symptoms - Page 13

Rings under the eyes - dark circles causes and home remedies

Eyes under the eyes are a very common phenomenon and can quickly become an aesthetic problem for sufferers. The shadows...

Religious delusion - definition, causes and diagnosis

"When I talk to God, that is prayer. If God speaks to me, that's called psychosis! - Why? "(Eckart von...

irritable bowel

Irritable bowel syndrome RDS, irritable bowel syndrome Irritable bowel is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases in Western industrialized...

Irritable bladder - symptoms, causes, natural treatment

Cystalgia, overactive bladder: what helps with an overactive bladder? There are, above all, two symptoms which describe the concept of...

Period pain causes and effective home remedies for menstrual problems

Help with pain during the period Regular pain (dysmenorrhea) is one of the most common menstrual symptoms and almost every...

Rough hands causes, treatment and home remedies

Especially at low temperatures, many people get rough hands, as the skin is exposed to the environmental influences unprotected and...

Smoker's Cough - Causes and Therapy

Smoker's cough is generally understood to mean chronic respiratory disease caused by tobacco consumption. Both chronic bronchitis and possible pulmonary...

Restlessness - cause, symptoms and therapy

Restlessness - Driven and Depressed The hands are shaking, sweat breaks out, the muscles twitch, and the eyes wink. We...

Rattling cough - causes, treatment and home remedies

Rattling cough often originates in the bronchi. If the lungs are filled with secretions and mucus, the air that flows...