symptoms - Page 48

Articulation disorders causes and treatment approaches

Articular disorder in adults and childrenIf children can not pronounce sounds correctly, there is probably an articulation disorder - in...

Poor pain causes and therapy

Arm pain is a relatively common condition that can severely affect the daily life of the person. Because the symptoms...

Anorexia - Causes and Symptoms

The symptom of loss of appetite accompanies many diseases, especially in the gastrointestinal area, is often at the beginning of...

Aphthous causes and treatment

Aphthae or French Aphthae can be seen as damage to the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat in connection...

Signs of internal dehydration (dehydration)

Signs of internal dehydration (dehydration)The body of an adult person consists of about 60% water. A balanced water balance is...

Anus pain (after pain) - causes, therapy and symptoms

As anus pain or anal pain is referred to in the area of ​​the anus, which is responsible as the...

Listlessness causes and overcoming

All humans know phases in which they can "get up to nothing". The planned bike ride is nothing because it...

Fear of spiders spider anxiety

Scared of spiders; arachnophobia The fear of spiders is one of the most common phobias and is also widespread in...

fear of exams

test anxiety The fear of the next exam - many people know this feeling only too well. Already long before...