Stinging in the knee - causes, treatment and self-help

Stinging in the knee - causes, treatment and self-help / symptoms
Stinging Knee Pain Causes, Symptoms and and Therapies
Sharp knee pain is not a disease, but a symptom that may indicate many illnesses. Below we show causes, complaints and therapies that can help with knee scores.


  • How does Stinging arise in the knee?
  • Where does it hurt??
  • How does it hurt??
  • Causes of stinging in the knee
  • diagnosis
  • Treatment for stinging knee pain
  • When to the doctor?
  • prevention
  • Self-help with stinging in the knee

How does Stinging arise in the knee?

The knee joint is an important "hinge" of human anatomy. Just as a door without a hinge does not open and close, the bones in the thigh and tibia are useless to human movement if the knee joint does not connect them.

The knee joint is the largest joint in humans and consists of the patellar joint and the popliteal joint. (Image: toricheks /

The knee as a hinge consists of cartilage, bones, muscles and ligaments. Two cartilage surfaces, the menisci, dampen the joint inside and out. In front of them is the kneecap - a bone. This "skeleton" holds muscles and ligaments together, inside and outside the sidebands, in the middle the two cruciate ligaments.

Where does it hurt??

Knowledge of the anatomy of the knee allows physicians to find out the cause of pricking in the knee. By the nature, location, intensity and recurrence of the pain, they can see if the ligaments, menisci, kneecap or muscles are affected.

If the pain occurs at the front of the knee, the kneecap is usually affected. Often it is then deformed or displaced.

How does it hurt??

Stinging in the knee is not the same as stinging in the knee. The pain can be chronic or occur in certain situations. Sometimes it arises under load, in other cases just when relaxing. The pain can push and sting at the same time or feel like a pinprick.

Causes of stinging in the knee

One of the common causes of knee scabs usually does not need a long examination. Very often there is a stinging of the knee as a result of an accident. The knee is an exposed part of the human anatomy: Although the muscles and cartilage cushion an impact, a fall, or a blow, they are also the elbows where we most often injure ourselves.

Often a fall or collision is the reason for the stinging pain in the knee. (Image: Andrey Popov /

Pain in the anterior knee area may be due to incorrect strength training and may occur when someone exercises their leg muscles unevenly. Well-versed strength coaches point out athletes to this danger, but who goes on his own in the Muckibude, can easily perform wrong exercises.

If the stinging knee pain occurs during exercise, the menisci and ligaments are prone to wear off. If the inside of the knee hurts, the affected person's feet are usually wrong.

An acute pain that suddenly appears indicates an injury, such as torn ligament or ligaments.

Pain on the outside of the knee suggests an injury to the meniscus or outer ligament.

Do the complaints occur when they ascend a staircase? Then it is probably an arthritis; Do you have cruciate ligament pain when going down stairs? Then it looks like a rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament.

Is the knee swollen? This indicates inflammation, either through a wound or through bacteria. Does the pain sit very deep? It can be a bone infection.


The doctor first has an intensive conversation with the patient. Thus, obvious causes such as sports injuries can be identified quickly, or, if such accidents are not present, focus on other causes.

Not only the family doctor, but the orthopedist is in demand. It examines how mobile the knee is, how it absorbs pressure.

Further examinations include blood tests, X-rays, MRI, analyzes of synovial fluid, ultrasound and in case of doubt a reflection of the knee joint.

An ointment dressing relieves the pain and at the same time stabilizes the knee joint. (Image: sudok1 /

Treatment for stinging knee pain

The treatment of knee injuries should begin as soon as possible. Especially with knee problems complications occur frequently, due to the special burden. Doctors prevent complications by, for example, administering ointments that not only relieve pain but also strengthen knee function.

Serious injuries only heal with medical help. You yourself can make sure that the symptoms do not worsen at least: Keep the area warm, for example with warm baths, warm clothes or warm compresses. If the knee is swollen, then they cool it off.

In the case of bacteria and viruses, they must protect the knee, take antibiotics or medicines.

If the knee is acutely overloaded, for example due to extreme sports, the pain usually disappears when it relieves it.

In osteoarthritis you take painkillers and look for a physiotherapist. As osteoarthritis progresses, surgery is recommended to promote cartilage growth.

Broken kneecaps can be treated with surgery. Sometimes only artificial knee joints help, such as severe osteoarthritis. These belong today to routine interventions.

The pain itself can be alleviated with a lot of procedures: infections, acupuncture (pain transfer), reduce weight (in case of symptoms of overwork), orthopedic shoes and painkillers.

When to the doctor?

With a sharp pain in the knee, in which the cause is unclear and does not disappear quickly, you should definitely go to the doctor, especially since the consequential damages can be serious if not treated.

If the knee joint is damaged, a ligament or muscle is torn or the kneecap is damaged, you will need medical treatment or even hospitalization in any case.

If you do not consult a doctor in the event of damage in the knee joint, this can have dire consequences, from disturbances of the blood circulation through malposition of the joints.

In case of pain and stinging in the knee, stressful sports should be avoided at all costs. (Image: Csaba Deli /


You can not prevent a lot of knee pain, but you can reduce some of the risks. Obesity and lack of exercise lead to an overload of the knee joint. If you hold normal weight, this danger is banned.

Moderate but regular exercise and other physical activity trains the joint and prevents arthrosis. Particularly suitable is cycling and weight training with professional guidance.

On the other hand, prevention also means avoiding overloading right from the start. Above all, competitive athletes who put a lot of strain on their knees, such as basketball players, pole high jumpers, long jumpers or high jumpers, should have themselves regularly examined by a doctor and have their training best looked after medically.

Self-help with stinging in the knee

If you suffer from knee pain, avoid stressful exercise. Swimming, for example, is not a problem, as it relieves the joints, but please no jump or running, no foot, hand, volley, base or basketball. Regular swimming is especially useful for chronic pain but not for acute injuries.

Here you access to ointments and gels and bring the leg to rest. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)