Stinging headache - stinging in the head causes and treatment

Stinging headache - stinging in the head causes and treatment / symptoms
Stinging headache can be a symptom, but it can also express one's own condition. Stinging means that the pain is concentrated at a certain point in the head. This can occur briefly and return, but also be chronic. The stinging pain can affect those affected so that they can only cope with everyday life limited or not at all. He is particularly harmful in mental activity.


  • Causes of stinging headache
  • Migraines and cluster headaches
  • Secondary headache
  • Stinging headache when getting up
  • Cause iron deficiency
  • When to the doctor?
  • Home remedies for stabbing headaches
  • The diagnosis
  • Treatment with stinging in the head
  • complications
  • massages
  • Prevention of stinging headache

Causes of stinging headache

Stabbing in the head can have many causes, depending on the underlying disease. However, the exact mechanism of action is still unknown. Medicine distinguishes between primary and secondary pain. Primary headaches are those that indicate the disease itself. Secondary headaches, however, are a consequence of various illnesses. Stinging headache affects the meninges, nerves and blood vessels.

Stinging pain in the head can become so strong that the quality of life of those affected is severely restricted. (Image: SENTELLO /

Migraines and cluster headaches

Specific pungent pain includes migraine, cluster headache, paroxysmal hemicrania and trigeminal neuralgia with primary headache. Stabbing in the head is often associated with cluster headaches, and migraine also manifests itself as a half-sided stabbing pain that can also be pulsating.

Cluster headache is typically occurring at intervals, while those affected do not feel pain in between.

Trigeminal neuralgia is characterized by stinging pain, which can be very strong but only lasts for a short time. The paroxysmal hemicrania occurs with head piercing in seizures that occur several dozen times a day.

Secondary headache

Secondary headaches are not caused by headaches but by diseases of the teeth, eyes or spine. Here the pain impulses of the nerves penetrate into the head.

For example, a sufferer may feel an inflamed tooth root in the right upper jaw on the right temple. Gast writes on "I had dragged this pain (" stab-lightning attacks ") with me for over 2 years. And done many things and puzzled until one day, a dentist revealed to me and said that I had an inflammation of the tooth roots. The tooth was pulled. "

Stinging headache when getting up

Does the stinging headache strike you when you get up? Then the following causes are possible:

1) Her head was bad and there is a tension headache due to a wrong tilt of the head to the mattress or a wrong height or hardness of the pillow.

2.) The muscles have strained because the neck is overcooled. That's because the temperature in the room was too cold. Here you relieve the headache when you take a hot shower and aim the beam at the neck.

3.) A vortex has shifted. This is where the orthopedist is in demand. So another guest writes on "The sting comes out of the blue, then about 10 seconds still somehow noticeable. Was today with a chiropractor who said, something like that often happens, if the uppermost cervical vertebrae are not positioned correctly. Has aligned the vortex. "

4.) You suffer from respiratory arrest during sleep. As a result, the brain gets too little oxygen.

If the stinging in the head shows up after getting up, for example, an unfavorable lying position can be the reason. (Image: Syda Productions /

Cause iron deficiency

Iron carries the oxygen into the red blood cells, and iron deficiency leads to a lack of red blood cells. Due to the lack of oxygen supply cells die off.

Headaches are in addition to dizziness and lack of concentration early symptoms of iron deficiency. Long-lasting and massive mineral deficiencies include respiratory distress, chronic fatigue, palpitations, and heart disease.

When to the doctor?

In case of recurring stinging in the head, whose cause you do not know, you should contact a doctor. If the cause is known and can be tackled by home remedies for headaches, you can resort to these.

For example, a sharp pain in the head occurs as a result of lack of fluid. So if you feel limp on a hot summer's day and at the same time feel a stinging headache, then drink a big glass of water instead of immediately running to the doctor.

Did you look too deeply into the glass the night before? Even the "hangover" after excessive alcohol consumption is often accompanied by a stinging headache. Relax, drink plenty of water, citrus fruits, and wait for the residual alcohol to disappear from the body.

When you catch a cold, you can first take to their medicine chest: hot baths with cold salts, cold tea, cold balm, plenty of fluid or warm compresses relieve the infection. If the symptoms do not go by, then consult a doctor - at the latest after two to three days.

If the headaches occur in acute stress situations, you do not have to go to the doctor, but should get used to methods to reduce stress. These range from walks to meditation and yoga to concentration exercises.

The causes of the complaints are often harmless, but not always. In addition, the headache burdened those affected strong. Suddenly the most severe "annihilation pain", the causes of which are unclear, also always represents an absolute emergency, because it can indicate a cerebral hemorrhage - especially in the first six weeks after a cranial bruise.

If the head piercing occurs especially during stress, relaxation exercises can be a good help. (Image: VadimGuzhva /

Home remedies for stabbing headaches

Essential oils such as eucalyptus, basil, lemon, lemon balm, thyme, mint and rose help against the stinging in the head. These can be placed directly on the painful area with a cloth, placed in a steam bath or evaporated in a scented dish.

You can also drink thyme, sage, mint, rose petals, melissa as tea or eat parsley.

The diagnosis

A doctor can often make the diagnosis based on the specific symptoms. Is the headache associated with exhaustion, cold and body aches? Then it is probably a flu infection.

Primary headaches such as migraine or cluster pain can also be easily recognized by the intervals or concentration on one half of the face.

In a patient interview, the doctor usually learns the basics to make the right diagnosis.

Do your teeth hurt or hurt your ears? Then the doctor will suspect, for example, an ear infection or a tooth disease.

Treatment with stinging in the head

If the headache is a symptom, it can be treated successfully with painkillers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. For those affected, this brings relief, because regardless of the cause, their quality of life suffers considerably from the pain.

If there is an infection with bacteria, then antibiotics help. If it is a virus, then the specific drugs that fight the virus work.

Primary pain disorders are a result of nerve irritation. This cause can not be remedied by a doctor. The medicine can only relieve the sufferers of their pain or alleviate it.

Migraine sufferers therefore get remedies that quench the pain and slow down inflammation, so nonopioid analgesics and specific drugs for migraine (triptans). Prophylactic calcium antagonists, beta-blockers and antiepileptics are used


If stinging is a symptom of a chronic disease, it can cause serious complications without treatment. In the worst case, the headache indicates a brain tumor, and this leads to death if left untreated.

Most of the stinging pains in the head, however, are without complications. Headaches that disappear on their own relieve the sufferer with painkillers and fluids.


Headaches are also caused by back or neck tension. Massages help here.

If tension is the reason for the discomfort, a massage can release blockages and provide relief. (Image: contrastwerkstatt /

Prevention of stinging headache

Prick the head, which is caused by tension or fixation of the eyes, for example, in computer work, bend forward by taking a walk in between and let your gaze wander into the distance.

In between you can stretch your shoulders, massage the neck or do squats. If this is embarrassing to you in front of colleagues, look for a quiet place.

Strength training helps against headaches that come from insufficient muscle activity. A guest writes on "I'm 20 and had such a headache when I was 16. The doctor said it was because I did not do enough for my back, and because of sudden movements, I was rubbing the nerves between the vertebrae because the muscles were too weak to stabilize the cartilage. Then had specifically trained the back and then had no more problems. "

In order to prevent headaches due to dehydration, drink a glass of water several times a day, for example for coffee.

Regular walks in the forest strengthen the immune system and thus prevent a cold.

For recurrent tension headaches, a pillow with cherry stones is recommended. Heat this in the oven and place it under the neck for about 15 minutes. You can also buy a massager.

With chilli and ginger you promote blood circulation and thus prevent pain caused by a lack of blood flow. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)