Anorexia - Causes and Symptoms

Since regular cravings for food is a sign of health, loss of appetite, which occurs over a longer period and no apparent cause, should be clarified by a doctor. This requires a thorough medical history, a physical examination, a check of the blood count and possibly further diagnostic procedures.
- Appetite controlled by many mechanisms
- Biorhythm - effects on appetite
- Social environment affects the appetite
- Loss of appetite in children
- Common causes of loss of appetite
- Other diseases
- Loss of appetite in old age
- Mental causes of loss of appetite
- Stages of life - loss of appetite
- alcohol and drugs
- Diagnosis of loss of appetite
- Treatment options of naturopathy
- General Tips
Appetite controlled by many mechanisms
Numerous mechanisms in the body regulate appetite and satiety, so that the organism is always supplied with enough food. The Center for Hunger and Saturation is located in the midbrain. There, incoming signals are collected, checked and then processed. Usually, a healthy person eats exactly the amount he needs, without having to pay attention to calorie tables and weight.

The food gets into the digestive tract. Resident sensors report the saturation stimulus to the brain. Also, various hormones are released, which are transported in the blood, tell the intermediate brain a state of saturation.
The food is broken down in the digestive tract and the concentration of the individual constituents in the blood is measured. Here, a certain amount again generates a degree of saturation. Blood sugar is a very important indicator. It stimulates the pancreas to release insulin, causing it to saturate. Insulin in turn stimulates the hunger center to reduce the release of hunger.
Biorhythm - effects on appetite
Our biorhythm has a significant impact on our appetite. Eating lunch at the same time every day will immediately produce stomach growls and hunger if food is not consumed. In order to adapt to other eating rhythms, the body needs its time.
Social environment affects the appetite
Who likes to eat without other people. In a social get-together with family or friends, the food tastes much better to most people. This is particularly noticeable in older people, who are suddenly alone or have to leave their usual environment by moving to a retirement home. In old age the appetite sinks for physiological reasons and if a change of the habits is added, this often leads to a pronounced lack of appetite.
Loss of appetite in children
Normally, the appetite of children depends on their energy needs. This changes again and again, so the desire for food is not always the same. To determine exactly whether a child is actually not hungry, or whether only ate between the main meals too much sweets or too much juice or milk was drunk, leaving the appetite at the table to be desired leaves the overall situation of food intake to analyze exactly , Sudden onset of appetite deficiency with or without concomitant symptoms should be observed at all events. If weight loss is added over a longer period of loss of appetite, a medical examination is necessary.
In the life of children Children change their eating habits again and again. Phases with a lot or little appetite alternate. After longer periods of low appetite, there are often times when a child would like to eat all day long.
If the loss of appetite starts very suddenly, this may indicate an onset of illness. As a result of childhood illness, a cold, or a flu, children often suffer from lack of appetite before other symptoms appear. Here is sufficient hydration in the foreground. Most of the appetite comes back by itself. Prolonged illnesses or not properly cured illnesses can lead also to lasting loss of appetite, usually in connection with weight loss. It is essential to consult a doctor. Gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea or constipation are almost always associated with loss of appetite. Similarly, anemia (anemia) suffers from the desire to eat.
Stressful events can also be the reason for children to stop eating. Quarrels in the family, with friends, problems at school or any fears can lead to sudden loss of appetite.
If the lack of appetite results in a genuine denial of food, this is a serious problem. The children usually lose weight very quickly, while physical fitness is maintained for a long time, despite the lack of food. A suspected anorexia (anorexia nervosa) necessarily belongs in the hands of a doctor or an experienced therapist.
Thyroid problems can also be the cause of loss of appetite, and today children are increasingly suffering from corresponding problems. The lack of appetite in thyroid disease is often accompanied by general fatigue and listlessness. Here, a blood test brings clarity.
In general, in children with anorexia their eating habits should be checked. What are the snacks, does the child eat too much sweets, does it drink too much juice or soda instead of water? Because high-calorie snacks, milk and sweet juices also reduce the appetite for the main meals.
Common causes of loss of appetite
Loss of appetite is most common with gastrointestinal disorders. These include acute infections, such as gastroenteritis (inflammation in the stomach and intestine), caused by viruses or bacteria, which may be associated with loss of appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Partly these diseases are also accompanied by fever and body aches.

Food poisoning, for example, by Salmonella, have a similar symptoms, such as the gastrointestinal diseases. A gastritis (gastritis) takes the sufferer through the pain and nausea usually the desire to eat. As a rule, only certain foods are tolerated here which are easier to digest and put little strain on the digestive system. In appendicitis (appendicitis), the symptoms are often not clear, but almost always the loss of appetite.
In gastric or duodenal ulcers, irritable stomach, irritable bowel, food intolerances, such as lactose intolerance or celiac disease (gluten intolerance), together with other symptoms often falls on the lack of appetite. Similarly, an absent or reduced appetite can be caused by cancerous events (cancers) in the stomach and / or intestine.
Patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, may be deprived of appetite from time to time. Crohn's disease is characterized by watery, partially slimy diarrhea and abdominal pain. Ulcerative colitis occurs mainly in batches. This causes abdominal cramps, sometimes bloody diarrhea with a frequency of up to forty times a day.
In hepatitis (liver inflammation) belong to the so-called leading symptoms of loss of appetite, nausea and general malaise, as in a "normal" flu. In gallbladder or pancreas diseases, patients also suffer from a lack of hunger.
Other diseases
In acute infections, most patients suffer from a lack of appetite. However, this is completely normal. The feeling of hunger usually returns by itself. It is more important in this case to take enough liquid. Even with teething problems, such as chickenpox, mumps or measles, the child usually has, at least at the beginning of the disease, no desire to eat something. Furthermore, diabetes may also be the cause of loss of appetite, such as heart, thyroid, kidney and parathyroid disorders. People who need to take a digitalis preparation because of heart failure (heart failure) may also be affected by side effects such as loss of appetite.
In the case of cancer, loss of appetite and weight loss usually occur in the advanced stage. During treatment with chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy, most patients suffer from inappetence, especially through the use of cytotoxic drugs and the associated nausea.
Loss of appetite in old age
With advanced age often decreases the feeling of hunger. In general, a change in appetite is normal in old age. However, it must be differentiated here. If the desire for food intake decreases more and more and those affected lose weight, they have to get to the bottom of the matter.

Loss of appetite is the main cause of malnutrition in old age. The feeling of hunger in old age subsides, the food is no longer enjoyable, and the sense of smell changes as well. In addition, the gastric transit time is extended, so that the elderly are fed up faster and also do not feel hungry again so quickly. Older people often drink too little, which can lead to constipation. These are another reason for loss of appetite.
In addition to the physiological processes in old age may be added loneliness, sadness and lack of exercise in the fresh air. Diseases and certain medications additionally affect the appetite. In order to be able to master life in old age powerfully, a healthy, balanced diet is important. Flavor and appetizing agents can help seniors to get more appetite for food again. In many cases, the use of a high-calorie drinking food is necessary in the elderly, so that no malnutrition arises.
Mental causes of loss of appetite
Mental problems can lead to increased but also reduced appetite to loss of appetite. The causes are many. The loss of a partner or family member, separation from the partner, heartache, school problems, stress and depression - all of which can lead to inappetence. The degree of expression is very different here. This ranges from a slight lack of appetite to the absolute refusal to eat, as it is known from anorexia nervosa. As a result, acute underweight can arise.
Stages of life - loss of appetite
Puberty, an emotional roller coaster between "high in the air" and "distressed to death", can sometimes have a major impact on eating behavior. The feeling of being neither an adult nor a child is often accompanied by a temporary loss of appetite. In addition, there are the hormone fluctuations, to which the adolescents are once less exposed and then more exposed again. The skin is blooming, those affected only want to howl and retreat. This may be exaggerated hunger but also loss of appetite. If inappetence persists for a long period of time and weight loss is added, a doctor's visit is needed. Adolescents need a balanced and healthy diet, especially at puberty. Growth takes its toll and the burden of today should not be underestimated.
Another phase of life that may be associated with loss of appetite is pregnancy. Again, two extremes can take place. So-called binge eating or lack of appetite, usually due to nausea and / or vomiting. The lack of appetite and the associated lack of nutrition must be observed. If the woman loses weight too much, an artificial diet is needed in the worst case.
Shift work and jet lag affect the physical rhythms. The biorhythm of man gets out of tune. This leads to headaches, sleep disorders and concentration problems. The frequent onset of nausea is usually coupled with loss of appetite.
alcohol and drugs
People who consume drugs often suffer from nausea, associated with loss of appetite, are constantly tired, have difficulty sleeping, an increased potential for aggression, are easily excitable and / or indifferent. Excessive consumption of alcohol is often associated with feeling of fullness in the upper abdomen, loss of performance and marked inappetence.
Diagnosis of loss of appetite
To come to a correct diagnosis, a detailed medical history is first performed. It is queried how long the loss of appetite already exists, whether there is a trigger for the lack of appetite, how much weight the patient has already lost, what pre-existing conditions, whether next to the inappetence other symptoms are present and what drugs the patient is currently taking , This is followed by a physical examination, depending on suspicion an ECG, a sonography (ultrasound examination) and stool, urine and blood tests.
Treatment options of naturopathy
Each treatment focuses on the cause. So should be in psychic problems, possibly the help of a psychotherapist claimed.
In cases of massive inappetence, as is often the case with cancer, cyproheptadine (serotonin and histamine receptor antagonist) may be used. Otherwise, usually after the treatment of causes different medicinal plants are used. The bitter substances contained therein, which cause the gastric juices to "flow" and thus stimulate the digestion, are administered in the form of mother tinctures, tinctures or tea blends.
Drenched ginger water strengthens your appetite. Ginger warms the stomach, and, according to Indian teachings, stimulates the digestive fire. Hildegard von Bingen recommends the chewing of galangal compresses at this point, which, like the ginger, provide for a warm gut feeling and thus have a stimulating effect.
Dandelion, centaury and wormwood are used for digestive problems and thus also help to give the appetite something to jump on. Everything that is bitter has a positive effect on the digestive juices. So the consumption of bitter salads as a starter is a good start for a delicious meal.
In naturopathy, there are good mixed tinctures that are used to increase appetite. Powdered bitter herbs, slowly dipped in the mouth before eating, gently stimulate the appetite, especially by absorbing the bittering substances directly from the oral mucosa.
In the Schüssler salts therapy the salts no. 8 sodium chloratum, no. 3 Ferrum phosphoricum, no. 11 Silicea, no. 22 calcium carbonicum, and no. 5 potassium phosphoricum are often prescribed.
Homeopathy also has several helpers here. Thus, Natrum muriaticum, China, Chamomilla, Acidum phosphoricum, Ignatia, and Natrum muriaticum are some of the many remedies that can be taken with loss of appetite. China, for example, is often given when a patient does not want to eat after a long illness. Chamomilla is often given in the case of anorexia in connection with inner restlessness or nervousness. If sorrow and worry are in the foreground, then Ignatia is the drug of choice.
Essential oils can have a very positive effect on the hunger center through their action via the sense of smell. A few drops of anise, bergamot, ginger, coriander, cumin, oregano, sage or lemon in the aroma lamp, enrich the air with an appetizing scent.
General Tips
Anyone who suffers from loss of appetite should always eat when he feels like it, and then especially what he likes right now. Of course, this is not a permanent solution, especially if only unhealthy foods are consumed.
Ginger water can be drunk throughout the day to help whet your appetite. A glass of grapefruit juice also stimulates the taste buds through its bitter substances.
An appealing, peaceful environment and a lovingly prepared meal and plenty of time are the prerequisites for a healthy appetite. People who are alone and therefore have no desire to eat, can team up with friends or acquaintances and together to prepare something delicious and then enjoy this together in a nice, happy round. Exercise in the fresh air contributes to an increased appetite. Sweet drinks should be shunned and instead enough water should be drunk without carbonation.
Loss of appetite is a serious symptom. Especially if this lasts for a long time and is accompanied by a weight loss. Feeling hungry and the desire to eat are important and life-sustaining. A good meal that tastes right is a piece of quality of life. (Sw)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)