Red spots on the face causes and effective treatment

Red spots on the face causes and effective treatment / symptoms
Millions of people know the problem. They look in the mirror and their face is covered by larger and smaller red spots. The reasons for this are diverse. Sometimes the cause is clear, for example, if you have a sunburn or are agitated. Sometimes, however, it is also a skin inflammation.


  • What happens in the body?
  • mouth Rose
  • rosacea
  • Red spots on the face due to rosacea
  • Light skin is a risk factor
  • How does Rosacea develop??
  • Symptoms and overreactions
  • alcohol
  • temperature
  • Chili con carne
  • cosmetics
  • Self-help with Rosacea
  • Demodex mites
  • Psychic consequences
  • pustules
  • Thick nose
  • Good chances of recovery
  • Other causes of red spots on the face
  • rosacea
  • Sensible skin

What happens in the body?

Red spots develop as the blood vessels dilate. On the face we see this especially on the cheeks and nostrils. We blush. Even when we are aroused, the blood vessels dilate, as well as when we exercise or drink alcohol. But usually the vessels contract again when the special state is over.

Physical exertion and heat quickly cause red spots on the face. (Image: beerfan /

However, if our blood vessels react particularly sensitively, then they expand more and more and appear again and again as red spots on the face.
Sometimes the skin also reacts to foreign substances such as cosmetics or medicines. Even dry heaters can cause the blood vessels to expand, as nicotine.

mouth Rose

The so-called oral rose, in the jargon of Perioral Dermatitis is a rash that spreads "like a rose" around the nose and mouth. It is easy to treat with an ointment prescribed by the dermatologist. They may, however, as long as the rash is rampant, apply no cosmetics.


Couperose is a vascular disease in which the veins on the face dilate, so that the blood does not flow back when blushing. She too can be treated well by a dermatologist.

Red spots on the face due to rosacea

Rosacea is an inflammatory skin disease. If her facial skin is not only reddish in color, but also the blood vessels are visible and the skin burns like a sting, then there could be a rosacea.

The inflammation is especially evident on the forehead, nose, chin and cheeks. Around 4 million people in Germany suffer from it, but only a few know that it is this disease.

The inflammation manifests itself in a chronic redness, but also in the form of nodules, blisters, visible veins and swelling of the face. The symptoms are reminiscent of an acne or allergy, with which the skin disease is also often confused.

Light skin is a risk factor

Rosacea is known as the "curse of the Celts". Inflammation is rampant, especially in northern Europe, Scandinavia and the UK. But not the wet cold weather is responsible for that, but the fair skin with reddish or blond hair and blue, green or gray eyes and freckles.

Persistent facial redness and burning sensations may be an indication of rosacea. (Image: Milan Lipowski /

How does Rosacea develop??

Science still does not know the cause of the skin disease, also known as "facial rose". Since it is an inflammation, it is likely that a disorder of nerve control, a congenital immunodeficiency or a reaction to external stimuli responsible. The skin does not adequately produce a particular protein, which in turn is part of our immune system.

Demodex mites settle to a high degree on a skin attacked by rosacea. To date, however, it is unclear whether the mites visit the affected skin after the disease has broken out, or if they cause the inflammation itself.

The skin of the patient becomes extremely red when exposed to sunlight (UV radiation), hot spices, alcohol or a change in temperature. So she is hypersensitive. Again, the cause and effect is not clear: In any case, the skin of patients reacts hypersensitive. But is the hypersensitive
Skin may also be a cause of the condition?

Symptoms and overreactions

Many symptoms of the facial rose are an extreme reaction to stimuli, but also cause red spots in the face in healthy people.


Alcohol dilates the blood vessels. That's why everyone knows the red cheeks, who likes to drink one over the thirst. In rosacea, however, the redness does not go back, and the alcohol can cause pustules and papules.


High heat, such as cold and sharp wind, promote blood circulation. What healthy people do well is a curse for people with facial roses. If, after the shower or the sauna with the following ice bath, the blood gets going, this often causes a disease spurt. Those affected then do not go relaxed from the sauna, but look like a cooked lobster.

In the case of a facial rose, it should be limited to hot spices, e.g. Chilli, to be dispensed with. (Image: photocrew /

Chili con carne

Those affected should avoid foods that contain a lot of chili, pepper or curry. Chili promotes blood circulation, and Asians and South Americans see it not only as a spice, but also as a medicine. Once again, however, what people do without reddening of the face triggers a boost for those affected. Her face turns bright red, and the skin does not recover.


If you suffer from rosacea, you do not have to do without make-up in general, but look for low-fat cosmetics that do not irritate the skin. You should take a test and / or consult your dermatologist.

Self-help with Rosacea

If a facial rose is present, you should definitely consult with the dermatologist for a treatment. You can also relieve the symptoms yourself if you know the triggers. The best way to do this is to keep a journal in which you record when and how violently the relapses are coming.

They themselves know best when their skin is burning, pustules are forming, and their face looks like they are coming from a Sahara trip without sunscreen.

Every day write down what your skin looks like and what you did and do. These include not only the obvious triggers such as sauna or participation in the "sharpest Currywurst competition".

Did you experience stress and red spots on your face? If so, what was the trigger for the stress and how can it be avoided??

Have you tried a make-up and looked like a strawberry cake? Change the preparation.

Forgo competitive sports. In sports, the blood vessels widen. Do you have red spots on your forehead after jogging? Do the blood hit their faces during strength training? Even when it's difficult: replace the full power by relaxed cycling or longer walks.

Avoid sun. Take care of good sun protection, wear a hat, stay in the shade. Put on long shirts with long sleeves.

Demodex mites

Almost every person has been affected by these mites at some point. Usually we do not notice that. However, if the mites multiply unchecked, the skin becomes inflamed. In rosacea sufferers, the mite is in excess.

When we are in love, we often blush "automatically" at the sight of the other. (Image: Gina Sanders /

Psychic consequences

Blushing is embarrassing for many people. When we are in love, and our dream woman appears on the scene, we can not hide our feelings because the blood is rising in the cheeks. If someone provokes us, and we put on a poker face, the red spots on the face show that we are "cooking inwardly".

People with facial roses are often emotionally insecure, because they always "turn red".


Particularly unpleasant is not the redness alone, but pustules of vesicles that arise in rosacea papulopustulosa. Unlike acne, large areas of the face are red. The pustules of the facial rose also do not develop from inflamed sebaceous follicles.

As with acne, pustules in the middle of the face are extremely unpleasant for those affected.

Thick nose

Especially in men, rosacea leads to thickened connective tissue and sebaceous glands. These occur mainly on the nose. Affected people get a so-called bulbous nose, colloquially also known as prongs or potato nose.

Especially in men, rosacea often leads to a so-called bulbous nose. (Image: Edler von Rabenstein /

However, such "phyma" can also occur on the chin, forehead, ears and eyelid. The thickening is much more disagreeable to those affected than the facial flushes themselves, they feel disfigured, and some have a downright monstrous appearance.

Good chances of recovery

The individual forms of rosacea can be treated dermatologically very well. A regular visit to the dermatologist and the proper intake of medication will quickly relieve the symptoms.

Other causes of red spots on the face

Especially women over 40 often blush on the nose and cheeks. These relapses are probably a consequence of menopause. Those affected have hot flashes, the skin itches and burns. In contrast to a facial rose, the "flush" but decreases quickly.

Only when the control of the blood vessels is disturbed, the red spots remain on the face. Then the veins do not close themselves.

Trigger are also here spicy food, alcohol, heat or cold as psycho-emotional triggers (stress, anger, shame or excitement).


Couperose shows up in dilated blood vessels. The blood shimmers through the skin in blue-red-violet colors. The skin may also inflame and be speckled with blisters, pimples and knots.

The cause of this skin disease is unclear. In any case, it is associated with weakened connective tissue, and women over 50 are most commonly affected.

Self-help means avoiding the same triggers as a facial rose: sauna, extreme temperatures, hot drinks, alcohol, chilli and pepper, sun and sunlamps.

If noticeable facial veins are particularly disturbing, the dermatologist may soil them, or "weld" the vessels with a light treatment.

Couperose is considered to be the beginning of a rosacea, but physicians argue that it is a matter of different forms of the same disease.

Sensitive skin requires particularly intensive care through special creams. The dermatologist can give tips here which products are the right ones in the individual case. (Image: Dmitry Bairachnyi /

Sensible skin

Sensitive skin is not a disease and can not be "cured". Often it is a naturally dry skin, whose protection from the outside world is weaker than with a moist skin.

People with sensitive skin are intensely sensitive to various external stimuli: they suffer from fungal attack, they are often allergic to cosmetics, and spicy food causes itching on the face.

Some sufferers even experience red patches on the skin when they take a shower, hot or cold. People with sensitive skin need to take special care of them, for example with skin creams, after a dermatologist has determined the fat and moisture content of the skin.

Generally, you should not stay in the sun for long, avoid sauna and hot showers. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)