Low blood pressure - symptoms, causes and proven home remedies

Low blood pressure - symptoms, causes and proven home remedies / symptoms

Blood pressure too low

Low blood pressure (medically: arterial hypotension) is a very common phenomenon and persists when the upper (systolic) level is consistently below 110 mmHg (in males) or 100 mmHg (in females). Low blood pressure can affect children and adults, and is very often measured in young women.

Hypotension may appear as a symptom of organic disease (secondary hypertension) or without obvious cause (primary hypotension). Many people experience low blood pressure in the short term as "blackening before the eyes" after getting up from a sitting position. With recurring occurrence, this special form of hypotension can be understood as an expression of a regulatory disorder of the circulatory system.


  • Blood pressure too low
  • Synonyms
  • When is low blood pressure?
  • Symptoms of hypotension
  • Causes of low blood pressure
  • Secondary hypotension
  • Falling blood pressure - orthostatic hypotension
  • Treatment options and behavioral measures
  • Naturopathy at low blood pressure
  • Prevention of dizziness and fainting


Hypotension, low blood pressure; Lower blood pressure, hypotension; hypotension; arterial hypotension; orthostatic dysregulation, blood pressure too low.

Low blood pressure is present if the measured values ​​are below 110 or 100 to 60 mmHg. (Image: ok-foto / fotolia.com)

When is low blood pressure?

Blood pressure is considered "low" if it falls below a certain reading. According to the German Green Cross e.V., this applies to women when the blood pressure values ​​are below 100 to 60 mercury (mmHg). In medicine, low blood pressure is used for men when the values ​​drop below 110 to 60 millimeters of mercury (mmHg).

Hypotension is not a disease in itself and in most cases harmless. Rather, a low pressure in the blood vessels - in contrast to hypertension - has a gentle effect on the heart and circulation and can even be life-prolonging. As a condition of low blood pressure is therefore usually classified only when typical symptoms such as dizziness or fatigue occur.

Although there is usually no cause for concern, sufferers should consult their doctor for symptoms and urgently check the causes of low blood pressure. Because this can indicate, for example, a hypothyroidism or heart failure.

Frequently, low blood pressure is discovered by chance during a medical examination. (Image: Bits and Splits / fotolia.com)

Symptoms of hypotension

Low blood pressure can occur completely without discomfort and then shows up only in a blood pressure measurement, for example in the context of a doctor's visit. But there are also typical symptoms that are repeatedly described by sufferers. These are due to insufficient perfusion of peripheral organs and the common vegetative dysregulation.

Drowsiness, listlessness, chronic tiredness and dizzy spells occur, which may even be accompanied by sudden loss of consciousness (syncope). There is a risk of injuring yourself when falling.

Furthermore, facial blotches, sweats, eyelashes, shivering, cold hands and feet, as well as tinnitus can exist. The patients often complain about diminished memory and concentration disorders, are irritable, feel depressed and ineffective.

Because the heart tries to close the supply gap with blood caused by the low pressure by intensified pumping, it comes sometimes to strong heart palpitations or tachycardia, oppressions and anxiety feelings.

Low blood pressure levels often cause dizziness and blackness in front of the eyes. (Image: pathdoc / fotolia.com)

Dizziness and blackening in front of the eyes are often the only symptoms when getting up or after standing for a long time - especially in children before and during puberty. One risk factor is hypotension in pregnant women because if the mother's blood pressure is too low, the child's growth may be delayed. In addition, hypotension increases the risk of miscarriage.

Causes of low blood pressure

There are various causes for low blood pressure into consideration, but often it arises due to the plant without apparent reason. This form, called "primary hypotension" (also called essential hypotension), is persistent and particularly affects adolescents and very slender individuals, but especially young, slender women.

Secondary hypotension

The so-called secondary or symptomatic hypotension occurs, however, as a result of an existing disease or disorder. Here, for example, hypothyroidism, cardiovascular disorders, a hypofunction of the adrenal cortex or infectious diseases come into consideration.

Persistent use of medications (such as hypnotics, sedatives, antidepressants, and neuroleptics) may be the cause, as can wrongly adjusted antihypertensives. Even soothing herbal ingredients can cause low blood pressure.

Other possible causes of low blood pressure levels include severe bleeding (lack of blood) or lack of fluids, such as excessive sweating, inadequate drinking, diarrhea or vomiting.

Falling blood pressure - orthostatic hypotension

A special form is the so-called orthostatic hypotension. In this case, the low blood pressure is not permanent, but occurs seizure when the posture is changed (especially when getting up from lying or sitting position). The reason for this is that the regulation of the blood pressure is disturbed when getting up ("orthostatic dysregulation"): The blood "collapses" in the lower part of the body, whereby the brain receives less oxygen for a short time.

The so-called orthostatic hypotension occurs relatively frequently in the elderly and, in an emergency, can lead to a short circulatory collapse. (Picture: Picture-Factory / fotolia.com)

The sudden drop in blood pressure causes a circulatory dysfunction with dizziness, drowsiness, palpitations and blackness in front of the eyes. Other typical symptoms include facial pallor, tinnitus, tiredness, cold sweats and headaches. In an emergency, it can come as a result of the lack of supply of the brain with oxygen to a short fainting.

Orthostatic hypotension is particularly prevalent in the elderly, as well as in people with severe varicose veins or low baseline blood pressure. People who suffer from polyneuropathy as part of diabetes or Parkinson's disease are also often affected by orthostatic regulatory disorders.

Other possible causes include, but are not limited to, medications (such as vasodilating drugs, beta-blockers, sedatives), alcohol intake, and increased mental stress or stress.

Treatment options and behavioral measures

Treatment with low blood pressure is always necessary if there are complaints that are due to a chronic circulatory disorder of important organs. If hypotension is the symptom of a known underlying disease, treatment should focus on this disease.

Naturopathy at low blood pressure

The primary forms are usually harmless and can be improved with methods of natural medicine. Drugs with ingredients that increase blood pressure (for example, homeopathic complex remedies) are recommended as the basic therapy. Common are the common coneflower (Aconitum), rattlesnake venom (Crotalus), broom (Spartium scoparium) and white hellebore (Veratrum album).

Rosemary stimulates circulation, helping to normalize low blood pressure. (Image: svf74 / fotolia.com)

Rosemary is considered as an old home remedy for low blood pressure. Their effect can be developed by the medicinal plant, for example in the form of a bath additive or tea.

Healing tea against low blood pressure

  1. Put a heaped teaspoon of cut rosemary leaves into a cup
  2. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over it
  3. Allow the infusion to strain for 10 minutes before straining
  4. Drink two to three cups of the rosemary tea daily

For a blood pressure boosting bath, mix 15 to 20 drops of rosemary essential oil with a cup of cream or liquid neutral soap and put in warm bath water. The evaporation of a few drops of oil in a fragrance lamp also has a stimulating and invigorating effect.

Frequently, in natural medicine for the treatment of hypotonia licorice root is used, which is included in many commercially available (Ayurvedic) herbal teas. From the field of physical therapy or hydrotherapy cold applications are possible, which increase the venous vascular tone. This can be cold showers, a foot bath, whole washes or rising Kneipp fonts.

In homeopathy, blood pressure fluctuations or low values, among others, are used for potassium carbonicum, Lachesis and Veratrum album. Guidance methods such as cupping have also proven to regulate blood pressure.

Prevention of dizziness and fainting

There are some useful behavioral tips for affected people to avoid dizziness attacks and fainting. Not infrequently, these symptoms and the associated helplessness lead to the vicious circle of anxiety and panic attacks.

If prolonged standing is unavoidable, operation of the leg muscles may be helpful, e.g. by rocking and moving the feet. Make sure you have a regular sleep-wake cycle and that you always drink enough water (or tea, fruit juice spritzer) (at least two liters a day). Regular endurance sports (such as swimming, cycling or jogging) stimulate the circulation and also have positive long-term effects. Also, wearing compression stockings is useful to prevent "sagging" of the blood in the legs.

With impending impotence, it is advisable to sit down or to lie down while lying down. Once the symptoms have subsided, it is important to get up slowly, breathe calmly and relax. It's best to get some fresh air and run a bit to get the circulation going. (Non-medical practitioner Jeanette Viñals Stein, nr, last updated on 28.2.2017)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)