Cloudy eyes - causes, diseases and treatment

Cloudy eyes - causes, diseases and treatment / symptoms

What is behind gloomy eyes?

Cloudy eyes can be visible on the outside, measurably impair the eyesight or only be perceived subjectively; there is no clear definition for this. And so, when we talk about "dull eyes," we have to distinguish a clouding of the lens from a veiled-looking look with heavy eyelids as well as clouded vision quality. Behind the eyestrain is not always a disease, it can also show after drug and drug use or betray mental health. According to the teachings of Ayurveda, it is also an expression of personal constitution or an energetic imbalance.


  • What is behind gloomy eyes?
  • Heavy eyelids and cloudy eyes
  • Cloudy eyes on lens clouding
  • Eye turbidity and congenital cataract
  • Haze of the eyes in acquired cataract
  • Cloudy eyes in Ayurveda
  • Ayurveda treatment
  • Eye remedies from the Hildegard medicine
  • swell

Heavy eyelids and cloudy eyes

Hanging, heavy eyelids can make your eyes cloudy. This can be done through the influence of alcohol and other drugs, but also in the drug substitution (for example with L-polamidone) or under the influence of various psychotropic drugs. Sometimes heavy eyelids and cloudy eyes are also an expression of (mental) overexertion, tiredness and exhaustion. In addition, a sad-gloomy look can be a sign of melancholy and depression. Not for nothing are the eyes called "mirrors to the soul".

Heavy eyelids and cloudy eyes are often a sign of tiredness or over-exertion. (Image: Alessandro Grandini /

For many men, the "bedroom view" of a woman is generally attractive and erotic. Moody eyes, low blood pressure (hypotension), headache, and migraine may also be accompanied by foggy eyes and heavy eyelids, but they often go unnoticed from the outside.

Cloudy eyes on lens clouding

Cloudy eyes, which sooner or later are visible from the outside, most often appear in the form of cataract, which usually develops in old age and less often develops as part of various underlying diseases. When cataracts appear the eyelashes whitish or grayish cloudy, the affected person takes this haze as a "fog," "frosted glass" or "waterfall". The latter gave the lens opacity once the Greek and common in medicine term "cataract". If left untreated, a cataract can gradually lead to complete blindness.

Eye turbidity and congenital cataract

A cataract may be innate or acquired in the course of life. The innate form is due to heredity. In addition, children may already be born with lens whitening if the mother has undergone viral infection during pregnancy, e.g. Rubella or measles.

Congenital is also the cataract in galactosemia, a congenital metabolic disorder in which due to an enzyme defect certain sugars in the blood (galactose) can not be metabolized. The remaining metabolic intermediates are deposited among other things in the eye lenses and thus provide cloudy eyes. The only effective remedy is currently a special diet to stop the progression of the disease.

Haze of the eyes in acquired cataract

By far the most common are cloudy eyes with the so-called age star, because with the age increases the risk of cataracts. Every year, more than 400,000 surgeries are performed in Germany alone, replacing the natural eye lenses with plastic lenses. The cause of the progressive turbidity caused by protein deposits in the eye lens has not been conclusively clarified scientifically, however, a genetic component is assumed.

Other factors include nutritional disorders, ultraviolet light and enzyme changes. More rarely, a cataract occurs after prolonged cortisone treatment or poisoning, in the context of diabetes or some form of muscle wasting (Myotonia dystrophica), which is also associated with lens opacification.

The cataract in a cataract can be corrected surgically. (Image: bilderzwerg /

Cloudy eyes in Ayurveda

A clouding of the eyes is also commonly spoken, if it lacks this gloss. Not always there must be health problems, sometimes the eye turbidity is simply a constitution. According to the teachings of Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicine, we are born humans with such an individual constitution that the life remains constant. Healthy living here means to support the respective constitution and to keep it in balance. From the elements earth, fire, water, air and ether, the three constitutional basic types are set Vata, Pitta and Kapha together.

So is one Vata-Constitution, among other typical physical features often observe the phenomenon of dull, dull eyes. Vata-In addition, people often suffer from dry eyes and dark circles.

The eyes of the Kapha-Constitution, on the other hand, looks clear and bright through the pure wet and big eye-white, even if they sometimes look a bit transfigured.

The Pitta-Constitution is described with fiery clear eyes, which are formed here by a sharply framed iris, while the white of the eye can sometimes be colored yellowish. Often, this constitution suffers from eye problems and poor eyesight, though Pitta is out of whack.

Ayurveda treatment

Various medicinal plants that possess certain energetic qualities have, according to Ayurvedic knowledge, a clearing effect on cloudy eyes. These are selected taking into account the particular constitution of the person to be treated.

Camphor strengthens the mind in small doses and opens the senses. The eyes should cool it, cleanse and clear it. While camphor is directly used internally and in the eyes in Ayurveda, in conventional western medicine today only its use in rubbings (for example in Franzbranntwein or similar) is considered unobjectionable.

The chrysanthemum is known in Indian and Chinese medicine as a medicinal plant, which makes the eyes bright and clear and also improves the eyesight. Castor oil - regularly dripped into the eyes - should eliminate deposits in the eyes and let the eye white shine again.

Crying cleanses the eyes, as toxins accumulated with tears are transported out of the body. (Image: Chepko Danil /

Finally, regular crying should cleanse the eyes by flushing tears from the body.

Eye remedies from the Hildegard medicine

Commonly used in naturopathy, Hildegard von Bingen's eye-based universal remedy focuses on regulating the entire metabolism, but especially on strengthening kidney function, which St. Hildegard saw as closely linked to healthy ocular function.

W. Strehlow (2007) quotes from the translated Hildegard works: "The vermouth eliminates the kidney weakness and black bile in you and clears your eyes and strengthens your heart and does not allow your lungs to get sick. It warms the stomach (intestines) and cleanses the intestines and prepares a good digestion. "Vermouth wine can be made from vermouth spring juice, wine and honey or purchased from specialist retailers. (jvs, last updated on 1.3.2018)


Wighard Strehlow: "Hildegard Heilkunde von A-Z", Augsburg 2007
V. Lad / D. Frawley: "The Ayurveda Plant Medicine"