Pain in sex causes and therapies

Pain in sex causes and therapies / symptoms

Women also suffer from pain during sex like men, but women are affected by this dysfunction much more often. The technical term is Dysparenie, doctors also speak of the coitus pain. Such pains range from itchy vagina to stinging, to burning and cramping that resemble labor during pregnancy.


  • Sexual pain in women
  • Normal pain
  • Physical causes
  • Diagnosis and therapy
  • vaginal yeast infection
  • symptoms
  • therapy
  • prevention
  • Vaginal fungus and pregnancy
  • Vaginal fungus and sex
  • vulvitis
  • causes
  • therapies
  • Genital warts
  • vaginal cancer
  • Sexual pain in men
  • The foreskin narrowing
  • penile cancer

Sexual pain in women

Some women feel internal, other external pain. External pain usually develops at the entrance to the vagina, internal pain in the uterus, urinary bladder or ovaries.

Pain during intercourse: Often a cause for relationship problems. (Image: drubig / photo -

Normal pain

Chronic and disease-related pain are different from normal pain that every woman occasionally experiences during sex. In the days before menstruation, for example, the vaginal walls are very sensitive; A dry vagina or too tight muscles of the vagina also cause pain during intercourse.

Many women experience pain at first intercourse. This is partly because of the hymen, but because of the relationship to the partner, the familiarity in the relationship, and the ability to relax.

Even after birth, many women find sex painful, approximately until breastfeeding is over. This is because the hormones change, the birth leads to injuries that are sensitive even after healing, and that some women are mentally more unstable after pregnancy than before. The baby demands attention, and many mothers are too exhausted to enjoy sex. Pain during sex can also be a signal after pregnancy that the woman is not ready for intercourse again.

The menopause can make the sex painful. Before and after menopause, hormones reverse and estrogens decrease. This causes the vagina to dry out, which can cause pain.

Physical causes

Pain during sex can have psychological as well as physical reasons. Physical causes are:

-Problems in hormone balance
-Hygiene and contraception methods
- urinary tract infections
- Inflammation of vagina, ovary, fallopian tubes and glands
- anorexia
- Brain tumors
- an underactive thyroid
- Sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, syphilis or trichomoniasis
- genital warts
- vaginal yeast infection
- tuberculosis
- fibroids
- a lowering of the uterus or vagina
- a vaginal stenosis
- a congenital malformation of the sexual organs
- a very tight scabbard
- a weakness of the vaginal wall
- Injuries during childbirth and other injuries of vagina, uterus and ovaries.

Diagnosis and therapy

First, a gynecologist creates an anamnesis, then he looks at the history of the disease and asks exactly what the pain is in sex. He then makes a suspected diagnosis. He then examines the patient with colonoscopy, vaginal sonography, swab and biopsy. If there are no physical causes, it is probably due to psychological reasons: Dysharmony in the partnership, stress or deeper sexual anxiety, such as abuse or trauma experiences. Meanwhile, a sex therapist is in demand.

The treatment depends on the particular illness. If it is pain underlying another disease, it will be treated.

If the patient reacts negatively to certain contraceptives then the doctor and they go through alternatives. Pain caused by bacteria can best be relieved by antibiotics. Hormone-related pain can be controlled by hormone preparations. A lubricant helps against a dry vagina.

The most common causes of pain in the sex that women suffer from are vaginal thrush and vulvar inflammation. Genital warts also plague women frequently.

vaginal yeast infection

Sheath fungus is a fungal infection on the female genitals. The mucous membrane of the vagina and vulva is inflamed. Three out of four women suffer from such a fungus at least once in their lives.

Yeasts love the vagina, more specifically, they need a temperature around 37 degrees Celsius and a humid environment. Candida albicans is the culprit in nine out of ten such infections. Candida galbrata is responsible for the remaining ten percent.

Mushrooms belong to the normal vaginal microorganisms, and the Candida species are always in the female genitalia. Normally, however, they do not cause inflammation because the ph value in the vagina is below 4.5, suppressing their growth. But when the balance of the vaginal flora is disturbed, they multiply and infect the vagina.

A weak immune system allows this spread, are responsible hormone fluctuations or diseases, for example, by pregnancy, menopause or birth control pills or diabetes.

Antibiotics against uterine infections, cortisone or cytostatics can also weaken the immune system. In the industrialized countries, time-typical behavior also promotes the vaginal fungus: extreme body hygiene such as intimate sprays, special vaginal flushes, tight-fitting clothing and underwear made of synthetic fibers, as well as too much sugar in the food and stress.


Sheath fungus is characterized by severe itching and a burning pain in the vagina and vulva, as well as a discharge in yellow white color and crumbly substance, the vaginal fluorine.

These include swelling, redness, rash, blisters and pustules in and on the vagina and vulva. The sexual intercourse hurts as well as the toilet.

These symptoms occur in very different severity. Often women only think after a check-up at the gynecologist that their vagina itchy lately. When no underlying disease is the cause and the immune system stabilizes, the symptoms often disappear on their own.

Women who show the symptoms of a vaginal fungus can be treated by the gynecologist. First, examine the genital area and take a smear from the vaginal mucosa. As a rule, the doctor then recognizes the fungus because the infestation alters the mucous membrane. The doctor sends the smear to the lab, and that clarifies what fungus it is. This can be seen under the microscope using the fungal threads.


Vaginal fungus can be effectively treated by anti-mycotic drugs; these kill the fungus. They contain imidazoles such as clotrimazole, miconazole, flucanzol, fenticonazole, naystatin or providone-iodine. The victim introduces them as a Zäpchen in the disc, or she wears as an ointment.

Such treatment lasts one to six days depending on the severity of the infection. Sometimes, the fungus occurs again, then it is recommended to take the anti-mycotic drugs as tablets.

Sheath fungus is easy to fight. Very rarely, there is a chronic fungal attack, and then the antimycotics must be taken over a long time.


The fungus can also be found inside the vagina under normal circumstances. Therefore, it is advisable to wash the vagina from the outside in, so as not to spread the fungus. Excessive hygiene should be avoided, especially with perfumed rinses. Instead, water, ph-neutral soaps and lotion with lactic acid are appropriate.

During menstruation, it is all about proper clothing. Panty liners, bandages and underwear with a plastic coating mean that heat and moisture accumulate and thus provide the fungus with the best possible conditions.

Cotton underwear, changed daily, generally protects against infection. Swimwear should not dry on the body, but should be replaced by dry clothes. If the vaginal fungus is already in action, the affected person should change towels and not use them together with others. Anti-mycotic detergents kill the fungus in clothing and underwear.

Lactic acid capsules are effective in helping to prevent the infection as well as preventing it. Lactic acid reduces the ph value of the mucous membrane in the vagina.

Vaginal fungus and pregnancy

During pregnancy, the hormone levels fluctuate, and this helps the vagina's fungus: The protection of the mucous membrane against pathogens is weaker.

The fungal infection itself is also safe for pregnant women; the person concerned should nevertheless treat her immediately. The mushroom can open the door for serious illnesses; When the fungus weakens the vaginal flora, other bacteria can spread. The vaginal fungus also potentially transmits to the infant during birth and then weakens it with fungal attack in the mouth and abdomen.

Lactic acid preparations help in pregnancy to acidify the pH if it is above 4.5. Pregnant women can recognize the fungus by regularly measuring the pH in the vagina. There is a special test glove that the woman introduces with her index finger into the vagina. A test strip on the fingertip then indicates the pH of the vaginal fluid based on the color.

Vaginal fungus and sex

As a rule, vaginal fungus is not transmitted through "sex" because men and women usually carry the fungus around on their genitals. However, this only applies to sexual intercourse with the penis and vagina. Anal sex carries a risk, because in the intestine and at the bottom, more of the fungus frolicking than in the vagina, and the change from anal to vaginal communication can bring them more into the vagina and thus the vaginal flora out of balance. Here it helps to change the condom.

The fungal infection suffers the sexual intercourse, but women who feel like it, do not have to give it up, because medically speaking nothing against it. However, the fungus harms some contraceptive: condoms are quickly broken by the anti-mycotic drugs, and they weaken the contraceptive creams. Contraceptive pill and contraceptive patches, however, act without restriction.


In vulvitis, the external sexual organs of the woman, ie the mons, the labia, the clitoris, the atrium and the Bartholindrüsen ignite. All women suffer from this infection at least once in their lives.

Scab pain can have many causes. (Image: anetlanda /

It is characterized by severe itching and burning around the vagina. The pain makes sitting as torture as the sexual act. Occasionally, the lymph nodes in the groin also swell, with an infected bladder urination hurts. With genital warts there is also wetness and bleeding after sex.


Vulvitis is a collective term for inflammation with very different causes. For example, some women react negatively to synthetic fabrics in clothing or sanitary napkins, or substances in soaps, sprays and detergents.

Intestinal bacteria, staphylococci, streptococci and Gonkokken also cause inflammation, as well as viruses such as genital herpes or papilloma.

Other causes include: animal pests, for example, pubic lice, itch mites or worms, estrogen deficiency or immunodeficiency caused by AIDS such as cancer; exaggerated as well as nonexistent intimate hygiene, or injuries caused by shaving. Psoriasis is a skin inflammation that may also affect the vulva. In case of cystitis, the urine irritates the vulva and also provides an ideal, humid and warm microclimate for bacteria and fungi.

The vulva can be easily infected by pathogens from the anus, vagina and urethra, intestinal bacteria reach the area of ​​the vulva with inadequate or incorrect cleaning of the anus, vaginal infections can reach the vulva. Sheets and towels provide terrain for scratch mites and pubic lice.

A vulvite is easy to spot. The mucous membrane swells and reddens. The doctor examines the cause by means of a smear under the microscope.


Depending on the cause, there are different healing methods for vulvitis: pubic lice and itch mites are externally fought with the drug lindane. Antibiotics help against bacteria, a cyst on the Bartholin gland opens the doctor and sewn them with the outer skin; a new gland exit prevents clogging of the gland.

If there is no infection, baths in chamomile, as well as in the aftercare. Pain-relieving medicines are also useful.

Genital warts

Genital warts are tissue growths on the vagina, anus, rectum and the externally visible parts of the female and male genitalia. Especially young people in their early 20s suffer from it.

The cause of genital warts is an infection with papillomavirus that is transmitted through sexual intercourse. As a rule, the partner or partners carries these viruses in themselves. If children suffer from genital warts, this is an indication of possible sexual abuse.

A vaccine against the virus protects 90%, condoms also help.

Genital warts are caused by human papilloma viruses (HPV). Some of these viruses are responsible for uterine, anal, penile and vulvar cancers. These growths can extend over several centimeters, they are white-reddish or gray-brown. Often they are barely recognizable, then again they develop into shapes reminiscent of cauliflower.

Eight out of ten people contract HPV infection once in a lifetime, with only one in every hundredth of them showing the warts. Genital warts arise when skin lesions become infected. A few weeks to months later, the warts appear on the surface. Mostly they are transmitted through sex, promiscuous Active people take the greatest risk. Effective condoms help here. Genital warts sometimes show that the immune system is disturbed, but only in terms of HPV.

Women most commonly suffer from genital warts at the perineum / vaginal wall, labia minora, vaginal entrance, vagina, cervix, urethra and pubic mound.

In men, the warts proliferate on the foreskin, glans, penile furrow, foreskin tape, urethra and pubic mound. In both sexes, genital warts appear on the anus.

Genital warts itch and burn sometimes. Sexual intercourse then causes burning pains, in addition, the friction of the genitals can lead to bleeding, and in women to discharge.

To diagnose and treat genital warts sometimes requires several specialists: dermatologists, gynecologists, urologists and proctologists. Reflections of the intestine, urethra or rectum show how the warts spread. The tissue is examined with a colposcope.

A quadruple vaccine against HPV protects against HPV-16 and -18, which causes cervical cancer, and also against the "more harmless" HPV-6 and HPV-11, which are all the more common.

vaginal cancer

Vaginal cancer, other names include vaginal cancer, vaginocarcinoma or vaginal carcinoma, is a rare cancer that causes pain during intercourse.

Nine out of ten vaginal tumors develop in the uppermost mucous membrane. These squamous cell carcinomas are still adenocarcinomas in the tissue of the glands and melanomas, so skin cancer. Half of the cancers are in the upper third of the vagina and the posterior vaginal wall.

These carcinomas, like others, are either operated on or irradiated. In an early discovery, vaginal cancer can be removed well and often heals completely.

The human papillomaviruses type 16 and 18 are involved in vaginarcancer. An artificial estrogen, diethylstilbestrol, was taken by pregnant women. Today it is off the market because it causes adenocarcinomas.

In men, testicular cancer is a possible cause of the pain. (Image: joshya /

Sexual pain in men

Men suffer from pain during sex less often than women. The pain hits them on the penis, between the anus, penis and scrotum, on the scrotum itself or on the pubic bone. Sometimes, the pain is there before and reinforce the sex.

Pain, for example, causes a man to lose the desire to have sex and endanger the relationship. Often the sufferer does not get an erection because of the pain. The resulting distress can lead to clinical depression. That's also why men who feel pain during sex should consult a urologist.

Relatively widespread is the foreskin constriction, the so-called phimosis. The foreskin is so tight that it can not slide over the glans. That's why an erection hurts. A phimosis can be removed surgically.

Also common are inflammations:
- urethritis
- Colitis
- prostatitis
- balanitis
- foreskin inflammation
- cystitis

The pain often hides a disease:
- gonorrhea
- soft chancre
- Trichomoniasis
- Chlamydia infection
- Syphillis
- gonorrhea
- Genital herpes
- Stapphylokokkendermitis

Hardening of the penis causes the erect penis to be crooked. Dramatic is the penile fracture, which arises because a cavernous tear in the penis. An allergy triggers pain: So a man can be allergic to the contraceptives of the woman, but also to hygiene products such as shower gels. Very rarely, prostate cancer is responsible for the pain

In any case, it is advisable to ask a urologist for advice. The examines what kind of pain are. Does the affected person also feel pain when going to the toilet? Is the erection itself painful? The pain comes only during sexual intercourse?

The urologist examines the external genital organs, if necessary he takes a swab to identify pathogens; he looks for inflammations and deformations; he examines the blood and urine.

Even infections with herpes viruses can cause pain during sex. (Image: Kateryna_Kon /

The foreskin narrowing

A normal sized foreskin can be easily pulled over the glans. But if the foreskin is narrowed, the erection causes pain and the same goes for sex.

A bonded foreskin in infants is normal, almost always, the narrowness of the foreskin is formed at the age of about 4 years. While the foreskin is still too tight in 8% of six-year-olds, only one in ten seventeen-year-olds suffers from it.

In a few, this is innate, in some scars formed after inflammation and still others injured, because someone tried to retract their foreskin in childhood by force. Diabetes mellitus often leads to phimosis.

An adult realizes he has phimosis if he can not fully retract his foreskin - both erect and unrealized limbs, if he experiences foreskin pain during masturbation, intercourse, and erection in general. These stretch pains are well differentiated from the burning pain of penile skin or urethra infections. In particular, the pain does not occur when urinating, and the foreskin does not hurt when someone touches it, as is the case with an external wound.

Adults can get rid of the foreskin constriction using a variety of methods. Procedures that preserve the foreskin expand the plastic tissue. Circumcision corresponds to circumcision for religious reasons: the entire foreskin over the glans is cut away here. Since no skin covers the foreskin, phimosis can no longer occur.

Pruning is not dangerous if a professional performs it. However, sufferers are sometimes dissatisfied with the aesthetic result, for example, because the skin obtained is asymmetric at the edges. Medical problems are rare. In two out of every 100 patients the wound bleeds.

Many men circumcise the foreskin because they think they have better sex, are easier to excite, and more sexually potent. Circumcision always affects the sensitivity of the glans penis. First, it should be ensured that the glans receives the necessary moisture, second, the person concerned should ensure that he does not irritate the now unprotected from the foreskin glans, for example, by underwear made of rough fabrics or itchy substances.

penile cancer

A penile carcinoma is a rare cancer that proliferates mainly on the glans and foreskin. The trigger is probably the smegma, the sebum of the foreskin. If this permanently accumulates between the glans and the foreskin, because the affected person does not wash, the tumor promotes. A phimosis causes the affected person can not cleanse the glans properly. Smoking and papilloma viruses are considered as additional risk factors.

Mostly there are rarely early warning symptoms. These include: changes in the mucous membranes, vaginal discharge and bleeding from the penis (not in the urine). However, all of these symptoms can also have harmless causes and are therefore rarely taken seriously.

Penile cancer can be operated successfully. Depending on the stage of cancer, this operation ranges from foreskin removal to amputation of the penis. If the penis has formed metastases, chemo and radiation therapies help. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)