
blood /

About the blood circulating in the human body organs and tissues are supplied with the necessary substances. Nearly six liters of blood contain the body of most people, whereby the exact quantity depends above all on the body mass. Blood is the most important transport medium in our organism, which takes over the supply of oxygen and nutrients as well as the removal of metabolic products. In addition, the blood and especially the white blood cells (leukocytes) play a crucial role in the immune system. They help to eliminate pathogens and harmful body cells. The formation of blood is an ongoing process of renewal, which can be disturbed by various factors such as a massive iron deficiency or a leukemia (blood cancer). An analysis of the blood count reveals numerous diseases, making blood testing one of the most important diagnostic tools in medicine. (Fp)

Remove Bloodstains - Sofa, Jeans, Carpet: The Best Home Remedies

Whether in jeans, carpet, upholstery or sofa: removing blood stains can work with home remedies Who has not happened yet? They are pulling a small hurt ...
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Short-roasted meat: Red liquid with the steak is not blood In the restaurant or even with the barbecue with friends one is often asked, how the ...
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Even if you suffer from a nut allergy you may be able to eat certain nuts Many people around the world suffer from a nut allergy ...
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Blood produced in the laboratory could help people with a rare blood type. Again and again people need a blood stream after accidents.
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