Piercing in the breast Breast piercing

Piercing in the breast Breast piercing / symptoms

Causes and treatment of breast punctures

A bruise in the chest is often associated with a heart attack or breast cancer. To avoid taking any risks, the symptoms should therefore always be clarified by a doctor as a precaution. However, the cause of continuous or occasional chest bites is often relatively harmless muscular tension. Other possible reasons include, for example, old injuries or psychological stress, which are physically felt by the "stinging". In addition to conventional concepts, there are alternative approaches in naturopathy to the development and therapy of functional disorders in particular.


  • Causes and treatment of breast punctures
  • Synonyms
  • Symptoms breast piercing
  • Causes of stinging in the chest
  • Stitches in the chest due to old injuries and inflammation
  • Breast piercing while breastfeeding
  • Nervous and psychosomatic stinging in the chest
  • Treatment with manual procedures
  • Proven natural remedies for stinging in the chest
  • Relaxation techniques with nervous breast piercing
  • aromatherapy


Stabbing in the chest, breast piercing, stitches in the chest, chest stitches, chest pain, chest pain, piercing chest pain, continuum distortion on the sternum, trigger band on the chest, development of the middle thoracic spine, nervous heart bites, chest pain.

Many sufferers think of a heart attack in a bruise in the chest, but can also be far more harmless causes behind the complaints. (Picture: SENTELLO / fotolia.com)

Symptoms breast piercing

The stinging in the chest usually occurs temporarily. Since vital organs such as the heart and lungs are located in the thorax, specialist examinations should rule out circulatory disorders (angina pectoris) and a heart attack.

Danger: This is especially true when panic, anxiety, radiations in the left arm, upper arm pain, shortness of breath excessive sweating, nausea and vomiting or a sense of extermination come to it. Another important alarm signal is when the puncture in the chest when breathing or coughing occurs or parallel thickening in the chest area are noticeable.

In some people, the stitches occur only at night or lying down, others feel it especially in stressful situations. Often, the symptoms of physical stress such as while walking or lifting weights - often when bench press or when pressing the arm inside.

The stinging sensations or pain can be accompanied by discomfort in the area of ​​the head such as ear pressure or headache radiating from the back of the head. Likewise, it is possible for them to pull in the back and / or to develop general chest pain.

Often, women complain of breast punctures during breastfeeding, which are accompanied by falling asleep (at night) or forearm pain.

Causes of stinging in the chest

First and foremost, of course, an immediate medical exclusion of causes such as heart attack, rib fractures, vascular constrictions in the heart and diseases of the lungs and their surrounding structures should be excluded. If parallel strongly protruding rib cartilages are visible, Tietze syndrome should be considered.

Stinging pains are often muscular tensions. Especially if these are motion dependent. (Image: electrozebra / fotolia.com)

Structural causes could be excluded, but from a functional point of view they are often tensions or irritations of the chest muscles that run from the sternum to the shoulder. Especially at the approaches to the sternum many people complain about the mechanically triggered stinging.

Since the ribs pull from the breastbone to the back of the back, it is easy to see that strained back muscles or firmness at the rib-vertebral joints can be transmitted forward and cause discomfort.

Stitches in the chest due to old injuries and inflammation

In the opinion of body therapies such as Rolfing or osteopathy, old injuries or inflammation-related adhesions of the lung are another possible cause. Because these can cause movement restrictions and result in a consequence of a jump-off.

Possible is also a heart muscle inflammation. Especially when circulation problems are added. In case of doubt always consult a doctor. (Image: Henrie / fotolia.com)

YouTube has an interesting video by Rolfing therapist Gil Headley, who artificially pumps air into his airway using a fresh preparation. Using this example, it is easy to see how much the lungs inflate and the heart and surrounding structures, such as the sliding connective tissue (fascia), have to move.

It is conceivable that people with a lot of sedentary reading and computer activities bring additional strength into the breast region. The Austrian philosopher Professor Otto Julius Hartmann (1895-1989) suggests in his book "Dynamic Morphology" the logic that the principle of our brain skull, which is characterized by firmness and a massive non-dynamics, in people who do a lot of head work, themselves continues in the rest of the body and can cause these discomforts.

Breast piercing while breastfeeding

Breastfeeding while breastfeeding can be caused by the forward leaning posture. Concurrent falling hands and / or forearm pain may be due to the fact that are clamped by the high tension of the chest muscles vessels that extend to the arms. Certainly not only mechanical, but also hormonal factors play a role in this case.

Nervous and psychosomatic stinging in the chest

Nervous heart problems are mainly associated with accelerated heart activity, but other typical symptoms include heart problems, pressure and breast puncture. Behind this there is no weakness of the heart, but rather an increased excitability. In its function, the heart is largely controlled by the autonomic nervous system, thereby responding to the dysbalances that arise in the interaction between body and soul.

Often in this case, other vegetative symptoms such as inner restlessness, sleep disorders, bladder pressure or irritable bowel syndrome.

All situations and conflicts that can trigger individual stress (for example overburdened work, interpersonal stress or internal conflicts) can be used as an aggravating factor. If an inwardly existing conflict persists on a subconscious level, it can - in the sense of psychosomatic medicine - at the physical level, e.g. as "stinging in the chest" express.

An unresolved mental conflict can manifest itself on the physical level through a stinging in the chest. (Image: Dan Race / fotolia.com)

It usually takes a long time for those affected by the sting to be able to accept this explanation. This form of defense is understandable under the aspect of the self-organizing organism, which seems to prefer the symptom, which is less anxious and therefore more likely to come to the fore. In this sense, the complaints have a protective function, which must not be abandoned prematurely.

Therapists, who use organ-related interpretations in their work, assume that a breast piercing with fear for the own heart must have similar backgrounds for each affected person. In this sense, the heart is related to one's own rhythm of life, the perception and expression of one's own feelings, the experience of injuries (such as grief, heartache).

As helpful as these aspects may be, there is always the danger of over-rigidifying the person concerned with an explanation. This can sometimes lead to resistance to healing.

Treatment with manual procedures

From a mechanical point of view, the movement in the chest area must be improved. Methods such as osteopathy and Rolfing include the entire body and its statics in the examination and therapy. Here, among other things, tests of the respiratory movement and the mobility of the thorax and a treatment of existing movement restrictions.

Furthermore, the thorax and its structures are related to the rest of the body and the general stress distribution in the organism is examined and, if necessary, treated. For this reason, it is interesting for an osteopath whether the sufferers complain in addition to stabbing in the chest, for example, about temporomandibular joint complaints, back pain, foot pain or a lump in the throat.

More directly, the concept of the fascia distortion model (FDM) is used. This (manual) treatment directly tests those points and areas that cause pain to the patient and then treat them. If there is a puncture in the chest, the FDM is characterized by disturbances in the bone-to-ligament transition or bone-tendon transition on the sternum. These points are treated by thumb pressure and retested immediately.

Proven natural remedies for stinging in the chest

Nervous conditional breast piercing responds well to the regular use of medicinal plant formulas that, on the one hand, soothe the autonomic nervous system and, on the other hand, have a cardiac effect. A herbal tea made from hawthorn blossoms, valerian root, lemon balm, rosemary leaves and arnica blossoms fulfills this requirement and, as a ritual, also provides a break at fixed times in which the nervous system can switch to rest.

Similar agents are also used in ointments for external use. Here already the regular rubbing in of one's own breast (through affection and rest) can have a therapeutic effect. Homeopathic remedies used in low potencies include Coffea (coffee), Convallaria (lily of the valley) or Valeriana (valerian).

A treatment with biofeedback often helps to influence the nervous symptoms independently, for example through breathing technique, imagination, meditation or internal suggestions.

Relaxation techniques like yoga are a very good approach to tackle stress-induced breast piercing. (Image: WavebreakmediaMicro / fotolia.com)

Relaxation techniques with nervous breast piercing

To minimize tension and anxiety, there are special exercises and stress reduction techniques available. Offers such as yoga, autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation are a great way to reduce stress and tension and to learn the ability to relax. This makes it possible to cope with stress and unpleasant situations and to maintain the mental balance.

If deeper problems are suspected, these may be e.g. processed by modern hypnotherapy and combined with relaxing and strengthening images. Alternatively or additionally, systemic therapy or depth-psychological procedures are recommended.


In case of unpleasant or aching bites due to tension, aromatherapy has proven itself. The background is that certain fragrances affect the autonomic nervous system and thereby relax the muscles. The most suitable fragrances include chamomile, marjoram and lavender.

For use in the fragrance lamp, first add some water to the bowl and then add up to 15 drops of essential oil. As desired, the various fragrances can be mixed by e.g. Of the three oils mentioned, five drops may be used.

Alternatively, a tension-relieving bath can be soothing to relieve the stress and bustle of everyday life with tension-prone breast piercing. Lavender oil, for example, is very good for enhancing the effect, helping to regain inner peace through its fresh and soothing scent. Other essential oils that can be added to the bath water at will are rosemary, peppermint, eucalyptus and juniper.

Instructions for a eucalyptus lavender bath:

  1. Fill the tub with 36 to 39 degrees warm water
  2. Add 3 drops of eucalyptus oil and 6 drops of lavender oil in 3 tablespoons of cream
  3. Mix the ingredients well together
  4. Pour the mixture into the bath water
  5. Stay in the tub for about 15 minutes
  6. Then you should rest for half an hour

Important for a flavor bath:

  • Add the essential oils only when the tub has been fully charged, so that they have not already evaporated at the beginning of the bath
  • The water should not be too hot, but best have a temperature of 36 to 39 degrees
  • Since the oils can cause skin irritation and are also poorly soluble in water, mixing with a carrier solution is advisable. Suitable for this purpose are e.g. neutral soap or two to three tablespoons of cream or fatty vegetable oil (olive, almond, jojoba oil, etc.)
  • In general, eight to ten drops of essential oil are sufficient for a full bath
    (jvs, nr, last updated on 27.10.2016)
  • Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)