Hiccups - Singultus causes and home remedies

Hiccups - Singultus causes and home remedies / symptoms

Hiccoughs are usually harmless

A hiccup (medically "singultus") usually comes as a surprise and usually inconvenient. There is rarely a serious health problem behind the hiccups, so that in most cases self-help measures from the field of naturopathy are sufficient to end the suffering. Some of the traditional home remedies, tips and tricks sound pretty absurd at first - but it can be worth trying out.


  • Hiccoughs are usually harmless
  • What causes hiccups?
  • Mechanical and thermal causes
  • Hiccough due to illnesses
  • Hiccup complaints due to medication
  • First Aid: home remedies for hiccups
  • Embarrassment reinforces the hiccups
  • When to the doctor in case of hiccups?
  • Hiccoughs in babies
  • What to do against hiccups in the child?

What causes hiccups?

Hiccough (singultus) is usually caused by irritation of the so-called phrenic nerve (phrenic nerve). This is a spinal nerve originating from the neck area and supplying the diaphragm (motor) with the motor.

Hiccup is caused by irritation of the diaphragm. A very natural reaction of the body, but for most people, the loud hicksen is uncomfortable. (Image: BildPix.de/fotolia.com)

If the nerve is irritated, the diaphragm (diaphragm), which is suspended as a large muscle between the chest and abdomen, contracts involuntarily. We breathe in automatically, whereupon the vocal folds (vocal cords) close in addition. This is the typical hiccup tone.

Mechanical and thermal causes

The cause of hiccups is often irritation of the diaphragm or its nerve (phrenic nerve). This irritation can be both mechanical and thermal. Excessively large meals, fizzy drinks, very hot or ice-cold water and hot spices can cause hiccups as well as external pressure. Severe gas formation (flatulence) in the context of indigestion can be the cause.

Often, a quick meal or drink and the associated "air ingestion" is the reason for the complaints. Even those who drink a lot of alcohol and / or smoke heavily, is more susceptible. Not infrequently, the hicksen is psychologically conditioned. Because stress, excitement, anxiety or sudden fright quickly lead to a hectic, irregular breathing and thereby to hiccups.

A common cause of hiccups is the hasty "slinging" when eating. (Image: Drobot Dean / fotolia.com)

Hiccough due to illnesses

Rarely, a more serious disease can be the trigger for the unpleasant hiccups. In question, for example, the so-called reflux, an esophagitis (esophagitis), esophageal diverticula or inflammation in the throat and larynx.

Possible causes include gastrointestinal (gastroenteritis) or gastritis (gastritis), as well as chronic inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis responsible for persistent Hicksen. In addition, if there are massive abdominal pain, there may be a (sometimes life-threatening) peritonitis, which necessarily requires medical treatment.

Diseases of the liver such as Hepatitis A can cause frequent hiccups. If the symptoms last longer, a pathological enlargement of the abdominal aorta (abdominal aorta aneurysm) may be the reason. Other possible causes include metabolic and hormonal disorders such as diabetes mellitus (diabetes) or hyperthyroidism.

In some cases, hicksen is associated with an enlarged thyroid (goiter), which is colloquially referred to as "goiter" or "thick neck". Here, many sufferers report the feeling of having a lump in their throats, often having a shortness of breath when under stress or certain head movements, hoarseness and difficulty swallowing.

In rarer cases, for example, hyperthyroidism or goiter may be responsible for the hiccup. (Image: Andrey Popov / fotolia.com)

Hiccups can be caused by diseases of the brain. For if the functions of the brain nerves are disturbed or damaged, this can have an effect on the autonomic nervous system or on the vagus and phrenic nerves. For example, meningitis, encephalitis or multiple sclerosis are possible, and hiccups can be an important alarm signal for a stroke.

In rare cases, tumors in the ear and surrounding brain structures or growths in the neck are the cause of nerve irritation and consequent hiccups. Tumors in the abdominal and thoracic cavities may, depending on where they are located, act directly on the diaphragm and phrenic nerve.

Lymph node swelling (for example, infectious diseases or Hodgkin's disease) in this area may also affect the phrenic nerve. Persistent hiccups can also indicate a brain tumor or secondary tumors of tumors from other parts of the body (metastases).

Hiccup complaints due to medication

In some cases, certain medications may be the reason for the discomfort. These include, for example, benzodiazepines, which are used as relaxants and tranquilizers (tranquilizers) or as sleep aids (hypnotics). Likewise, it is possible that anesthetics, antiepileptics, antiparkinson drugs and drugs for the treatment of tumors (chemotherapeutic agents) have hiccups as a side effect. The same applies for example to psychotropic drugs with antipsychotic, sedating and psychomotor depressant effect (neuroleptics) and cortisone preparations (glucocorticoids).

If the hiccup seems to be increasing or more frequent in connection with the intake of medication, a discussion with the attending physician should be conducted promptly. Danger: If you need to take regular medications, do not take them on your own and do not alter the prescribed regimen to avoid health risks. Always get advice from your doctor first.

First Aid: home remedies for hiccups

For acute hiccups, there are several home remedies that often sound a bit strange at first. But many of the applications actually cause Hicksen to stop. That's because the little tricks cause the focus to be distracted from the hiccups and the sufferer to concentrate on the exercise. The breathing calms down, allowing the diaphragm to relax and the hiccup disappears.

Even if there is no cure for the hiccup, try several methods. It is important to breathe slowly and regularly, so that the breathing can relax again and the hiccups can disappear. Take a deep breath and hold the air for 20 to 30 seconds so the diaphragm can stabilize in the inspiratory position and have a moment to calm down.

Tips against hiccups include stopping the breath or drinking ice-cold water, for example. (Image: Tran-Photography / fotolia.com)

In many cases, apple cider vinegar provides quick relief by taking one teaspoon of it undiluted. Likewise, it may be useful to drink lemon juice, to bite into a slice of lemon or to slowly melt an ice cube in the mouth. Alternatively, melt a piece of sugar cubes in the mouth or slowly eat a teaspoonful of sugar.

In some cases, hickering can be dispelled by drinking a glass of cold, still water in quick, small sips. Conversely, cold drinks and food can also cause hiccups.

Some experts advise you to stick your tongue out or pull on it. Because in the course of which automatically changes the breathing, which has a relaxing effect on the diaphragm and the body as a whole.

Chew a clove to calm the irritated diaphragm. A soothing effect may be inhaling a small amount of pepper through the nose. Because the resulting sneezing is basically nothing more than an "explosive" exhalation, through which the breathing is balanced again and in the best case the hiccup is expelled.

As a medicinal plant in natural healing in hiccups often the dill herb (Anethum graveolens) is recommended because it contains anticonvulsant drugs and therefore helps especially if the hicksen is due to a digestive disorder. The seeds of the herb can be chewed, alternatively, the preparation of a healing teas with the leaves offers.

In general, make sure not to drink too hastily and not to swallow while eating. Take your time, eat slowly and chew every bite extensively ("fletching"). Avoid eating and talking at the same time and try to always speak as slowly and quietly as possible.

Avoid very cold, very hot or very spicy dishes (with chili, Tabasco etc.) as well as alcohol and nicotine on an empty stomach. Avoid (especially) during lavish meals on carbon dioxide-containing drinks such as beer, sparkling wine or cola and instead resort to still water or similar.

Embarrassment reinforces the hiccups

Many people find it very unpleasant when they hiccup in public because they attract attention or fear being considered "childish" or "tipsy". But fear and shame further aggravate the situation, as these emotions cause stress and confuse the respiratory system even more. As a result, the hiccup can not disappear, but is often even amplified.

Tip: So do not try to suppress the hiccups convulsively or hide yourself with embarrassment. Instead, consider hickering as what it is - an involuntary and natural body reaction that can occur anytime, anytime. Take it with humor, stay calm and try to normalize your breathing with little tricks.

If the hiccup lasts longer, suddenly occurs more frequently than usual or with other symptoms such as Stomach pain or dizziness, you should urgently see a doctor. (Image: bnenin / fotolia.com)

When to the doctor in case of hiccups?

In most cases, the hicksen is annoying, but harmless and disappears again after some time. However, for certain signs you should be vigilant and, as a precaution, consult a doctor to get to the root of the problem.

Go to the doctor if:

  • They are very often affected by hiccups,
  • This suddenly occurs more often than usual,
  • he does not disappear, but longer, e.g. lasts throughout the day,
  • further complaints such as Chronic fatigue, constant belching, abdominal pain, nausea, heartburn or a swollen neck occur.

Danger: If, in parallel to the hiccups, there are sudden signs of paralysis or a feeling of numbness, speech and / or vision problems, extremely severe headache, dizziness, unsteadiness of the gait or balance problems, the emergency call must be immediately activated Telephone number 112 be dropped off; be discontinued; be deducted; be dismissed. Because in this case it can be a warning sign for a stroke.

Hiccoughs in babies

Even before birth, babies in the mother's womb have to do with hiccups. For the unborn, the reflex is helpful for training the respiratory muscles, as no amniotic fluid can flow through the closed glottis. Hicksen also fulfills a valuable function after birth, as the reflex ensures that no mother's milk gets into the lungs when drinking. In adults, however, hiccups no longer fulfill a biological purpose.

What to do against hiccups in the child?

Hiccups are basically just a protective reflex of the body in babies and are therefore usually not a cause for concern. On the contrary, the hicksen fulfills a biological meaning and is felt by the child neither as painful nor unpleasant. Accordingly, it is not absolutely necessary to do something about it.

If you still want to help your child get rid of the hiccups, e.g. because it does not make you sleep, you can try different ways. Important However, most popular tricks and home remedies for adults should never be used on babies. Parents should never try to relieve hiccups by, for example, holding their child's nose or frightening him.

In babies, the hiccups can be alleviated if they are made after each meal a peasant. (Image: S.Kobold / fotolia.com)

It can be helpful if you make your child a so-called peasant after each meal. To do this, lift your child up so that the head is on your shoulder and pat gently on the baby's back. Since physical closeness has a calming effect on the child, taking it easy on the arm can also help outside of meals. Supportive, you can blow the child gently in the face, so it is distracted and changes his breathing rhythm.

To relieve the hiccups by relaxing, it can help if you sing something to your child, caress it or gently massage the soles of the feet. Give the baby something to drink by putting it on briefly or giving it to him.

Because the hicksen can also be caused by thermal influences, make sure that your child is dressed warm enough. Soothing and relaxing warmth can also be provided by a cherry stone or granary pillow when placed on the baby's stomach.

Important: Always check with the back of your hand or on the cheek before applying a heat pad if it has the right temperature. If it is still too warm, let it cool down first. (Non-medical practitioner Jeanette Viñals Stein, nr, last updated on 28.4.2017)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)