Venous pain causes, treatment and proven home remedies

Venous pain causes, treatment and proven home remedies / symptoms
Venous complaints: These are the causes and therapies
Venous disorders, which are usually associated with venous pain, are now a common disease. More and more people have problems with their veins, especially in the area of ​​the lower leg. Unfortunately, this is all too often downplayed. By timely diagnosis, dangerous venous disease could be avoided.


  • Tasks of the veins in the human body
  • Venous pain causes
  • Venous pain from varicose veins
  • Venous disease thrombophlebitis
  • Cause deep vein thrombosis
  • Venous disease risk factors
  • Therapy for venous pain
  • Naturopathy with venous pain
  • Preventive measures and home remedies for vein problems

Tasks of the veins in the human body

Veins are vessels in the human body that send the blood to the heart. In the small and medium-sized blood vessels are venous valves, which are to prevent a backflow of the blood, that is, that the blood of the veins should always flow in the direction of the heart. These venous valves are made of connective tissue and act like valves so that they only open towards the heart. For proper blood transport to the heart, intact venous valves are required. In addition, the further transport of the blood is supported by the pumping of the skeletal muscles.

The veins carry the blood back to the heart. (Image: Sebastian Kaulitzki /

There are three types of veins on the legs. These are deep veins that are deep in the muscles and have the task of transporting the blood back to the heart. Then there are the superficial leg veins, which lie like a net, under the skin. The deep and superficial venous system is interconnected by so-called perforating veins, which allow the blood to flow from the surface into the depth, as in one-way streets.

Venous pain causes

In the first place, the connective tissue weakness is mentioned, which can lead to venous disease and resulting venous pain. Mostly this is genetically conditioned. However, it can also be acquired later, for example, through a pregnancy.

In general, the veins lose their elasticity and smoothness in old age, can dilate or bulge, whereby the important venous valve function decreases over time more and more. However, not only older people suffer from venous diseases, but also more and more younger people are affected and here especially women.

Vein inflammation, which is sometimes associated with massive pain, usually arise in already existing varicose veins. These are tortuous, dilated veins, most commonly found on the calves.

Thrombosis is another cause of venous pain. A vein is blocked by a blood clot, which can be very dangerous.

Venous pain from varicose veins

Among the most common venous diseases, which may also be associated with venous pain, include the varicose veins, termed in the jargon varices. These are tortuous, dilated veins, which are mainly found on the lower legs. Women are affected much more frequently than men because of pregnancy and their natural predisposition to connective tissue weakness. Varices are not only a cosmetic problem, but can also have health effects, depending on their severity.

In varicose veins, the varicose veins are due to venous wall weakness or venous valvular insufficiency. Mostly a hereditary disposition is based. Sitting or standing, overweight, smoking, pregnancy and taking the pill may have a beneficial effect on the development of varicose veins. Secondary varicosis develops on the floor of already existing venous diseases, for example following a vein thrombosis.

The predisposition to varicose veins is genetically determined. Nevertheless, there are several ways to prevent the development of varices. (Image: zlikovec /

Varicose veins can be asymptomatic for a long time and only represent a cosmetic problem. Concerned but also complain of heaviness and tightness in the legs and swollen or thick legs, especially after a long time standing or sitting. Nocturnal muscle cramps and vein discomfort, which present as stinging calf pain, are also symptomatic here.

Venous disease thrombophlebitis

Another disease that may be the cause is thrombophlebitis (inflammation of superficial veins). In the abacterial form, a blood clot forms in a superficial vein, usually on a varicose vein of the lower leg, then wander leukocytes (white blood cells) and an inflammation forms.

Bacterial thrombophlebitis may develop as a result of a mild injury or after injections and venous accesses, but here, to veins that are not varicose-modified. The introduced pathogens can at worst make the bloodstream in the whole body.

The abacterial form of thrombophlebitis causes redness, overheating and swelling. Venous pain manifests itself as tenderness on the affected venous line, but without affecting the general condition. In the case of bacterial inflammation, the local symptoms are similar to those of the abacterial form, with symptoms such as fever, chills or even necrosis of the affected tissue being added.

Cause deep vein thrombosis

Drawing venous pain usually occurs in conjunction with a phlebothrombosis (deep vein thrombosis). This is the occlusion of a deep leg or pelvic vein, triggered by a thrombosis. It affects about sixty percent of the left leg. A thrombus is a blood clot that causes thrombosis if it causes a blood vessel to become blocked. This can become a life-threatening condition, especially in infestations of deep leg veins.

Causes of a phlebothrombosis are prolonged bed rest, vascular wall damage, for example after a trauma, or a change in the blood composition in the form of increased coagulation tendency. Affected suffer from a feeling of tension and heaviness in the affected leg, venous pain, the load-dependent, possibly associated with a pulling pain along the affected vein. A general malaise and moderate fever are also possible. The worst complication of this disease is pulmonary embolism.

Venous disease risk factors

Some risk factors are responsible for the development of venous disease and venous pain. Lack of exercise, sedentary work, especially with crossed legs, long standing and too tight footwear can cause discomfort. Also, heat, overweight, too tight clothing that hinders blood flow, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption have a negative effect on the venous vessels and can lead to venous disease and associated venous pain.

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are among the risk factors for venous disorders. (Image: Antonioguillem /

The use of the anti-baby pill, especially in connection with tobacco consumption, is also one of the risk factors. Travel in which the seating position is restricted, for example by bus or plane, likewise does not have a positive effect on venous blood flow.

Therapy for venous pain

In case of venous pain, tension and heaviness and / or discoloration of the leg, a doctor must always be consulted. In varicose veins, depending on the severity, usually a compression treatment is recommended. Those affected receive so-called compression stockings, which are usually made to measure. This treatment squeezes the superficial veins, sending the blood into the deeper veins. The pain, swelling and distension are thereby improved.

Especially when traveling, when prolonged sitting is inevitable, these compression stockings should be worn unconditionally. Before they are used, however, it must be clarified that there is no thrombosis and that the underlying veins are really continuous. Compression stockings should never be used without consulting the doctor. Special venous gymnastics and lymph drainage are also among the treatment options for varicose veins. In severe cases, varices are surgically removed.

In a superficial thrombophlebitis the patient gets a compression bandage and has to deal with it a lot. Bed rest is contraindicated here. Externally, alcohol envelopes and heparin ointments are used. You may need painkillers.

Venous pain and swelling can in many cases be relieved by wearing compression stockings. (Image: tibanna79 /

Deep vein thrombosis must prevent the development of pulmonary embolism. With a compression bandage is trying to direct the blood flow in the right direction. The patient has to keep the bed for about a week. In order to protect the body from new thrombi, the person concerned is subjected to anticoagulation therapy. These are medicines that dilute the blood. If the thrombi are fresh, an attempt is made to dissolve them with the help of a thrombolytic therapy.

Naturopathy with venous pain

Even though venous pain treatment is often necessary for venous pain, in some cases naturopathic therapy can be very supportive. Of course, existing damage to the veins can not be reversed, but complaints can be alleviated and further damage avoided

In cases of varicosis and thrombophlebitis, leech therapy is used in naturopathic practices. These little animals release a secretion during the treatment, which has anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic effects. However, the leeches should never be placed directly on the vein.

Enzyme therapy is easy to dilute blood, antiphlogistic and anti-edematous. Homeopathy uses Aesculus for venous pain and thrombosis, arnica for varicose veins, or Lycopodium for a venous stasis.

Treading water, knee and thigh casts have a tonic effect on the vessel walls and promote blood circulation. Envelopes soaked in witch hazel or comfrey solution help to relieve the pain of the veins and additionally have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Water treading for the treatment and prevention of venous disorders. (Image: Kzenon /

Phytotherapy has some plants in venous disease that are successfully used. So many mixed preparations on the market, which, administered internally, have their place in many naturopathic practices.

Straight Horse Chestnut extract in venous disease is already well known. Butcher's broom, clover and witch hazel are effective plants that occur in many drop blends. The horse chestnut improves the blood flow and tightens the veins, butcher's horn tones the veins and has anti-inflammatory, the witch hazel has anti-inflammatory and astringent and the clover is used in all diseases of the venous system.

Schuessler salts, such as No. 1 Calcium Fluoratum, No. 11 Silicea, No. 17 Manganum Sulfuricum and No. 7 Magnesium Phosphoricum, are used in venous pain.

Preventive measures and home remedies for vein problems

Movement is the name of the game. Instead of using the lift, the staircase should be preferred. Regular walks, swimming, gymnastics, and other sports activities will help keep your veins healthy and prevent vein pain. Especially for sufferers who have a weak connective tissue, the frequent raising of the legs is important. This can be done while sitting or lying down. Special venous pillows or a rolled-up blanket help with this.

Daily application of cold in the form of Kneipp casts promotes the blood circulation of the vessels. Starting with the right foot, the legs are showered with cold water up to the thigh. Excessive heat, such as sauna, sunbathing and hot water bottles should be avoided. By a healthy, vitamin and fiber-rich diet is to reduce the overweight. Smoking and the predisposition to venous disorders does not fit together at all. This should best be completely avoided and also an excessive consumption of alcohol be restricted.

For people who already suffer from varicose veins, often have veins and / or swollen legs, the wearing of compression stockings is a relief, but this should definitely be discussed with a doctor. The stockings support the return of the blood towards the heart. On long standing and sitting, too tight jeans and false footwear should be avoided.

A proven home remedy for varicose veins is a wrap with marigold tea. For this an infusion of a tablespoon of marigolds and half a liter of boiling water is prepared, which should last at least ten minutes. If the tea is no longer boiling hot, it comes to cool in the fridge. As soon as it is cold enough, a cloth is soaked in it and wrapped around the calf. (sw, last updated on 7.3.2018)