
cauliflower /

Cauliflower is a cultivated variant of the cabbage, botanically called Brassica oleracea. Cauliflower is easily recognized by the white fleshy sprouts that converge in one head. Originally cauliflower comes from Anatolia and it belongs to the flowering vegetable. The cabbage has many different local names such as caraway, cheese cabbage, flower cabbage, grape cabbage or minaret-cabbage. Cauliflower is very popular with the Germans and it is with 23 calories per 100 grams not only low in calories and easy to digest, but also healthy, as it contains ball-like substances in addition to numerous vitamins and minerals. In addition, cauliflower contains glucosinolates, which have an anti-cancer effect. Also in the prevention of diabetes the cauliflower is said to have a beneficial effect. However, since cauliflower contains a lot of blood coagulation-promoting vitamin K, people who take blood thinners based on so-called phenprocoumone should refrain from eating larger amounts. (Vb)

Creative cancer prevention: Healthy cauliflower can be prepared in many ways

Delicious florets: Cauliflower is healthy and can be prepared in many ways Cauliflower is one of the most popular vegetable varieties of the Germans. The roses are ...
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "de" data-theme = "color "data-orientation =" horizontal "> Healthy vegetables like cauliflower can protect against cancer

Preparing healthy cauliflower Cauliflower is very popular in German cuisine. This is not only due to its pleasantly mild taste, but ...
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