Red nose - causes and treatment

Red nose - causes and treatment / symptoms

A red nose: what are the causes and therapies?

A red nose not only looks a bit strange, but may also be due to a disease. Most people think that if they see a red nose, which may be a bit tubercular and large-pored, it may be due to excessive alcohol consumption. However, the cause is often a skin disorder called rosacea. A massive cold, a sunburn and cold can of course also provide for an acutely red nose.


  • A red nose: what are the causes and therapies?
  • Rosacea - what is it ?
  • causes
  • trigger
  • symptoms
  • Stress, signs on the nose
  • treatment
  • facial
  • Attention
  • diary
  • Naturopathy
  • home remedies
  • nutrition

Rosacea - what is it ?

Rosacea, also called "copper rose", appears in the face, initially due to reddening of the skin, which mainly affects the middle third of the face. These are cheeks and nose. These rednesses occur suddenly and remain there only for hours - or even for days. The blood vessels are dilated. Rosacea is an inflammatory disease that occurs in batches. The redness of the skin itch or burn and develop over time into papules and pustules.

A red nose can have a variety of causes, with permanent redness often associated with skin diseases. (Image: Nancy /


The causes are still not sufficiently clarified. Often, the disease occurs familial, that is, it is inherited. The communication between nerves and blood vessels is disturbed. For example, these vessels dilate as a result of weak stimuli and then no longer contract. This can be seen under the skin surface nd although in the form of so-called telangiectasias (superficially located, visibly enlarged small blood vessels).


The following triggers can lead to a rosacea, which is usually the first to be recognized by a red nose. Here is in the first place too much sun. Fair-skinned people are more likely to get this skin disease. Other triggers are cold, hot drinks, alcohol, nicotine, cosmetics, stress or hormonal changes (for example, pregnancy, menopause). In addition, certain medications, such as anti-arrhythmic medications (amiodarone) and medications with a vasodilating (vasodilating) effect, may trigger this skin disorder. Also, a connection between the involvement of the gastric mucosa with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and the emergence of a rosacea is discussed. Likewise, indigestion, such as diarrhea, constipation or hyperacidity of the stomach in question.

Everybody experiences Rosacea differently. The characteristics are different. So sufferers must individually determine for themselves what does them not good and possibly leads to a red nose.


The symptoms of rosacea include a sudden flush, which means blushing the facial skin. Other complaints include red patches that disappear, visible small blood vessels, papules, pustules and lymphedema (accumulation of lymph). The skin disease is classified into three severity levels:

  • In grade I, the redness persists and the skin sheds easily.
  • At grade II, pustules and papules are added, possibly also lymphedema.
  • Grade III is characterized by the fact that the skin becomes thicker and coarser. This is demonstrated, for example, by the nodular change in the nose, in which jargon is called rhinophyma.

The rhinophyma with the bulbous, large-pored red nose, is easy to think of too much alcohol, which of course is not necessarily the case. This rhinophyma mainly affects older men. In severe cases, the disease even spreads to the ears, neck and chest area. The eyes may also be involved, which may manifest in dryness, burning eyes, foreign body sensation, inflammation of the conjunctiva, upper lid, and enlarged blood vessels in the eye.

Stress, signs on the nose

Stress was already mentioned as a trigger. The skin is the mirror of the soul and so can show inner tension, injuries, mental problems, exhaustion and much more on the skin. Especially redness is common here and also a red nose.

According to the teachings of pathophysiognomy, on the nose, which stands for will and self-realization, signs of diseases of the stomach and the bronchial tract can be seen. Redness often means inflammation and / or hyperfunction. (Nasal tip = stomach, lateral nasal area = lungs, bronchi).

And then there's the added problem of rosacea itself. Who likes to go public with a red nose or a red face? This burden and many sufferers suffer from the situation. A vicious circle begins. Good and, above all, timely treatment is therefore very important.

On the one hand, stress can increase the symptoms of rosacea, and on the other hand it causes mental stress or stress in those affected. (Image: Milan Lipowski /


Rosacea is not curable, but if detected in good time, treatable well. If, above all, there is a red nose and / or redness on the face, this is treated with conventional ointments, gel or a suitable lotion. In the case of inflammatory changes, such as pustules and papules, certain care products are also used. In more severe cases is often treated externally and internally. This means that the patients get a product for skin care and another, for internal use (usually an antibiotic).

If the red nose is tuberously thickened, a laser treatment can also be considered. If underlying diseases, such as indigestion, as a trigger before, these are of course to treat.


Care should be taken during facial care. Preparations containing preservatives, alcohol or essential oils should be avoided at all costs. The prescribed medical cream comes on the skin after cleaning the very first. When properly fed, daily facial care can be used. Everything that promotes blood circulation, such as cold and too hot water, is best avoided and only lukewarm water is used.


Caution is advised in the cold and in sunlight. In winter, the skin must be protected with suitable cream and possibly with a cloth or a scarf that covers the face. In summer, the sun is best avoided and if this is not possible, use a suitable sunscreen. Again, please make sure that no additives are included. On Saunagänge should, if possible, be waived.


If you have rosacea and get a red nose from time to time, you should definitely keep a diary: What did I eat, which skin care products did I use, am I currently in stress? This is very important in order to be able to judge exactly which triggers can be omitted in everyday life, in order to alleviate the symptoms or even prevent redness.


Naturopathy also has its place in the treatment of a red nose in conjunction with rosacea. First of all a detailed medical history will be used to determine where the causes could be. It is important to ask when the skin is "blooming", when it has started, if there are any known triggers for the social environment in which those affected live, what their job is, how they feed themselves, if they are exhausted Suffer stress or have mental health problems. All this is also important for the right therapy.

As a rule, the psyche is treated. For example with a lavender tincture that calms the body, concentrates the thinking and additionally has a positive effect on the stomach. Or the rose root, which is a good help especially in stressful times. In order to protect oneself against the stress, the number 5 potassium phosphoricum of the Schuessler salts helps.

From homeopathy, remedies such as Abrotanum, Tormentilla, Apis and Belladonna have been proven. Furthermore, liver remedies are always indicated for the treatment of skin disorders. These include milk thistle, dandelion and celandine. For this purpose, combination preparations in the form of tablets are available. Schüßler salts can also be used for skin complaints. Here are the No. 3 Ferrum phosphoricum, No. 4 potassium chloratum, No. 1 calcium fluoratum, No. 9 sodium phosphoricum and No. 10 Natrium sulfuricum in this case the drug of choice.

In naturopathic practice, therapies such as acupuncture, foot reflexology and anthroposophic medicine are also used.

Pansy tea is a proven home remedy for red noses. This can also be applied externally, for example in the form of compresses. (Image: Cora Müller /

home remedies

A proven home remedy for red nose is the pansy tea. A teaspoon of the dried herb is boiled with a quarter liter of boiling water and strained after about five to six minutes. Of these, two cups a day are consumed over a period of six weeks or even when needed. Externally, this tea also helps as a compress or to dab the red or inflamed areas. Chamomile tea or black tea is just as suitable.

It is also recommended to take evening primrose oil. This contains a high proportion of essential, polyunsaturated fatty acids. Especially gamma-linolenic acid. This is not only mood-enhancing, but has a very positive effect on the skin metabolism. The easiest way is to take evening primrose oil capsule. In addition, these can be easily opened and then applied externally to the affected areas.


The diet should be high in fiber. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are daily on the menu, but in the evening not raw, but in blanched, grilled or short stewed form. Raw food, which is eaten in the evening, the intestine can not process overnight. The whole thing begins to ferment. This causes fusel alcohols and this must then detoxify the liver again. Since the skin is also a detoxification organ, it can show up in a red nose or other skin reddening. (Sw)