Birthmark Itches - Causes and Therapy

Birthmark Itches - Causes and Therapy / symptoms
Birthmark it- These are the causes and backgrounds
When a birthmark itches, it does not necessarily mean bad, but more intense observation should be made. If the birthmark then also changes, for example, in size and / or color, a doctor must be consulted.


  • Birthmark - what is it??
  • causes
  • changes
  • Sequence skin screening
  • Removal of the birthmark
  • Dry skin
  • Pigment spots that are exposed to constant friction
  • Malignant melanoma (black skin cancer)
  • White skin cancer
  • Summary

Birthmark - what is it??

A birthmark is a pigmentation stain that results from the accumulation of a large number of pigment-forming cells (melanocytes) at one site, where they form the skin pigment. Such a stain can also develop from nevus cells. These cells are closely related to the melanocytes.

If a birthmark itches, this can have different causes. However, urgent medical examinations should be carried out, since in the worst case skin cancer can be the cause. (Image: amixstudio /

The birthmark can already be present at birth. If a liver spot is mentioned, it is usually meant times that develop over the course of life. However, a precise definition for the term liver spot does not exist. The technical term for a birthmark is naevus (plural: nevi).

The naevi are typified according to their color, surface structure and the skin layer from which they originate. The term nevus is understood in the medical literature as follows: An innate or later occurring, circumscribed malformation of the skin in connection with a herd-shaped accumulation of altered melanocytes or melanocyte-like cells.

Birthmarks can occur anywhere on the body. The congenital nevi can be up to palm size, the acquired are usually no larger than 5 millimeters. A birthmark can be quite flat in the skin level or be papular. The surface is smooth, the color is different - this ranges from skin-colored to dark brown.


The causes of the increased formation of melanocytes are still not sufficiently clarified. It is argued that genetically modified progenitor cells of the melanocytes penetrate into the skin, multiply there and then accumulate in a small spot, which ultimately creates the birthmark.

Fair-skinned people are more likely to get more moles. A genetic disposition is also given for the development of pigment spots. What also causes the formation of such pigmentation disorders is frequent and unprotected sunbathing. Anyone who spent many hours unprotected in the sun as a child and / or adolescent, increases the risk of getting birthmarks even more. In addition, often develop in hormonal changeover times, such as during pregnancy or menopause, more moles. Last but not least, weakened immune defense is one of the causes of excessive pigmentation.


For the determination of critical moles, there is the ABCDE Rule, which states:
A stands for asymmetry (irregularity: not evenly round or evenly oval), B for limitation (a birthmark should be sharply defined), C for color, D for diameter and E for development (changes in the four points above).

There are also warning signs such as itching, weeping, pain, burning and bleeding. For example, if a previously flat, light brown birthmark suddenly grows and this is still irregular, it is essential to see a doctor. If the birthmark suddenly itches again and again, this can also be a warning.

Birthmarks are usually harmless, but can also degenerate. Therefore, they should always be monitored and regularly (biennially) undergo a skin cancer screening at the family doctor or dermatologist. This is especially true for people who have a large number of birthmarks and / or fair skinned. The screening is paid from the age of 35 every two years by the statutory health insurance.

Skin cancer screening involves a dermatoscope to accurately inspect all moles. (Photo: Evgeniy Kalinovskiy /

Sequence skin screening

The patient is subjected to a whole-body examination in the undressed state. The entire body including the hairy head, the armpits, the genital area, the face, the toe spaces, the oral mucosa, etc. is considered closely. This is done with a lighted magnifying glass and, in case of suspicion, in addition with a dermatoscope, a special magnifying glass with which one can examine the upper skin layers. For better transparency, apply oil or a special liquid. Many dermatological practices work with digital reflected light microscopy. Each spot can be transferred to the screen of a computer. The birthmarks are compared and their history saved.

The skin screening takes about 10 to 15 minutes. In addition, there is a detailed medical history, a survey of the patient's habits, living conditions, diseases, genetic disposition, etc. ... A change in the pigment, which the doctor classifies as precarious, is surgically removed and examined pathologically.

Removal of the birthmark

The birthmark is surgically removed with a scalpel. This is not painful, as the area is previously locally stunned. It may be necessary to sew the place, depending on the size. Sports activities are then usually contraindicated for one to two weeks. Also, the wound should not come into contact with water for a predetermined time. Removal with the laser is not possible because the tissue is burned and can not be examined afterwards.

Dry skin

If the birthmark itches, it can also have a very harmless cause. For example, it can naturally also affect the moles, if someone generally suffers from dry skin. Especially moles, which are in places that are irritated throughout the day (such as under the breast, where the bra sits, or at the height of the jeans button), often begin to itch here. Therefore, something should be done against the dry skin.

Regular moisturizing care, daily care of the skin with a good, high-quality oil (sesame oil, almond oil, coconut oil) and adequate hydration (2 to 2 ½ liters of still water per day) are urgently required for dry skin.

Maybe even hormonal changeover times on dry skin can be "to blame". If the itching is getting worse and no herb is available against the dry skin, a doctor should be consulted.

Pigment spots that are exposed to constant friction

Whether a birthmark itches or not - pigmentation marks that are subject to constant friction - for example, because they are under the bra strap, at the level of the waistband or directly on the sole of the foot - should be removed. A permanent stimulus is always bad for the skin and certainly, if there has already formed a skin lesion in the form of a birthmark.

Malignant melanoma (black skin cancer)

Alterations of a birthmark do not necessarily have to be malignant, but unfortunately these lesions can rarely degenerate. The most prominent representative of malignant neoplasms is malignant melanoma. With early diagnosis in the early stages, the chances of recovery are very good. So - with any changes, even if the birthmark only itches again and again - rather once too often to the doctor, than too late.

The malignant melanoma starts from the melanocytes and is highly malignant. Therefore, a fast and early diagnosis and action is necessary. Unfortunately, this tumor also forms metastases quite quickly. Frequent, excessive sunbathing, frequent sunburns and regular sunbed visits are all risk factors for malignant melanoma. People who have a large number of birthmarks are also at risk.

In the worst case, an itchy birthmark is black skin cancer (malignant melanoma), which should be treated promptly. (Image: Africa Studio /

In a disease, the surgical removal of the degenerated tissue is in the foreground. First, the mole is removed during the screening, then examined pathologically. If the finding is positive, surgery will be carried out again and will be more extensive. In order to rule out that lymph nodes are involved, further investigations are carried out. An MRI may be needed to determine if the malignant melanoma has already spread to other organs.

The entire therapy of this disease depends on the individual findings of the patient.

White skin cancer

If a birthmark itches, it may also indicate white skin cancer. This malignant skin disease is usually treatable, but is often discovered late. The white / light skin cancer includes various skin tumors: the early forms (actinic keratoses), the basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma.

The early forms appear as reddish, rarely skin-colored, firmly adherent skin spots. The result is knots with sticking little horn beads, which can be very difficult to peel off and sometimes bleed. The tumors can grow in depth, destroying the surrounding tissue.

The bright skin cancer is mainly on sun-exposed areas such as the ears, on the face, in the neck or on the upper arms. The main cause of this cancer is massive solar radiation. Every sunburn increases the risk. Other risk factors include fair-skinned skin, older age, even mild skin cancer, congenital genetic defects, outdoor work, light or radiation therapy, contact with arsenic or tar and permanently weakened defense.

As with malignant melanoma, the tumor is the first to be removed. Older patients who are no longer advised to undergo surgery will be irradiated. Chemotherapy in the form of certain ointments is also possible. If the cancer has spread, which is quite rare in bright skin cancer, conventional chemotherapy is the drug of choice.


In summary, birthmarks are usually normal and harmless. Nevertheless, everyone should regularly check their own pigmentation spots to perceive changes. For all changes, but also if the birthmark itches again, wet or bleeding and may still be in pain, a doctor should be consulted in any case. (Sw)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)