The effect of fentanyl
The active ingredient fentanyl belongs to the group of synthetic opioids and is used as a strong analgesic for anesthetics, in accident medicine and for the treatment of acute and chronic pain. The effect is extremely strong and starts very fast. Fentanyl is about one hundred times more potent than morphine. In addition to the strong analgesic effect of the drug also has a calming function. In most cases, fentanyl is given intravenously and works for three to twelve hours. The drug is also available as a patch.
Fentanyl has lethal side effects
When fentanyl is taken, overdose or interaction with other substances may cause severe circulatory and respiratory problems, which in the worst case may result in death. Famous stars like Michael Jackson, Prince and Tom Petty have died as a result of Fentanyl. In Germany, the active ingredient is covered by the Narcotics Act. In addition to the use in medicine Fentanyl is also abused as a drug. (Vb)
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