ACL pain - causes and treatment

ACL pain - causes and treatment / symptoms
Cruciate ligament pain is caused by overstretching, tearing, rupture, or laceration of one of the cruciate ligaments. In the rarest cases both bands are affected.


  • Tasks of the cruciate ligaments
  • injury
  • Torn ACL
  • Cross ligament tear
  • Cruciate ligament strain (cruciate ligament strain)
  • Unhappy Triad
  • Help from naturopathy
  • Summary

Tasks of the cruciate ligaments

A distinction is made between the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments in the cruciate ligaments. These are, as the name suggests, crossed over each other. Look closely, the cruciate ligaments are not in the joint, but outside. They belong, together with other ligaments to the ligaments of the knee and provide stability.

Cruciate ligament pain is usually the result of an acute injury of the cruciate ligament and requires urgent medical attention. (Image: cirquedesprit /

The four main ligaments in the knee are the two collateral ligaments and the cruciate ligaments, with the anterior cruciate ligament being the ligament most commonly injured in sports. The cruciate ligaments protect against excessive rotation, they limit the stretching of the tibia and stabilize it.


Injuries to the cruciate ligaments can occur in different forms, but are always associated with pain.

Torn ACL

In a twisting of the knee with at the same time fixed lower leg, the cruciate ligament can tear. This is also possible by a hit on the knee, a fall or a car accident. The cruciate ligament tear is one of the most common injuries of the knee. Knee pain, a feeling of instability, heavy swelling, unsteady gait, kinking of the joint and pressure sensitivity are the symptoms.

Anterior cruciate ligament tears are generally more common than those of the posterior cruciate ligament. The rupture is heard for those affected by a crackling noise. If an athlete suffers a cruciate ligament rupture, it may be that this is not immediately noticed, since the existing musculature supports the knee joint. However, thereafter, cruciate ligament pain occurs again and again, which must be taken seriously and should lead to a doctor's visit.

Frequently, other structures, such as the meniscus and the inner ligament, are also injured in injuries of the anterior cruciate ligament (see unhappy triad). The posterior cruciate ligament tears much less often and when this happens, usually external violence is the cause.

If there is a suspicion of a cruciate ligament rupture, a detailed anamnesis is needed first:
How, when and how did the injury develop? Was this accompanied by a "popping noise?" Was it possible to move after injury? In which movement does cruciate ligament pain occur? Is this the first knee injury?.

Then the knee is examined, scanned, and various tests are performed. For example, if a shift of the lower leg like a drawer against the thigh, forward possible, so the anterior cruciate ligament is affected. This test is referred to as the front drawer test. In the case of the posterior drawer test, the lower leg can be moved backwards - therefore the posterior cruciate ligament is injured.

Furthermore, the doctor checks sensitivity, motor function, blood circulation and the range of motion. An MRI is used to secure the diagnosis.

If there is a suspicion of a cruciate ligament rupture, the sport should be interrupted immediately, the knee should be cooled, a pressure bandage applied and the leg elevated (PECH rule: break - ice - compression - high camps). Painkillers can relieve the massive pain.

Not always a cruciate ligament tear is operated. Conservative treatment is also possible. Which therapy is right depends on the extent of the injury. Age and fitness are taken into consideration. If athletes are involved who are very active and want to or need to train again as soon as possible, the surgery is more of a choice. During the operation, an endogenous transplant in the form of a tendon is usually used. Subsequent rehabilitation measures are absolutely necessary.

Important: For all knee injuries is an increased risk of thrombosis, so always a thrombosis prophylaxis (low molecular weight heparin sc.) Should be considered.

In the conservative treatment of a cruciate ligament rupture, the knee is provided with a rail that must be worn for several weeks. (Image: Production Perig /

In conservative therapy, resting in a splint is paramount. After a break of a few weeks follows a regular, professional physiotherapy. The knee is slowly, step by step incriminated more and more.

Cross ligament tear

A cruciate ligament tear is also associated with cruciate ligament pain. These are felt immediately after the injury. A kink in the knee area, restricted mobility, insecurity when walking and a swelling join.

In contrast to the rupture, the crack is often not done by external violence. Here are the reasons rather a violent jump, an abrupt change of direction or a sudden strong acceleration or braking, as is the case for example in squash.

This injury must be treated - mostly by conservative therapies. Those affected get joint supports and crutches to relieve the affected knee. Building muscle through the guidance of an experienced physiotherapist is important to stabilize the knee. Often the daily routine with a cruciate ligament tear is not greatly limited. Sport activities are hardly possible.

Immediately after injury, the knee is cooled, protected and stored high. As with the rupture, analgesics are prescribed for severe ACL pain. The gift of cortisone may be needed. If the front band is affected, is sometimes recommended for athletes active in the operation.

Cruciate ligament strain (cruciate ligament strain)

When suffering from a cruciate ligament, the person concerned complains of severe cruciate ligament pain. These can slow down quite quickly, but they quickly reuse under load. In addition, there is a significant swelling of the knee, a pressure sensitivity, a bruise and an unstable ligaments. Especially in conjunction with competitive sports, cruciate ligament strain is common. A wrong rotation and that's it. In this injury, the lateral ligaments and the meniscus may additionally be affected.

With a cruciate ligament extension, the knee is protected, stored high and cooled. To relieve the knee completely, crutches are announced. Maybe a splint is prescribed or the knee taped. Physiotherapy is always the drug of choice. A six-month "break" may be needed: no sports, no long walks and no longer driving - however, specific exercises by the physiotherapist are essential.

Unhappy Triad

This is a serious knee injury with the following triad: injury to the inner meniscus, rupture of the inner ligament and rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament. This can happen if the knee is turned too far out when the foot is fixed, for example in the case of skiing accidents or even footballers. A twist, combined with a blow to the leg, can tear the band structures and injure the meniscus.

The symptoms of this sports injury are: severe cruciate ligament pain and pain in the knee joint, a severely swollen knee, limited flexibility (stretch and bend), pressure-sensitive joint space, ploppenes noise in the accident, bruising after two to three days, instability and joint effusion. Diagnosis includes imaging procedures such as X-rays and MRI. As a rule, this injury is operated on and subsequent rehabilitation measures are essential to be able to fully load the knee joint again.

Acupuncture can be used as a supportive treatment for cruciate ligament pain. (Image: WavebreakmediaMicro /

Help from naturopathy

Of course, cruciate ligament pain is in medical care. Even if not operated, regular physiotherapy is essential. However, naturopathic therapies can aid in healing and shorten healing time.

An acupuncture can relieve the pain, relax the initially tense muscles and stimulate healing. Also, a foot reflexology is a suitable form of treatment for ACL, no matter what cause they have.

Furthermore, from homeopathy, for example, the individual agents Arnica, Ruta, Rhus Toxicodendron, Symphytum, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Calcium Phosphoricum and Calcium Fluoratum find application. In complex homeopathy, the various individual remedies are combined in complex preparations so that they support each other in their effect and, as a whole, achieve a large spectrum of effects. Certain Schuessler salts can also be used to support the treatment of ACL. These are the No. 1 Calcium fluoratum, No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum, No. 3 Ferrum phosphoricum and No. 11 Silicea.

For external use are ointments containing, for example, arnica, hypericum and / or Rhus toxicodendron. Even home remedies such as envelopes with healing earth, Quark or Retterspitz can definitely contribute to the relief.


In summary, it can be said that cruciate ligament pain must be taken seriously. A visit to the doctor is unavoidable, so that further injuries can be avoided and a complete cure can be achieved. As a rule, an MRI scan is performed to diagnose cruciate ligament pain. A naturopathic treatment at the same time as conventional therapy is recommended as it can positively influence the healing process and shorten the duration of convalescence. (Sw)