symptoms - Page 10

Shoulder Pain - Causes and Treatment

Pain on the shoulder: causes and therapyShoulder pain is something very painful. Everybody wants a quick help and especially a...

Shoulder cracking; Crack in the shoulder

Shoulder Cracking: Causes and Treatment Cracking noises in the shoulder are often worrisome for those affected, but in many cases...

Scapula pain Pain on the scapula

Scapular pain may occur on or under the scapula, but also between the shoulder blades. The symptoms can become noticeable...

Chills signs, causes and therapy

Chills is not a disease in itself but a symptom and consists of coarse tremor (shaking), teeth chattering and a...

Shrink-bubble causes and therapy

Reduction of the bubble capacity Many people are familiar with the symptoms of a shrinking bladder - increased urination while...

Runny nose (rhinitis) - causes and treatment

How to treat a cold successfully? Rhinitis can be a symptom of a disease or an isolated disease. Characteristic are...

Quick breathing in babies

When babies breathe quickly: causes, symptoms and therapyParents wonder: is it dangerous for my baby to breathe quickly? First, it...

Painless swelling - symptoms, causes and treatment

Painless swelling and its causes Swelling without pain can have many different causes. Many of them are not dangerous. But...

Painful cough - causes and treatment

Pain in coughing causes and therapy Coughing is not a disease, but a symptom of various diseases. Most of these...