Knee joint pain - pain in the knee

Knee joint pain - pain in the knee / symptoms

Pain in the knee and knee joint

Knee joint pain usually has traumatic causes in younger people. In older patients, these are usually degenerative. But also problems in the spine, especially in the lumbar region, hip diseases and excessive stress can cause pain in the knee joint. We show causes, backgrounds and treatments from a conventional and naturopathic point of view.


  • Pain in the knee and knee joint
  • Brief insight into the anatomy of the knee joint
  • Why the knee joint is prone
  • Causes of knee joint pain
  • Wrong or excessive loads
  • Frequent injuries of the knee joint
  • Inflammation and infections
  • Cause bursitis
  • Knee joint arthrosis with knee pain
  • Therapy for knee joint pain
  • Avoiding knee problems in everyday life
  • Treatment in Naturopathy

Brief insight into the anatomy of the knee joint

The knee joint, the largest joint of the human body, is particularly well protected. The femur, tibia and kneecap are involved in this joint. Cartilaginous structures, such as the two menisci, support joint function and reduce the burden on the body. It is backed up and supported by band structures that are both inside and outside. Bursae, placed around the joint, ensure that there is not too much friction.

The knee joint is the largest joint in the human body and can be both rotated and flexed. (Image: artstudio_pro /

Why the knee joint is prone

The knee is a particularly heavily loaded joint, which is involved in the most movements throughout the day. Standing and running, sitting, squatting or kneeling - everything is needed. In addition, only ligaments and muscles hold the joint together. For this reason, the knee is extremely loaded in the absence of muscle, obesity (obesity) or malpositions, such as X-legs or O-legs, often almost overloaded.

Excessive exercise can also lead to knee joint disease. In case of recurrent or sudden massive pain, the doctor should be consulted in any case.

Causes of knee joint pain

Due to its complicated structure, the knee joint is relatively prone to injury. Both inflammation and infection, as well as large or false loads can sometimes cause severe knee pain. However, the most common cause of problems in this area is chronic, degenerative diseases.

Possible injuries to the joint include fractures, dislocations, ligament and meniscal injuries. Viruses, bacteria and fungi can also cause painful joint inflammation. Especially chronic diseases, such as osteoarthritis, are sometimes associated with severe pain.

Other possible causes include growth disorders, an over-movable knee joint, fibromyalgia (chronic incurable disease with muscle, joint and back pain) and tumors.

Wrong or excessive loads

During sport, but also in everyday life, the knee can be exposed to great stress. Running and jumping, carrying heavy loads or overweight, sooner or later cause pain in the area of ​​the joint. Likewise, the wearing of false footwear, for example, with too high heels or soles that do not spring on hard ground, cause pain.

Runners often struggle with knee joint pain. (Image: Paolese /

Frequent injuries of the knee joint

The most common causes of knee injury are falls or trauma. It can tear both inner and outer bands. Injuries to the shock absorbers, the so-called menisci, also contribute to massive knee joint pain. Especially with pressure loads, in conjunction with a rotational movement, the meniscus can tear. However, this does not necessarily lead to massive restrictions and pain. Many sufferers only report blockages and feelings of instability.

The kneecap is a common cause of the pain. This can, for example, leave their physiological position in the event of a fall or fall on the joint. The knee is swollen and the person is in massive pain. Mostly the mobility is more or less restricted by the injury. In some cases, the conservative treatment does not produce the desired result and surgery must be performed.

Inflammation and infections

Inflammation of the knee joint is accompanied by general signs of inflammation. These are redness, swelling, pain, overheating and limited range of motion. The inflammation develops on the basis of degenerative, traumatic, autoimmune or infectious processes.

In the context of a gonarthrosis (osteoarthritis of the knee joint), overstressing or overexertion may result in inflammatory irritation of the synovial membrane, which is associated with massive pain in the area of ​​the joint.

Bacterial inflammation of the knee is called gonitis. Usually staphylococci or streptococci are the culprits. These are for example associated with knee surgery, injection or open fractures in the joint. However, the germs can also reach this via the bloodstream. An example of this is the Lyme disease, in which body aches and joint complaints, even on the knee, can be the first indication of the actual disease.

Knee surgery can cause bacteria to enter the joint. (Image: edwardolive /

In a bacterial inflammation affected suffer from fever, possibly in conjunction with chills. In the blood, increased inflammatory parameters can be detected. The joint is overheated, swollen and hurts strongly.

To ensure the diagnosis, this is punctured and examined the secretions in the laboratory. Based on this finding, the appropriate antibiotic can then be used. In some cases, the diseased joint needs to be cleaned, the affected tissue removed, and the wound then thoroughly rinsed. After the operation, physiotherapy and muscle rebuilding are needed.

Cause bursitis

Another inflammation in the region of the knee, which is associated with massive knee joint pain, is bursitis (bursitis). Bursae are located at various points near the joint to protect it from stress, friction and wear. However, these protective cushions can also ignite. The main reason for this is a permanent burden, for example, in occupations that are performed mainly kneeling, as is the case with tilers.

Footballers or weightlifters may also be affected by this condition. The patients tell of a "grinding feeling". In the joint, an effusion forms, accompanied by sometimes severe pain. It must be protected, refrigerated, kept quiet and stored high. In addition, the patient gets analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs. With strong effusions, the liquid is punctured. For recurrent bursitis, surgical removal of the affected bursal may be necessary.

Knee joint arthrosis with knee pain

Knee joint arthrosis, or also called gonarthrosis, is a degenerative disease in which the articular cartilage is progressively destroyed and, in addition, joint inflammation of the skin develops. This leads to movement restrictions up to complete stiffening. Primary arthrosis usually occurs from the age of sixty.

Secondary arthrosis has several causes. This degenerative disease can be a consequence of deformities and resulting stress on the joint. Even prior inflammation and injury may favor the emergence. The pain initially manifests as so-called "onset pain," that is, at the beginning of exercise, with most feeling better once the joint has "broken in".

In the course of the disease, movement-related pain or even chronic pain is added. Most of the symptoms are aggravated by a change of weather, but especially by cold and wet.

In osteoarthritis, the knee joint is increasingly destroyed and impaired in its function. Chronic pain is the result. (Image: designua /

Therapy for knee joint pain

The therapy for pain depends on the causes of the disease. Initially, antiphlogistics (anti-inflammatory drugs) and / or analgesics (medicines with analgesic properties) are usually prescribed. But cortisone is also used, which also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Many knee diseases can be examined by a so-called arthroscopy (knee joint mirroring) and also operated on. In an osteotomy, which can be used in an existing osteoarthritis, bone tissue is severed and also removed, thereby correcting the existing joint deformity. In worse cases, especially when all treatments are unsuccessful and the discomfort severely affects life, the use of an artificial knee joint is considered.

The treatment of pain includes forms of therapy such as physiotherapy, cold and heat therapy, targeted muscle-building training, balneotherapy (water and bath therapy), electrical and ultrasound therapy.

Avoiding knee problems in everyday life

Switching between a desk and a lectern would be an advantage in preventing knee problems. Above all, the leg muscles train, which is not the case when sitting. In everyday life, stretching exercises should be integrated, especially to stretch the muscles of the legs. The stairs should replace the elevator, as this is the easiest way to activate the leg muscles and, incidentally, to train the circulatory system.

Kneeling and squatting strain the knee joints. Getting up from a kneeling position should not be jerky, but gentle. Jogging on a hard surface puts strain on the knee joint, especially if even the wrong footwear is added.

Treatment in Naturopathy

If the knee joint complaints are associated with osteoarthritis, diversion procedures are used in most naturopathic practices. Baunscheidtieren and cupping have a positive influence here.

The self-blood therapy has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, while at the same time the defense is strengthened. Wheal treatment around the knee joint, performed with appropriate means from anthroposophic medicine, can also provide relief.

All in all, a healthy diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and has a low content of animal products is important to counteract the acidity of the organism. If obesity is present, weight control should be sought.

Phytotherapy has pain relieving and metabolism-stimulating plants in its portfolio. Thus, in connection with the knee joint pain, the devil's claw, the field horsetail and the nettle are used.

With the versatile medicinal plant frankincense joint pain can be relieved naturally. (Image: Madeleine Steinbach /

Frankincense, known from the church, was used in ancient times for the treatment of diseases. In the Middle Ages he was supposed to banish the plague. This old remedy has meanwhile found its way into many naturopathic practices. The dry extract of incense resin is found in oils, patches and powders again, can be taken in the form of a capsule and in homeopathic form. In musculoskeletal disorders, both acute and degenerative, frankincense can help alleviate the pain.

Cooling quark wrap or wrap with healing clay creates relief in acute inflammation .

Even in the acute stage, the Baunscheidtherapie and so-called wheals is indicated to relieve the knee joint pain.

For purulent inflammations, homeopathy uses Silicea and Schüssler Salz Therapy uses the salts Nr.1 ​​Calcium fluoratum, Nr. 3 Ferrum phosphoricum and Nr. 11 Silicea.

Enzyme preparations have an anti-inflammatory effect and help to reduce the swelling. The exotic fruits pineapple, papaya and mango are very rich in enzymes. Their consumption helps the body to fight the inflammation faster. So it is just in a chronic inflammatory disease recommended to enrich the diet daily with the mentioned fruits. (sw, last updated on 12.1.2018)