Stiff neck

Stiff neck / symptoms

When people have limited ability to move their heads, it is described as a stiff neck. The symptoms may be acute or chronic, so that those affected no longer turn their heads, but the whole body. In some, the movement is simply limited, in others, pain also occurs.

Symptoms and discomfort with a stiff neck
Functional causes of a stiff neck
Naturopathy and treatment


Stiff neck, stiff neck, stiffness on neck, stiffness on neck, stiff neck, neck tension, neck stiff, torticollis, acute torticollis, chronic torticollis, acute trigger band on neck, chronic trigger band on neck, star trigger band, trapezoidal trigger band, C2 CD, continuum distortion at the neck, supraclavicular herniated trigger point, SCHTP, stiff neck

A stiff neck is usually due to muscular discomfort. (Image: DoraZett /

Symptoms and discomfort with a stiff neck

In case of an acute stiff neck, those affected usually stand up and complain of pain and restricted mobility. The pain usually goes from the head to the shoulders or between the shoulder blades, so that sometimes it can also cause pain on the scapula. There is a painful point in the transition between neck and shoulder and sometimes laterally on the second cervical vertebra, which increases as the head turns.

Functional causes of a stiff neck

It is believed in most manual approaches that overloading may compromise a meniscus of the cervical spine joints. These are very sensitive and could explain the occasional pain in the cervical spine. The pulling pain is explained with a hard harness of the trapezius muscle. Previous overloads due to prolonged cervical spine retention and prevention, possibly through computer, laboratory or desk work, could have led to the problem.

According to the Fascial Distortion Model (FDM), which is strongly based on body language, the pain between the neck and shoulder is caused by a piece of tissue that has passed through the enveloping tissue, the fascia. In the chronic stiff neck, the pulling pain or blockage felt by the affected person is seen as chronic twisting of the fasciae with adhesions.

Naturopathy and treatment

Many sufferers massage the painful point themselves and feel a little more relief and a better head rotation. This takes advantage of the FDM and wants to reduce this point by strong thumb pressure. The pulling pain between the shoulder and the head is also treated with the thumb along the painful path.

Methods such as Rolfing or Osteopathy go beyond the painful area of ​​the neck and look at the entire body along with its distribution of stress and static. An economic posture and tension should help the organism to regain its equilibrium.

In chiropractic, the pain on the vertebra is perceived as a blockage and is to be released by a high-speed impulse (manipulation) and immobilized. In a massage, the hardened muscles should be loosened and better blooded. This should be possible again the normal movement. In the Neural Therapy especially individual pain points are injected with local anesthetics, thereby the pain stimulus is reduced and a physiological movement can be ensured again. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy)

1: Beßler / Havlena