Chills signs, causes and therapy

Chills signs, causes and therapy / symptoms
Chills is not a disease in itself but a symptom and consists of coarse tremor (shaking), teeth chattering and a massive feeling of cold. It usually occurs in conjunction with high fever, that is, as a concomitant symptom of an infectious disease. Muscle shaking in chills is caused by muscle contractions that are used to generate heat.


  • Regulation of body temperature
  • Causes of chills
  • Illnesses with chills
  • therapy
  • Naturopathy and home remedies for chills

Regulation of body temperature

The normal core temperature is around 37 degrees Celsius. The hypothalamus (part of the diencephalon) is responsible for thermoregulation in the body. In case of fever, the so-called body temperature setpoint is increased. This setpoint increase is due to pyrogens that cause fever. Pyrogens are substances that enter the body from outside through the ingress of bacteria, viruses or fungi. But also inside the body pyrogens are formed. For example, in inflammation messenger substances, such as interferon, released, which are intended to increase the defense mechanism and are also effective as pyrogens.

The normal body temperature is about 37 degrees Celsius. (Image: Gina Sanders /

These fever-producing substances contribute to raising the body temperature setpoint. Following this, the body tries to create heat through chills. The muscle tremor increases the heat production and raises the temperature. The blood vessels in the periphery are placed close, so that no heat can be given off. This temperature increase is a sensible matter for the body. The defense and also the healing process are supported.

Causes of chills

Most chills are a sign that pathogens have invaded the bloodstream. These invaders release pyrogens, the set point of body temperature is increased, the body gets the order to heat up. Here, the chills, so the contractions of the muscles ensures that the body produces heat in order to come closer and closer to the upward adjusted temperature value. If the nominal value, in this case the fever value, is reached, the sweat eruption usually occurs. Trembling and cold feeling are over.

Illnesses with chills

Illnesses that are often accompanied by chills are simple colds, runny nose, flu, gastrointestinal infections, bronchial diseases, pneumonia, tropical diseases, poisoning, teething, massive inflammation, infectious diseases, heat stroke or sunstroke.

Through chills, the body tries to generate heat, which can serve, for example, the fight against pathogens. (Image: tibanna79 /


The treatment of chills depends on the causative disease. Trembling and feeling of cold in connection with the rise in fever, trying to supply heat to the body. The patient should be kept warm, possibly with the help of several blankets, a hot water bottle or a cherry stone pillow, as well as teas that additionally stimulate heat production.

Chills demand a lot of fluids. A clue here is the degree of increase in fever. Per degree Celsius, the patient should take half a liter of fluid more than normal. Best in the form of still water or tea.

If the symptoms last for days, a doctor must be consulted. The cause of the chills is clarified with the help of precise physical examinations, a detailed medical history, blood tests and possibly further examination methods, such as an X-ray examination, in order to then use the special therapy.

If a sun-stroke or heat-stroke is the cause, the body must be supplied with cold. This is done with the help of cold coils. In addition, circulatory stabilizing measures are used and the body lost fluid is given back.

In conventional medicine, chills associated with fever are treated with antipyretic agents, such as paracetamol or aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid).

A tea with lime blossom warms the body from the inside. (Image: J.Mühlbauer exclus./

Naturopathy and home remedies for chills

Since the muscle tremor and feeling of cold usually occurs in conjunction with fever, numerous measures are used in natural medicine, which are heat-producing. Tea varieties with rosehip peels, elder or lime blossom can be extremely helpful here. They support the body in heat production.

Recipe for lime blossom tea

  • Put a teaspoon of dried linden flowers in a cup
  • Pour a quarter liter of boiling water over it
  • Let it rest for 10 minutes
  • Remove the flowers and drink the tea in small sips

Proven home remedies for fever are cold calf rolls, alternatively, the so-called wet stockings offer to lower body temperature. To do this, put cotton stockings in cold water, squeeze them out, and then put them on. Dry wool stockings come over it. If the wet stockings have warmed up, they can be renewed several times as needed.

Important: Both in the reels and the stockings should be considered before the application, whether a reduction in fever at the moment actually necessary, because fever is a meaningful and important defense reaction of the body. Often otherwise healthy people recommended, only from 39 ° C. to become active or if they feel very uncomfortable or in pain. Although special caution is advised in children, especially if they tend to febrile seizures, but antipyretic measures can also be counterproductive, since a very rapid lowering of the fever increases the spasm readiness.

Often homeopathic remedies such as Aconitum or Belladonna are used in fever and chills. Patients need a lot of heat in the form of multiple blankets and possibly an additional heat source. If the chills are over, and the body is deprived, which is clearly noticeable by appropriate sweats, light clothing and a slight blanket are announced. (sw, nr, last updated on 14.11.2017)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)