Knot under the armpit - causes and therapy

Knot under the armpit - causes and therapy / symptoms
When a knot is felt under the armpit, many people are afraid that it may indicate a malignancy or other dangerous disease. However, pommels under the arm are usually due to relatively harmless causes such as sweat infection or infection. Accordingly, they often disappear by themselves as soon as the body's own defense system has successfully combated the triggering pathogens.

In rare cases, a lymph node swelling may conceal cancer, with breast cancer playing an important role. Therefore, especially longer existing nodes should always be examined immediately by a doctor to identify the exact cause and to be able to distinguish harmless from malignant swellings.


  • What are knots in the armpit?
  • Pain in knots under the arm
  • Causes of lymph node swelling
  • Epstein-Barr virus
  • Inflammation of the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes
  • Swelling of the lymph nodes during breast inflammation
  • Lymph node swelling in HIV infection
  • Breast cancer as a cause of nodules under the armpit
  • Lymph node swelling caused by other rare cancers
  • Thickening under the armpit in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
  • Other causes of hardening under the armpit
  • Course and diagnosis of lymph node swelling
  • Help and treatment for knots under the armpit
  • Therapeutic measures for breast inflammation
  • Treatment of cancer
  • Important for knots under the skin: rest and strengthen the immune system
  • Support from nature through Schüssler salts
  • Effective home remedies and natural remedies

What are knots in the armpit?

If palpation of small "bumps" under the skin under the armpit is usually a case of swollen lymph nodes (medical: Nodus lymphoideus). This means small glands that act as a "filter" for the tissue water (lymph). The nodules belong to the so-called "lymphatic system", which represents an important part of the body's defense (immune system). It consists of the lymphatic organs (such as spleen, liver or pharyngeal tonsils) and lymphatic vessels.

Structure of a lymph node. (Image: Bilderzwerg / fotolia)

Lymph nodes are found throughout the body (for example, in the armpits, groin, or neck) and are mostly stored in fatty or connective tissue. While the design is always similar, the size can vary and be from about two millimeters to two centimeters. Through several finest lymph channels (Vasa afferentia), the watery-white lymph reaches the lymph nodes where it is cleaned of germs, foreign bodies or tumor cells and then returned to the bloodstream.

In healthy people, the nodes usually can not be palpated. If they are swollen and subsequently felt, this is a sign that the immune system is active and "in combat" against an infection or certain pathogens.

Pain in knots under the arm

Swelling or nodular thickening under the armpit usually indicates a particularly active immune system that responds to changes in the organism. Accordingly, in most cases the nodules are a signal for a disease or disorder - even if, in addition, there are no other symptoms and / or the affected person actually appears "healthy".

Nonetheless, swollen lymph nodes do not necessarily indicate a serious condition. Rather, in most cases they can be traced back to a relatively harmless reason. If the thickening is still palpable after a few days and is accompanied by other symptoms such as pain, sensitivity to pressure, fever, nocturnal sweating or weight loss, a doctor should always be consulted as a precaution. This can clarify the exact cause and if necessary initiate necessary treatment measures.

Causes of lymph node swelling

Lymph node swelling can have various causes. These are by no means always serious, but instead often relatively harmless. It is usually an indication of infection, with the thickening usually feeling tight, painful and very sensitive to pressure.

Lymph node swelling under the armpit may indicate glandular fever. Since this is mainly transmitted through the mouth, the fever is also known as "kissing disease". (Image: Igor Mojzes /

Epstein-Barr virus

For example, the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which belongs to the herpesviruses, is suitable. The RBV triggers the so-called "Pfeiffer's glandular fever" (infectious mononucleosis), a common, but mostly harmless virus disease. This is transmitted primarily through the mouth or during kissing, which is why the fever is referred to in English as "kissing disease" (kiss disease) and particularly affects young people and young adults.

Typically, infection with the Epstein-Barr virus initially causes flu or cold-like symptoms such as head, limb and sore throat, difficulty swallowing, mild fever, fatigue and fatigue. At the same time there is a swelling of the lymph nodes, whereby the neck and neck, but also the armpits and the chest or abdomen area are particularly frequently affected.

An enlarged spleen (splenomegaly) and tonsillitis (angina tonsillaris) often occur, which is characterized by a reddened throat area and heavily swollen, greyish white almonds (tonsils). In rare cases, liver enlargement and itchy rash are possible, as well as loss of appetite, dizziness and nocturnal sweats.

Inflammation of the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes

Lymph node swelling in the armpits can be caused by inflammation of the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes (lymphangitis). These arise, for example, from adjacent tissue inflammation, which extend to the lymphatics.

Another possibility are bacteria (especially streptococci or staphylococci), which penetrate through an open skin wound in the lymphatics and thus reach the lymph nodes. The main symptom of acute lymphangitis is a tender red streak that spreads from the environment of the injury to the heart. As a result, inflammation is often falsely referred to as sepsis ("blood poisoning"). The lymph nodes in the immediate vicinity of the inflamed lymphatic vessel swell painfully, the skin is overheated and reddened. There is a risk of a purulent abscess forming.

Reason for a knot under the armpit can be a chest infection. Of these breastfeeding women are often affected shortly after birth. (Image: JenkoAtaman /

Swelling of the lymph nodes during breast inflammation

A possible cause of the complaints is the so-called "mastitis", which is an inflammation of the (predominantly female) breast or mammary gland (Greek: "mastos"). This usually occurs in lactating women about two to four weeks after delivery (mastitis puerperalis), but a disease is also possible regardless of the puerperium (mastitis non puerperalis).

In most cases, mastitis puerperalis is a bacterial infection with staphylococci or streptococci, which enter the body via small nipples of the nipple. The pathogens originate mainly from the nasopharynx of the mother, the father or other caregivers, who first transmit them through close physical contact with the child. Subsequently, the bacteria reach the nipple of the mother by breastfeeding. Because the wart often suffers minor injuries from baby sucking, it provides an ideal pathway for pathogens.

Inflammation out of breastfeeding may also be caused by a bacterial infection as the pathogens enter the mammary gland ducts. In this case, the bacteria often encounter an optimal breeding ground in the form of increased secretions produced (for example, by the overproduction of prolactin), which accumulates in the milk channels. Furthermore, mastitis non puerperalis can occur as a concomitant disease of another, usually chronic disease. Examples include tuberculosis, syphilis or fungal infections.

Chest inflammation is characterized by a burning sensation in the chest, pain, swelling and induration on the affected side, as well as redness and overheating. At the same time there are often swollen lymph nodes in the armpit, fever, chills and a general malaise, in rarer cases purulent abscesses or fistulas develop. The symptoms are usually less pronounced in case of inflammation outside of breastfeeding, but there is a greater risk that mastitis will break out again.

Lymph node swelling in HIV infection

For thickening under the armpit rarer cases are also considered serious causes. It is conceivable, for example, an acute HIV infection in which often occur about one to six weeks after infection symptoms that resemble a cold (flu infection). These include limb, neck and headaches, fever, diarrhea and vomiting. There are also pressure-sensitive lymph node swellings, which can occur in different parts of the body.

Breast cancer as a cause of nodules under the armpit

In case of emergency, cancer can be considered, in which cancer cells settle in the lymph nodes and cause them to swell. Breast cancer (breast cancer) is particularly relevant here, which with around 70,000 new cases annually represents the most common malignant tumor in women. In rarer cases, however, he may also affect men.

In rarer cases, the thickening may indicate a cancer. Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor in women. (Image: Axel Kock /

Breast cancer occurs much earlier than most other cancers. According to the Robert Koch Institute, about one in four affected persons are younger than 55 years at the time of diagnosis, and every tenth woman is under 45 years old. Breast cancer develops in the female mammary gland, although the exact causes are not yet fully understood. However, some risk factors are known that can promote breast cancer. These include above all an advanced age and certain benign changes of the mammary tissue (mastopathy), but e.g. also childlessness, a late first pregnancy and a generally unhealthy lifestyle (high-fat diet, nicotine, alcohol, etc.).

The problem with breast cancer is that it usually causes no long-term discomfort and is therefore often discovered only by a medical examination or the self-scanning of the breast. The regular and careful assessment as well as the palpation of the breast is therefore a very important part of cancer screening.

In addition to palpable nodules or indurations, a number of other changes may indicate a disease. These include, but are not limited to, the withdrawal of a nipple, a sudden size difference of the breasts, secretions from a wart and a palpable lymph node swelling in the armpit, which can not be attributed to other causes. In the advanced stage, more typical cancer signs and symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss, night sweats or fever are usually added.

Lymph node swelling caused by other rare cancers

In rare cases, certain cancers, e.g. Leukemia (blood cancer) to swollen lymph nodes all over the body and thus in the armpit lead (generalized lymphadenopathy).

Likewise, the lymphatic system itself may be affected by a malignant disease (med.: "Malignant lymphoma"), which is colloquially often referred to as "lymphoma cancer". These include the relatively rare cancer Hodgkin's disease (Hodgkin's lymphoma), which is characterized mainly by painless swelling of the lymph nodes. The thickening occurs primarily on the neck, neck, under the armpit and in the inguinal region. Other symptoms, such as Fever, night sweats, weight loss, itching all over the body, persistent cough and back, stomach or chest pain.

Thickening under the armpit in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

By contrast, the term "non-Hodgkin's lymphoma" subsumes all malignant diseases of the lymphatic system in which a histological examination of the typical features of Hodgkin's disease can not be detected (Sternberg-Reed cells or Hodgkin / Reed cells). Sternberg cells).

These include a number of very different diseases, such as Burkitt's lymphoma or chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), which also manifests itself mainly through painless swollen lymph nodes around the neck, neck, armpits or groin. In addition, non-specific symptoms such as Fever, weight loss, fatigue, facial blanching, nausea, or night sweats.

Other causes of hardening under the armpit

Often, in connection with rheumatic diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), there are swollen lymph nodes on the neck, armpits or groins. SLE is a relatively rare inflammatory connective tissue disease that is one of the autoimmune diseases as the immune system targets its own body tissue.

Such a dysregulation of the body's defense system is also the basis of rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatism). As a result, in addition to typical symptoms such as e.g. Joint pain, swelling and morning stiffness of the swollen lymph nodes occur.

Often, the knuckle in the armpit has a relatively harmless cause, such as inflammation of the sweat glands. (Image: glisic_albina /

In cases of hardening under the armpit sweat gland or hair root inflammation is often the trigger. Furthermore, incompatibilities with certain drugs come into consideration. These include penicillin and quinidine, which is used to treat some cardiac arrhythmias such as palpitations or atrial fibrillation.

Course and diagnosis of lymph node swelling

Since the nodules often occur in connection with infections or other harmless diseases such as sweat infection, often no specific treatment is necessary. Instead, the swellings usually disappear by themselves as soon as the body's own defense has successfully combated the pathogens. However, both women and men should always have timely check-up by a physician of palpable indurations in the armpit in order to diagnose more serious conditions such as: to exclude a breast infection or breast cancer.

For the diagnosis, the physician performs a careful palpation on the basis of an anamnesis in order to be able to get a precise picture of the nodes in the armpit. If these do not return spontaneously after a few days and / or show an increase or change, further steps are usually initiated to clarify the cause. Among other things, this includes blood or ultrasound examinations, in some cases it is also necessary to take a tissue sample (biopsy) in order to obtain more accurate information or to be able to reliably diagnose a disease.

Help and treatment for knots under the armpit

The therapy depends on the cause. If, for example, an infection with the Epstein-Barr virus is present, the body succeeds in most cases already by much rest, sleep, as well as the avoidance of stress and physical effort to successfully fight the disease itself.

If necessary and after consultation with the attending physician, additional analgesic and antipyretic drugs (ibuprofen, paracetamol, etc.) may be used. However, antibiotics are only indicated if a bacterial infection occurs in parallel. However, special care should be taken here because certain broad spectrum antibiotics (such as ampicillin) may trigger a hypersensitivity reaction in the form of itchy skin rashes in the case of puffy glandular fever.

Viral diseases such as glandular fever often cure by rest, bed rest and much sleep. (Image: elnariz /

In the normal case, the infection heals after about two months without consequences, less often there are complications such. a pericarditis or a splenic tear. Pfeiffer's glandular fever may under certain circumstances take a chronic course, causing those affected for months without apparent cause under an increased temperature and exhaustion.

Therapeutic measures for breast inflammation

Irritation of the breast in the puerperium (mastitis puerperalis) is - regardless of the severity - especially important as fast as possible treatment to prevent suppurative encapsulated abscesses. Here, some women have the opportunity to reduce the milk production of the affected breast by medication. In this case, the mother continues to breastfeed the child to empty the chest accordingly and to avoid damaging the milk. Subsequently, if necessary, antibiotics can be used.

The non-drug therapy consists mainly in the cooling of the chest by quark wrap, ice pack or similar. Affected women should pay attention to a well-fitting and stabilizing bra. Important for preventing further problems is to learn a good nursing technique, in which the infant always takes the entire areola in the mouth.

Possible are anti-inflammatory ointments, which are applied directly in the armpit. If the swelling is severely advanced or if an abscess has formed, surgery may be necessary in some cases.

Treatment of cancer

In most breast cancer patients, removal of one or more armpit lymph nodes forms an integral part of tumor surgery. On the basis of this can be seen whether tumor cells have already spread. Furthermore, the removal of infested axillary lymph nodes is intended to prevent further growth of the tumor in the axilla.

Lymphomas, e.g. Hodgkin's disease also requires a special tumor treatment, with specific therapeutic measures depending on how far the disease has progressed. In general, chemotherapy and radiotherapy or a combination of both methods are considered to destroy the affected tissue and to fight the cancer. On the other hand, surgical treatment is not possible in this case as Hodgkin's lymphoma is a systemic disease that is not confined to a particular body region but affects the entire organ system.

Important for knots under the skin: rest and strengthen the immune system

The lymph nodes belong as a "filter station" for the tissue water to the body's immune system (immune system) and swell especially in connection with an infection or inflammation. Lymph node swellings like these are usually benign and usually take an unproblematic course in that they go back on their own after the infection has passed.

Accordingly, in the case of noticeable thickening in the armpits, increased care should be taken to protect the body and strengthen the defense in order to best support self-healing. It is important to have enough fluid (at least 2 liters of water per day), sleep and (depending on your state of health) gentle exercise in the fresh air.

For strong defenses, a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables is essential. (Image: Alexander Raths /

The nutrition plays a central role, so that the immune system can work optimally. Significant among other things is an adequate supply of nutrients such as iron or zinc, vitamins and phytochemicals. In general, attention should be paid to a balanced, high-fiber and low-fat diet. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits to support their defense.

The most important immune vitamins are:

  • Vitamin A
    It is mainly found in carrots, spinach, pumpkin, lamb's lettuce, celery, kale, peppers, chicory, dried apricots, honeydew melon
  • vitamin C
    Lemon, orange, kiwi, elderberry juice, sea buckthorn, blackcurrants, rosehips, peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, spinach, brussels sprouts and parsley are abundant
  • Vitamin E
    is found in wheat germ, soy and sunflower oil, nuts, linseed, salsify, cabbage and avocado

Recommended foods that strengthen the immune system are still almonds and spices such as ginger, cinnamon or caraway. As immune system debilitating apply e.g. Sugars, unhealthy fats (e.g., refined vegetable oils, lard), fast foods, and larger amounts of red meat.

Support from nature through Schüssler salts

Schüssler salts can provide effective support for swollen lymph nodes in the armpit. In question is, inter alia, the salt No. 4 (potassium chloratum), which can help with inflammation and unwanted side effects of vaccines or medications.

The salt No. 11 (Silicea) is used to strengthen the tissue. Calcium phosphoricum (# 2) is indicated for eczema and susceptibility to infections as well as for regeneration and development after a prolonged illness. Further suitable salts in a node under the arm are potassium arsenicosum (# 13), magnesium phosphoricum (# 7) and sodium phosphoricum (# 9).

Effective home remedies and natural remedies

Manual lymphatic drainage can be very effective in promoting lymphatic flow and facilitating lymph node swelling. Implementation should, however, only be carried out by an experienced expert, as in certain cases this procedure may not be used. These include severe circulatory disorders, open wounds, feverish diseases, heart failure and an existing pregnancy.

A positive effect on the energy flow in the body is said to the acupuncture massage according to Penzel (APM). In contrast to classical acupuncture, no needle-stick techniques are used. Instead, external mechanical pressure is applied by gentle stroking with a massage stick along the course of the so-called "meridians".

Well suited to strengthen the body's defense is the aromatherapy. The essential oils activate and support the immune system, have a harmonizing effect and can be used e.g. help in the fight against colds. Recommended are scents of bergamot, eucalyptus, thyme or angelica (angelica). Put a few drops of your preferred oils in the aroma lamp and place them in the room where you are most likely to be. (nr, last updated on 12.10.2016)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)