
nosebleeds / symptoms

What to do with nosebleed?

Nasal bleeding is sometimes quite dramatic, because the blood unexpectedly and sometimes in a significant amount of visible down the face. Although there are also serious illnesses that may lie behind the nosebleeds, but usually it is a fairly harmless event. If some behavioral measures are taken in the case of acute nosebleeds, the bleeding can usually be stopped without medical help.


Habitual nosebleed
Traumatic causes of nosebleeds
Nosebleeds as a symptom of diseases
General measures for nosebleeds
Naturopathy and nosebleeds

Habitual nosebleed

The medical term for nosebleeds is "epistaxis", comes from the Greek and means translated as "dribble". In fact, nosebleeds are often fierce, so sufferers and observers are initially startled.

Nasal bleeding is a relatively common complaint, with many different triggers in question. (Image: Friedberg /

In most cases, nosebleeds are a recurring and non-hazardous phenomenon that affects children in particular and is called "habitual nose bleeding". It arises in the anterior nasal septum, where there is a superficial network of vessels. In this so-called "Locus Kiesselbachi" can be caused by external influences, such as by strong blowing or drilling in the nose minor injuries to the blood vessels, which trigger the nosebleeds.

Traumatic causes of nosebleeds

Head injuries and broken bones due to falls, blows and accidents often cause damage to the nasal septum or skull base and the surrounding blood vessels, causing nose bleeding. Similarly, the nasal mucosa can be injured by dry air, exposure to chemical substances or the introduction of foreign bodies in the nose.

Nosebleeds as a symptom of diseases

There are a number of acute infectious diseases that can be associated with nosebleeds, such as the flu or typhus. But nosebleeds can also be a symptom of arteriosclerosis, hypertension, blood clotting disorders, vascular diseases and expression of a vitamin deficiency (scurvy, vitamin K deficiency).
Finally, nose bleeding may be a symptom of various tumors, e.g. of polyps, the benign nasopharyngeal fibroma but also malignant carcinomas.

General measures for nosebleeds

If nosebleeds occur repeatedly, an ENT doctor should rule out malignant causes. If it is a one-time or habitual nosebleed, affected or relatives can usually stop the blood flow by taking appropriate measures.

So the head should not be tilted backwards, because otherwise the blood runs into the throat and the inevitable ingestion of the blood often leads to nausea and vomiting. In addition, there is a risk that the blood gets into the lungs via the trachea.

It is therefore recommended to sit upright and bend the upper body slightly forward. In this posture, the affected person or a relative can firmly press their nostrils with their fingers for a few minutes to stop the bleeding. A similar effect is achieved with a cold stimulus, which is set by applying an ice compress in the neck area.

(Image: Henrie /

Only with very large blood loss it is necessary to keep an eye on the pulse and blood pressure in order to avoid a shock. Again, the sitting posture is suitable because the extent of blood loss is better observed. If the bleeding can not be stopped in the manner described, medical or naturopathic practice should be consulted as a precaution.

Naturopathy and nosebleeds

From the point of view of naturopathy, the sclerotherapy of blood vessels in the nasal mucosa (which is often done conventionally) is not recommended, because the bleeding, like every reaction of the body, is attributed a function and thus a symptom shift is feared.

If the nosebleed is medically clarified and malignant causes are excluded, various natural remedies can relieve the nosebleed. In homeopathy, some haemostatic agents are often used. If the bleeding is caused by a nasal mucosal injury or major physical exertion, arnica can help. Also after exertion, especially nosebleeds after blowing and sneezing, Phosphorus should be the right remedy. If severe excitement (fear, excitement) plays a role in causing it, Aconitum should be tried out.

If you have a tendency to have recurrent nosebleeds, it is advisable to have a constitutional treatment in a homeopathic practice.

In the acute case, alternatively, the emergency drops from the Bach flower therapy can be recommended, which are available for local application as an ointment. From herbal medicine, the effectiveness of nasal rinsing is known, which is an extract of horsetail or oak bark attached. Likewise, a mixture of cold water, vinegar and lemon can be pulled into the nose. (Dipl.Päd. Jeanette Viñals Stein, non-medical practitioner)