Pulmonary Pain - Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Pulmonary Pain - Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment / symptoms

Pain on the lungs

Lung pain is a complaint that can occur in a variety of diseases. You do not necessarily have to mean something bad, but this pain should always be taken seriously and it is advisable to visit a doctor in a timely manner. A medical clarification of the complaints is definitely important.


  • Pain on the lungs
  • The lung
  • Causes of lung pain
  • risk groups
  • diagnosis
  • treatment
  • Naturopathic therapies

The lung

The lungs are a vital organ. It supplies us with oxygen and transports the used air in the form of carbon dioxide outside. The lungs look like an upturned tree. The trachea is the trunk and the branches and leaves are the bronchi. For oxygen transport the small alveoli, the alveoli are responsible. These are surrounded by the smallest blood vessels, which absorb the oxygen and then transport it to all organs. Without this oxygen we could not live.

Lung pain is a serious complaint that should always be clarified by a doctor. (Image: WavebreakmediaMicro / fotolia.com)

Causes of lung pain

Environmental influences, inflammations, traumas, allergies and much more can burden the lungs and lead to lung pains. Among the causes of lung pain include

  • acute respiratory diseases,
  • allergies,
  • heart failure,
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • and a diaphragmatic paralysis.

Furthermore, the following lung diseases should be considered:

  • pulmonary fibrosis,
  • pulmonary embolism,
  • atelectasis,
  • pneumoconiosis,
  • Peudogrupp,
  • pleural effusion,
  • pneumothorax,
  • pulmonary edema,
  • lung cancer,
  • SARS,
  • avian Flu
  • and diphtheria,

Cold and flu

Often, there are lung pains associated with a massive cold or flu. Patients suffer from a massive cough and this hurts. However, if coughing and pain take longer and the symptoms do not respond to any treatment, this must be clarified and any possible pneumonia should be ruled out.


A normal hay fever can only show for years as a nose snout and eyes itching and yet suddenly attack the lungs. In mild coughing without pain, this is usually harmless. However, if you have a lung pain, you need to see a specialist.

Allergy sufferers who get a cold or flu more often suffer from lung pain than other sufferers. Since her lungs already suffer from the allergens, she responds more sensitively.

Allergy sufferers should try, if possible, to stay away from the allergens or to do anything so that the confrontation is not so massive. Here, for example, the daily hair washing and the pollen guards help with a pollen allergy.

Also due to a pollen allergy increased breathing and lung pain may occur. (Image: Africa Studio / fotolia.com)

Diseases that affect the lungs

The diseases that can be associated with lung pain include bronchitis. This occurs both acute and chronic. Unfortunately, the chronic form can evolve to become COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Other infectious diseases are tuberculosis, SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and bird flu.

In cystic fibrosis, a congenital metabolic disease, the glandular secretions are tougher than normal. Initially, it is mainly pancreas and digestion that are affected. Later, lung, liver and biliary tract can follow. Those affected suffer from the viscous mucus, which is difficult to cough up. This can lead to lung pain.

Pulmonary embolism will occlude one or more pulmonary arteries as a result of a thrombus. Those affected no longer get air and are in pain. Pulmonary edema, the most common cause of which is heart failure, is manifested by fluid accumulation in the lungs. The symptoms are shortness of breath, foamy expectoration and possibly lung pain.

risk groups

Smokers (including passive smokers), asthmatics, people who are constantly exposed to any fumes or dust in their workplace, and people with weakened immune systems as well as babies and the elderly are more prone to develop lung pain or related disorders.


To diagnose the causes of lung pain, a detailed examination is needed. First, all complaints are queried in a medical history. Is an allergy known? Are the complaints related to a new environment? Is there any chemicals, fumes, dust etc. at the workplace? Is there a cold? If so, how long?

Listening to the lungs forms an elementary component in the diagnosis and often already provides important information on existing diseases. (Image: RFBSIP / fotolia.com)

The doctor auscultates the lungs with the stethoscope, gently taps the area, asks for respiratory-related pain. Further investigations are, depending on suspicion, a pulmonary function test, a blood test, an allergy test, X-ray, ultrasound, CT (computed tomography) and MRI (magnetic resonance tomography). Sometimes a bronchoscopy has to be done.

In bronchoscopy, a thin tube containing a camera and a device for removing tissue is advanced through the nose or mouth through the trachea into the bronchial branches. This method is especially important in suspected tumorous events. But even with lung areas that are not properly ventilated, constrictions, chronic bronchitis and when a foreign body has entered the bronchial tubes, a bronchoscopy is used.


In any case, people with lung pain should go to a doctor's office in a timely manner. The underlying diseases must be diagnosed and treated. Independent of conventional medical treatment, however, naturopathic methods can certainly be applied to many diseases at the same time and promote healing or alleviate the symptoms.

Naturopathic therapies

Plants for the lungs include the following: fennel fruits, lungwort, ribwort leaves, coltsfoot leaves, mallow flowers, mullein flowers, aniseed fruits, marshmallow root, licorice root, Icelandic moss, thyme herb, sage leaves and many more. These are prescribed in the form of tea formulas, tinctures or mother tinctures.

Sage tea has a very positive effect on the lungs and, for example, can help effectively cure colds or bronchitis. (Image: Jiri Hera / fotolia.com)

In the naturopathic practice, pulmonary pain, for example, acupuncture, foot reflexology and targeted injections, possibly from anthroposophic medicine, are used.

Schuessler salts such as No. 3 Ferrum phosphoricum, No. 4 potassium chloratum, No. 6 potassium sulfuricum help with inflammation, swelling and mucus secretions. The homeopathic remedies are Aconitum, Belladonna, Ipecacuanha, Drosera, Spongia and Bryonia.

In order to accompany an antibiotic therapy suitable probiotics are prescribed in the natural healing practice, so that the intestine does not have to suffer so much under the antibiotic. Often after a colon rehabilitation is recommended.

Once the disease has healed, the immune system is built up with suitable agents such as taiga root, propolis, coneflower, cistus, zinc, vitamin D and vitamin C to prevent another infection.

If the cause of the lung pain is an allergy that has already spread to the lungs or bronchi, self-help therapy, regular ear acupuncture (possibly with permanent needles), individually put together remedies from phytotherapy or even anthroposophic medicine can help. The TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) also has some methods to combat an allergy. (Sw)