The head

The head /
The human head is formed from the bony structures of the skull and the embedded sensory organs of the eyes, nose, mouth and ears as well as the internal brain. Tendons, ligaments, muscles, cartilage, connective tissue and the skin constitute the outer structures. The front of the head is the face, which in turn can be roughly divided into forehead, eyes, nose, mouth, cheek and chin. The temples are in the front lateral head area. From the ear, the lateral head area as well as the back of the head and the top of the head with healthy hair growth is mainly covered by the head hair.

Essential functions of the sensory perception and the central nervous system are concentrated on the head area. Seeing, tasting, smelling, hearing and all conscious and subconscious thinking go back to the organs of the head. Also, the sense of balance is controlled from here - more precisely from the ear. If damage occurs to the structures in the head area, this can have correspondingly far-reaching consequences. This applies both to acute injuries such as a skull base fracture as a result of an accident, as well as to various diseases of the brain (eg brain tumors, meningitis) and the other sensory organs (for example acute middle ear infection, eye inflammation or sinusitis).

The range of possible symptoms in the head area is extremely variable, ranging from classic headaches to earache, runny nose or toothache to dizziness and unusual diseases such as cluster headache. Also, impairments of sensory perception such as deafness or visual disturbances are attributable to the head area in a broader sense. Moreover, in common usage mental health problems are often equated with head problems. Overall, many structures in the head area are particularly sensitive and impairment of their functions have extremely far-reaching, at worst deadly consequences. (Fp)


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