Gastric symptoms, causes and home remedies

Gastric symptoms, causes and home remedies / symptoms
Stomach Disorders - When the stomach hurts
Gastric complaints are among the most common diseases. Often they are harmless, due to overeating or poorly digestible food, but can hide behind stomach problems serious illnesses. This article shows why the symptoms appear and what treatment options exist.


  • A muscle bag
  • Teamwork in digestion
  • foreign body
  • acidosis
  • gastritis
  • Forms of gastritis
  • adenoids
  • foreign body
  • Prevention and self-treatment
  • sage
  • Soup and stew
  • warmth
  • Eat well
  • What should not you eat?
  • gastroscopy
  • Why should you have your stomach mirrored??
  • treatment
  • What do you have to avoid?
  • How does a gastroscopy run??
  • Possible complications
  • How long does the examination / treatment take??
  • anesthesia

A muscle bag

The stomach belongs to the hollow organs, in simple terms it is a sack of muscle that is so flexible that it can absorb larger amounts of food. It attaches to the esophagus, and through it the food reaches the inside of the body. The organ consists of stomach mouth, stomach body and stomach outlet. The latter empties into the duodenum and the small intestine.

The stomach is located in the left upper abdomen, between the spleen and the liver. (Image: yodiyim /

Teamwork in digestion

The stomach and intestines share digestion. The former performs the pre-digestion, while the intestine separates the nutrients from the "waste" and feeds it to the organism. For the bowel to do this task, the stomach turns the solid food into a pulp. It helps the stomach acid, which is different aggressively in animals: Thus, the stomach acid of wolves can even decompose bone parts. The gastric mucosa disinfects the food: it contains numerous glands, whose acid digests the food and kills pathogens.

foreign body

However, stomach muscles and acids can not do everything, and complaints can be caused, among other things, by ingesting indigestible parts. These can be bone splinters or herringbone, or children's plastic or glass. However, not all foreign bodies are harmful in the animal kingdom: many birds even have to swallow stones that use the stomach muscles like "millstones" and thereby crush hard grains.


Our stomach is enormously powerful. But the system has pitfalls when we abuse it. Because gastric acid is necessary to digest existing food, but problems arise when the glands produce acid, without there being anything to digest. Then we talk about hyperacidity, and it can affect the whole organism.

Such hyperacidity can be caused by a variety of basic diseases, but very often it is due to malnutrition, combined with excessive consumption of alcohol and cigarettes. Nicotine and alcohol both promote the production of stomach acid, but do not give the stomach anything to digest.

Typical signs of acidification of the body are general malaise, fatigue and fatigue. Other indications are acidulous bad breath, heavy weight loss, the feeling of vomiting, especially when eating and stomach ache. Those affected look pale and feel as if they are permanently suffering from a flu infection.


Gastritis refers to inflammation of the gastric mucosa. This disease is common and can be chronic or acute. The affected people often do not notice chronic gastritis because they show no symptoms.

Acute gastritis is often caused by too much alcohol and nicotine. (Image: Syda Productions /

One cause of stomach upset is too much stomach acid. The triggers include food poisoning, alcoholism, heavy smoking and excessive consumption of medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid. Spicy food irritates the stomach as much as coffee. Largely unknown is exaggerated sport as a cause. The psychological triggers include stress and shock.

If those affected notice symptoms, it usually involves abdominal pain, malaise, lack of appetite, nausea, and vomiting.

Forms of gastritis

Gastritis occurs in various forms, firstly as a body reaction. Here, the immune system is directed against its own tissue. Second, inflammation of the mucous membranes occurs when painkillers or bile fluid flow into the stomach. Most common, however, is gastritis caused by the bacterium Heliobacter pylori.

The acute illness can be controlled quickly with Antisäurearznei and adapted nutrition, the cure of chronic gastritis requires time.

This inflammation can be prevented by careful handling of alcohol, pepper, chilli and fat.


Gastric polyps are "growths" in the glands of the mucous membrane that extend into the stomach. Most of them are benign, yet in 20% of the cases they develop into stomach cancer. Large polyps trigger pressure in the upper abdomen, bloating and vomiting. The feces turns black.

Experts discuss whether Helicobacter bacteria provide them with a breeding ground, and whether a diet high in fat and low in fiber promotes them - but these are speculations.

Swallowed foreign bodies, e.g. a fishbone, can cause severe stomach discomfort. (Image: djama /

foreign body

Small children often swallow items such as marbles, stones or plastic parts, while adults tend to eat fishbones or poultry bones.

Haste is needed when a child swallows a button battery. If the gastric juice decomposes these, then the toxic acidity of the battery is lost. Even sharp objects that can injure the gastric skin must be removed immediately.

When children swallow coins, it often goes smoothly through the stomach and intestines. However, if the child gets a stomach ache or pain when swallowing, you should go to the doctor. Abdominal pain is an indication that the coin is in the esophagus. Here, a gastroscopy helps to remove the metal. Sometimes a coin passes without problems the way to the stomach, but does not go through the intestine. An x-ray shows where she is and a stomach scan takes her out.

Prevention and self-treatment

Stomach discomfort is great for "treating yourself" by changing our diet. Most of the problems are caused by a wrong diet. If this is the case, we can even fight the cause with an adapted diet; after all, the symptoms of most diseases of the stomach can be alleviated.

A so-called gastrointestinal flu sounds usually after a few days by itself, but is unpleasant. We can reduce diarrhea and nausea with a healthy diet. However, with strong stomach cramps you should not rely on home remedies for gastrointestinal influenza alone. Then antibiotics or even infusions are needed.

For example, healing earth helps against diarrhea, pectins, which are contained in apples, bananas, carrots or citrus fruits, counteract the infection.

Gastritis relieves fennel, sage and chamomile. Practically we cook the leaves as tea. Sage is an all-round genius for stomach disorders that contains many beneficial substances, from camphor to borneol, from flavonoids to saponins and zinc. Sage is excellent against bacteria and infections.

Sage tea contains many valuable ingredients, which can aid healing. (Image: gudrun /


Sage can be bought as a lozenge, tea or medicine in the pharmacy, but it can also be easily planted on the windowsill or in the garden and copes perfectly with the German climate. You can use the leaves fresh or dried.

They put the leaves in hot water for about ten minutes for a tea. If the taste is too intense, add honey and lemon.

Soup and stew

A soup of oatmeal, water, sugar or salt, a porridge of potatoes, carrots and other vegetables helps the stomach, because you "digest" the food and thus take it off the job.


Abdominal cramps relieve you of heat, because it relaxes the abdominal muscles, be it in the form of an electric blanket, a heat pad or warm clothing. Also, the hot water filled hot water bottle is suitable.

Eat well

Clean the stomach with white bread, carrots, peas, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, soups or rice. Steam or cook vegetables instead of frying in oil.

Greasy fast food should not be eaten for stomach problems. (Image: karepa /

What should not you eat?

Avoid too much sugar and too much fat as well as strong spices. Cut the fat off meat or eat lean meat. Avoid cream and high-fat cheese. No gos are fries, hamburger or currywurst, fat, smoked and salted meat, goose, duck and fatty sausage, eel and salmon.

Even bloating foods hurt them. So no cabbage, no onions, no wheat beer or egg dishes.


With a gastroscopy, the doctor can not only make a picture of the stomach, esophagus and duodenum, it can also remove tissue and work therapeutically.

He introduces the gastroscope into the stomach for this purpose; This special tube leads to the duodenum. The device contains glass fibers and a plastic sheath, a working channel for the instruments, a media system that allows light and images to be viewed on a screen, a flush and an aspirator.

The gastroscope is a flexible plastic tube with video optics. With the help of the flexible instrument, diseases and injuries in the stomach can be detected and treated as needed. (Image: Werner /

Why should you have your stomach mirrored??

Indicators of gastroscopy are: frequent heartburn, constant stomach or abdominal pain, associated with nausea, bloody vomiting, swallowing problems, gastric bleeding, anemia, to check after gastric surgery to detect gastric cancer, black bowel movements, possible polyps in the stomach and in swallowed foreign bodies.


A gastroscopy not only serves the diagnosis, but with it can also perform treatments, especially:

1) Endoscopic hemostasis
2) The removal of tumors of the mucous membrane in the stomach and duodenum
3) When narrowing the esophagus
4) To remove swallowed debris

What do you have to avoid?

The stomach must be empty during a gastroscopy, so you should not eat or drink at least six hours in advance.

This also applies to cigarettes: nicotine promotes the production of gastric juice.

Did you get a sedative medicine? Then drive 24 hours no car, motorcycle or bike and do not walk on busy roads.

Organize important appointments so that they do not lie immediately after the reflection, make sure someone accompanies you when you feel the after effects of anesthesia.

How does a gastroscopy run??

If necessary or desired, the doctor anesthetises the throat with a spray before treatment to avoid possible nausea. Patients may also take a sedative.

The patient lies down on the left side of the body. Doctor or doctor now introduce the gastroscope via the mouth into the esophagus and from there into the stomach and duodenum. Although this causes no pain, but some patients feel a pressing feeling.

Air is now blown in, the stomach unfolds, the doctor sees him and can now perform therapeutic procedures before or take a tissue sample.

Possible complications

Complications of gastroscopy are extremely rare. These include injuries to the digestive tract, disorders of the heart rhythm and pneumonia, as well as respiratory problems.

A harmless side effect is much more common. Inflating the air to expose the stomach can cause flatulence.

Many patients undergo brief anesthesia for gastroscopy. (Image: oneblink1 /

How long does the examination / treatment take??

The examination itself takes about five minutes, including tissue samples, which reveal the state of the gastric mucosa. Extended examinations at the stomach entrance or duodenum also take a few minutes. If the patient has to choke, this delays the process.

Anyone who puts themselves under anesthesia plans to spend half an hour rest.


Gastric mirrors are not painful; but some patients feel uncomfortable feeling a foreign body in their abdomen.

Although such concerns are unfounded, gastroenterologist specialists usually put patients under general anesthesia for five minutes. Then they notice nothing of the whole treatment. The anesthesia also serves the treatment, because the doctors can work in peace.

Without general anesthesia, a light pressure is created when the tube is in the stomach and the doctors move it to get a complete picture of the stomach.

As a narcotic is usually used propofol, which acts in half a minute and degrades again in less than eight minutes via the liver. Anyone who is allergic to chicken protein, soy protein and sulfur reacts, but must not take it. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)
