tea tree oil against fat
  • cucumber mask
  • Flour and yogurt
  • carrot mask
  • Strawberries against aging
  • Parsley for skin redness
  • pomegranate
  • Green tea
  • For pimples and acne
  • Chocolate - The Gold of the Aztecs

Which mask for which skin?

Our skin is exposed to a variety of stresses. In winter, it is above all the dry heating air and the cold outside. In the summer they strain heat and air conditioners. Normal skin is fine-pored even without creams and masks. The main thing here is to provide them with additional moisture or to remove dead cells with a mask peeling. Greasy skin is about slowing down sebum production. Particularly suitable masks with salicylic acid (willow bark) or clay or healing clay (clay may call itself healing clay, if it meets certain legal purity requirements, for example, to be applied internally).

Dry skin needs fat and moisture. For sensitive skin, check whether a mask contains substances that your skin reacts sensitively to. If the skin is impure, the masks should be pH-neutral, antibacterial and relaxing. This is especially true for fruit acids (lemon, apple, pomegranate, berries, etc.) and salicylic acid. Greasy masks are then unsuitable.

Masks made of clay or healing earth are suitable for greasy as well as dry skin. They cleanse and moisturize. (Image: Racle Fotodesign / fotolia.com)

The ingredients

For a face mask, use ingredients from the household: yogurt, cream, milk, buttermilk and cottage cheese moisturize, as do vegetable oils such as rape or olive oil. Fruits and vegetables such as lemons, strawberries, raspberries, currants, blackberries, bananas and cucumbers contain valuable vitamins and minerals. Sea salt, banana peel or sugar are useful when the mask is peeled. Honey not only moisturizes and has the right substance for a skin mask, it also has an antioxidant effect and slows down the aging of the skin. Egg keeps the paste stable and provides us with proteins.


Before you apply a face mask, you should clean the skin until adhering fats are removed. Then you can best absorb the ingredients of the mask and the effect lasts the longest. Ideally, gently exfoliate the face to remove dead skin and open the pores. Just mix some coffee grounds with vegetable oil and massage the paste into the facial skin.

How long should a mask work??

Regardless of the type of mask, let it soak for about 15 to 20 minutes, some masks are enough for ten minutes. If the mask has hardened in the meantime, you can remove the remains with a warm towel and wash off.

Honey for wrinkles

Honey contains antioxidants, works against bacteria and inflammation, for example, acne or eczema. It also stores a lot of moisture and works well to tighten small wrinkles.

You take a teaspoon of bee honey, 50 grams of barley flour and a protein. Beat the egg whites with snow and mix with the flour and honey, put the paste on the cleansed face, let it soak for 20 minutes and then wash well.

Pumpkin against blemished skin

Pumpkin flesh contains zinc as well as vitamins A and C. Together with honey, it provides a good mask to care for blemished skin. You take about two teaspoons of boiled pumpkin pulp, some milk and half a teaspoon of honey, mix everything and put it on. Then let it feed for about 15 minutes and clean the face in the end.

With pumpkin meat, a wonderful anti-aging mask can be produced, as it contains plenty of vitamins and antioxidants. (Image: Taras Maksimenko / fotolia.com)

Guacamole against dry skin

Avocado is not only a healthy food, but its unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins A, B and E also stimulate the formation of new cells, slow down the aging of the skin and make dry skin supple. They beat a egg white stiff, mix the pureed meat of half an avocado and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Then apply the mass on the face, let it work for about 15 minutes and then remove it.

Tea tree oil against fat

If you have greasy skin, a tea tree oil mask is the first choice as it will tighten your pores and soothe the skin. They take four drops of tea tree oil, a egg whites and a squeeze of lemon. Then beat the egg whites until foamy, add the lemon juice, mix both and add the tea tree oil. Apply the foam to the face, leave it on for 15 minutes and wash it off.

cucumber mask

The best known is the cucumber mask with cottage cheese - as cheap as it is simple. You will need half a cucumber and three tablespoons of quark. Chop the cucumber into pieces and chop them in the blender. Mix the exuding cucumber juice with the quark and apply everything to the skin. You can also put two cucumber slices on the eyes. This cucumber mask moisturizes and cleanses the skin.

Flour and yogurt

Extremely simple is also a mask of six tablespoons of yogurt and just as much wheat flour. Mix them together, apply the mass to the face and let it rest for about 25 minutes. Then wash the face with clear water. A flour yogurt mask is an old home remedy for large pores.

A face mask made of flour and yoghurt is not only easy, but also an effective weapon against blemished and oily skin. (Image: triocean / fotolia.com)

carrot mask

For a carrot mask, take two average carrots, one tablespoon of honey, just as much olive oil and half a lemon. The carrots grate finely and even fry them. Then mash them into a mush, mix them with honey and olive oil. Add the freshly squeezed lemon juice. He makes sure that the skin contracts.

Apply the mask to the cleansed skin and allow to act for about 15 minutes, then carefully remove everything with a piece of paper and wash the rest with warm water.

Strawberries against aging

You'll need five fresh strawberries, a teaspoon of yogurt and two teaspoons of honey. The strawberries crush in a bowl, add the yogurt and honey and mix everything. For dry skin you can use cream instead of yogurt.

Apply the mask to the skin with your fingers but leave the area of ​​the eye open. After about ten minutes you wash everything off.

Parsley for skin redness

Parsley contains apigenin. This substance counteracts inflammation. A parsley mask therefore helps against redness.

Mix three tablespoons of chopped parsley with 100 milliliters of hot water, add one tablespoon of olive oil, one teaspoon of oatmeal, and one egg white. Apply this mask to the skin for 20 minutes. Then wash everything thoroughly. This mask should not be used on dry skin.


Pomegranate is full of vitamins and antioxidants, and Iranian women swear by pomegranate masks to counteract the aging of the skin. You mix six tablespoons of pomegranate seeds with six tablespoons of sugar and two teaspoons of olive oil and crush the seeds. Massage the mixture into the facial skin, let it stretch for ten minutes and then wash the face.

Green tea

Green tea is known for its skin-care substances as well as antioxidants, tannins, polyphenols and enzymes. It accelerates the regeneration of the cells, makes the skin shine and makes it more elastic. For a mask, start with green tea, with a tea bag for 250 milliliters of water. They put the bags in water at about 80 degrees, and let them draw for five minutes.

You can now soak a rag on the tea and put it on your face, or mix the tea with flour, yogurt and honey into a paste. They put the rag on the eyes. The mask helps against swollen eyes by narrowing the blood vessels there. The vitamin K contained in the tea lightens dark circles. If you want to make it easy, you can also put wet tea bags on the eyes.

Green tea is not only positive for indoor use, but also applied as a facial mask, it should bring a radiant complexion. (Image: dasuwan / fotolia.com)

For pimples and acne

Applied to the skin, the tea has an antibacterial effect and thus also against the bacteria that cause acne. Its anti-inflammatory effect also relieves the redness caused by acne. To do this, take two already pulled green tea leaves, mix them with two teaspoons of honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice, spread the mixture on the face, let it work for ten minutes and then rinse off with warm water.

Chocolate - The Gold of the Aztecs

For the Aztecs, cocoa was not just a stimulant but also medicine. Raw cocoa is full of minerals: magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc. To this end, it contains vitamin E, which is as important for the cell formation and cell renewal of the skin as it is for hair growth. In addition, cocoa promotes the release of dopamine and thus ensures euphoric feelings. It supports blood flow, muscles, nerves and the exchange of biochemistry. The theobromine also lowers the blood pressure.

For a cocoa mask, mix two teaspoons of cocoa powder (made from raw cocoa) with a teaspoon of Greek yogurt or almond oil and about one tablespoon of honey when the skin is dry. Honey gives moisture and calms yogurt. They mix everything in a bowl with a high edge, because the cocoa powder dusted. Then add the honey, mix it with the powder and at the end the yoghurt comes in.

If you mix everything, the consistency should match molten chocolate. They now apply this paste to the face but leave the mouth and eyes free. Everything is soaked for 15 minutes, then rinsed off (some spoon off the excess paste with a spoon to lick it). (Dr. Utz Anhalt)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)