
glasses /

Eyeglasses as a visual aid can compensate for impaired vision such as myopia or hyperopia. Due to the special shape of the lenses, which is adjusted individually, there is a refraction of the incident light and the focus is shifted to restore the visual acuity. Depending on the degree of ametropia, the strength of the lenses must be adjusted accordingly. In addition to the prescription glasses, especially sunglasses are widely used, but even glasses with window glass as a purely fashion accessory now enjoy a growing popularity - not least because glasses wearers are perceived by most people as particularly intelligent. In addition, glasses are used to protect the eyes from injury (goggles), for example, in the craft and manufacturing industries frequently. (Fp)

Verdict: Accident insurance only replaces the glasses on the nose

Social Court of Munich: No refund for reading glasses in a handbag In case of an accident on the way to work broken glasses, it is from the law.
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "de" data-theme = "color" data-orientation = "horizontal"> From 1 March: The statutory health insurance pay again for the glasses

Reimbursement of costs, in some cases as low as four dioptres Good news for wearers of glasses: Patients with severe ametropia will receive visual aids in the future ...
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "DE" data-theme = "color" data-orientation = "horizontal"> Seeing without glasses - LASIK or Lens: What's better?

Life without glasses - LASIK or lens? Comparison of methods In Germany, more than 60 percent of people over the age of 16 now need glasses - ...
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "de" data-theme = "color" data-orientation = "horizontal"> Presbyopia: When should it be a progressive lens?

Almost everyone is affected by presbyopia At an older age, presbyopia is the most common visual deficiency in humans at 95 percent. Eigent ...
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