The best home remedies for wasps

The best home remedies for wasps /
A sociable get-together on the terrace soon becomes a torment when the small animals appear in large numbers and besiege our food. Especially for people with an insect sting allergy, wasps are a red cloth. What to do if she has already stung? Home remedies for wasp stings usually help here. But how can the pests best be fended off so that they can enjoy food and drinks outdoors in the summer without being disturbed??


  • Drive out wasps
  • Lemons or oranges with cloves
  • Burn coffee powder
  • Fresh basil
  • Tomato plants & lavender
  • Essential oils
  • water sprayer
  • incense
  • fly screens
  • Create wasp trap yourself
  • distraction trick
  • White clothes, no perfume
  • Garlic on the table
  • Lure - ripe grapes
  • Ultrasonic waves against wasps
  • Remove fallen fruit in the garden
  • Remove deadwood
  • Electric bat as a last resort
  • General Tips
  • First aid measures
  • Wasps are important to nature

Drive out wasps

Although the wasps hunt down other pests such as mosquitoes and flies and thus perform useful tasks in nature as pest controllers, the black and yellow animals are not very popular. Wasps usually remain friendly and do not want to do anything to humans. However, if they feel oppressed, they sting. And that hurts a lot. Fortunately, there are different ways to keep insects away. However, a completely secure solution does not exist. Therefore try it out and combine several home remedies at the same time.

Wasps are a constant companion when eating outdoors during the summer. Various home remedies can help to keep them away. (Image: Anterovium /

Lemons or oranges with cloves

Oranges or lemons - peppered with lots of cloves - are not only hung during the Christmas season, as this creates a pleasant, pleasant smell for us. The insects, however, do not like the smell at all. This home remedy can help keep wasps at bay with fragrant essential oils.

Burn coffee powder

Wasps also do not like the smell of coffee. Burning coffee or coffee beans in a fireproof container does not smell very good, but keeps the beasts away. Even very freshly ground coffee has a deterrent effect due to the smell. The coffee powder dispenser can therefore be easily opened on the breakfast table.

Fresh basil

Fresh basil tastes delicious, smells good and looks nice too. Placed in a pretty pot, it is a nice table decoration and additionally keeps the wasps away. These like the strong smell of the essential oils less.

Tomato plants & lavender

Tomato plants are among the well-known home remedies for wasps. The tomato is a solanaceae whose leaves are covered with small glands. These glands emit a strong odor, which is not unpleasant for us. These plants arranged in tubs around the terrace or placed on the balcony, their fragrance repels not only the wasps but also mosquitoes. Still some basil, tagetes and lavender planted in between - so is the "defense fence" perfect.

Around the terrace and balcony, pots of herbs such as sage, basil and lavender can be used to repel insects. (Image: Melima /

Essential oils

Essential oils are among the home remedies for wasps. Lemon oil combined with clove oil does not like the wasps. The oils are burned in an aroma lamp (two drops per oil). It is best if several vessels outside at the same time exude their scent. Lavender, citronella and frankincense are also suitable oils that the pests do not like to smell.

To protect yourself from the pests, you can discreetly dab with a self-made oil mixture. As a base, add 20 milliliters of almond oil and ten drops of a fragrant, deterrent oil. Rosemary, lavender, menthol, cedar or clove oil are suitable for this purpose. Spread this mixture on hair and clothing in small quantities, the wasps do not like it at all.

water sprayer

A cheap trick is finely atomized water mist, which is simply sprayed into the air with a flower syringe or an old detergent bottle. The wasps are driven into their burrows because they think it will start to rain. With a little added orange or mint oil, the effectiveness can be increased even more.

Incense candles are not only for meditation and religious purposes - even biting insects can be wonderfully expelled. (Image: licamo /


An alternative are incense sticks soaked in aromatic oil. Of these, it is best to burn several at the same time, otherwise the biting insects will simply fly past it. Candles that smell of lemons and / or cloves are another helpful option. Of course, these options can be combined with each other to enhance the effect.

fly screens

So that the wasps do not even find the way into the apartment, fine mesh mosquito nets are best placed on all windows. This is the easiest way to keep the wasps and other insects away from the living space.

Create wasp trap yourself

A simple home remedy for wasps is a wasp trap. This can be made entirely by yourself. For this purpose, a transparent bottle, which is großbauchig and has a narrow opening, about one-third filled with fruit juice, cider vinegar and beer and then hung with the help of a string in a tree. However, beware: this trap is very attractive and should therefore be placed far away from the location of the people (and pets). Another recipe for the wasp trap is a glass of beer, some syrup and a few drops of dish soap. The beer in both mixtures is important because it does not attract the honey bees that are worthy of protection. It is also important to avoid that other protected insect species fall into the trap. Their use is therefore not possible in the immediate vicinity of these species.

A liquid-filled wasp trap can also be purchased commercially, the insects fly through a hole in the container, but then no longer come outside and drown. (Image: Richtsteiger /

distraction trick

To distract the wasps from the whereabouts of humans, a distraction maneuver is possible. But this does not work overnight. The insects have to get used to the new feeding place. This should of course be a bit off. There, something overripe fruit or sugar water is deposited and the supply refilled again and again.

White clothes, no perfume

Colorful and above all garish clothes attract the wasps. Therefore, wear better white or black. Also on perfume, aftershave and hair spray should be omitted, this may be appealing to the wasps, as the fragrances are interpreted as "sweet". One drop of tea tree oil behind the ear and one drop on the forearm does not smell like fragrant perfume, but the insects do not like the smell. Also suitable here is a small amount of peppermint or lavender oil as an alternative to tea tree oil.

Garlic on the table

Garlic is one of the old known home remedies, flying insects shun it. A few cut toes are spread out on the table so that the unwelcome insects do not rush to the food and drinks.

The fresher the tubers, the stronger the insect-repellent odor. Distribute the toes at several corners of the table, cut across in advance. (Image: LianeM /

Lure - ripe grapes

In order to arm yourself against the wasps during a barbecue or a coffee gossip, you can try to lure them away with a little trick. A bowl filled with overripe grapes is set up some distance from the dining table in the hope that the pests will prefer this meal.

Ultrasonic waves against wasps

The very high - not audible to humans - tones ensure that the insects stay away from the sonicated areas. With the help of cleverly oriented "Schall-Mauuern" you can protect the terrace. Attention - unfortunately like some other pets the noise just as little, you have to try it in case of doubt.

Remove fallen fruit in the garden

Wasps love over-ripe, fermenting fruit. Therefore, Fallobst should be removed regularly and early, so as not to lure the unloved guests. Even a compost heap that is close to the cake table, is not advantageous - this better use the far corner of the garden.

Here, the honeycomb structure of the wasp nest is easy to see. (Image: fotowerk-leipzig /

Remove deadwood

The wasp queen starts building her nest in the spring. The first developed wasp larvae will help her later in the expansion of the wasp stick. This is made of wood residues, which are mixed with the wasp saliva to a paper-like mass. If the insects are deprived of the required materials, they lack the foundation for nest building. For this, the garden must be freed from all rotten or older wood residues, and that before the snow melts.

Electric bat as a last resort

If the wasps really do not leave the coffee table and are also at risk of allergies at the table, sometimes helps only the short process. Commercially they are also known as electric fly swatters. The bat looks similar to a large table tennis racket, through the tensioned wires flows a light stream. So they can simply be caught in flight from the air. Attention, the device should not be used in the vicinity of children or pets, and it is forbidden to kill some species of wasps.

General Tips

In order not to attract wasps, the food that is on the garden table should always be covered. Wasps not only like sweets but are also attracted to meat and sausages. Also for the glasses small covers are useful to avoid swallowing the wasps. Children should always be encouraged to see if there is not such a small animal on their plate or glass. Although this is not comfortable, the table is best cleared away after the meal. For young children, make sure that their mouth and hands are wiped with a damp cloth. To avoid swallowing a wasp should never be drunk from open bottles.

Sometimes a wasp nest hangs so inconveniently in the house that only an exterminator can be called to remove it. (Image: RS.Foto /

Many people panic when they have wasps around them. However, flailing or even puffing makes the beasts aggressive and increases the likelihood of an attack. Therefore always keep calm. Those who are brave can even stroke these insects. Wasps do not like draft, so setting up a fan is advisable.

Timber cladding should be cared for regularly and painted with environmentally friendly paints. The wasps are using brittle wood to build their nests. Who wants to protect balcony or patio door from the pests, mounted bead curtains or flutter tapes.

Allergy sufferers should always carry their emergency kit, their allergy passport and possibly even the telephone number of the poison emergency call center. Family members and friends are best informed about the existing allergy. If an allergic person has been stung, a doctor should also be contacted.

If the arm looks so red and swollen after a wasp sting, an allergy is likely, the family doctor will help here. (Image: exxxplosion /

First aid measures

Most wasp sting allergy get a nettle rash immediately after the sting. This occurs not only at the injection site, but on the whole body. These are accompanied by symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, increased heart rate and low blood pressure. These symptoms occur quickly, usually beginning immediately after the sting. Until the arrival of the emergency physician, those with elevated legs are stored, covered, calmed and never left alone. In addition, the stitch is cooled as it can swell up a lot. If this is in the area of ​​the mouth or throat, the throat is supplied from the outside with a cool cloth. If those affected are conscious, they are given ice cubes to suck.

Wasps are important to nature

As mentioned earlier, wasps are very important to our nature. They eat small animals such as caterpillars, spiders, mosquitoes and fresh animal carcasses. They only live one summer and die in the fall. There are about sixteen different species of wasps in Germany, but only two of them are annoying to us humans.

If you want to remove or even relocate a wasp nest, you should first seek the advice of an expert. In many states, the own removal of wasp or hornet nests is now prohibited. If a nest is shaken, the wasps become "wild" and defend themselves. That can hurt a lot. In general, when dealing with the Stechinsekten slow and quiet movements are important, so sting the insects too. (sw, dp, updated on 29.09.2018)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)